
Students at a University of London college are demanding that such seminal figures as Plato, Descartes, and Bertrand Russell should be dropped simply because they are white.


Don’t hold out for Hillary Clinton to take on Bill de Blasio for New York City mayor, a top Clinton confidante said Sunday. “I don’t expect her to ever run for any elected office again,” former Cli…


Excerpt of Simon Sinek from an episode of Inside Quest. http://www.insidequest.com/


The president-elect's son had earlier told reporters that his organization has raised over $15 million for the hospital, but tax records put the amount at less than half.


Total: 41 0 34 7 On Friday a lone shooter killed 4-5 people and injured several at the Ft. ...


A Rastafarian prophet, a former Taliban captive and thousands of minor drug traffickers have one thing in common: Their names have been submitted to President Barack Obama for clemency before he leaves office in two weeks. Some US presidents have used this regal power of leniency in a pointed way near


“Don Lemon: Suspects just "bad home training." I can't thank my parents enough for teaching me it's wrong to kidnap/torture mentally impaired”


"Americans eat generic cereal while you eat a $44 breakfast that they paid for" Trey Gowdy's Furious
this is absolutely nuts! trey gowdy goes berserk on gsa for overspending american taxpayers money original broadcast date: 2013


Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV will invest $1 billion toward making three new Jeep models in the U.S., plus a Ram heavy-duty pickup now built in Mexico, as President-elect Donald Trump pressures the auto industry to hire workers and produce vehicles above the border.


Fiat Chrysler said Sunday it would spend $1 billion on U.S. manufacturing, including modernizing plants in Michigan and Ohio, in a move that’s set to add 2,000 new jobs, Reuters reported.


"And with dignity and perseverance my standard will remain perfection."


President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks affecting the U.S. presidential election and may take actions in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.


We shouldn’t doubt that President Obama will read the new book by the liberal journalist Jonathan Chait. The title alone will be enough to grab him: Audacity: How Barack Obama Defied His Critics and Created a Legacy That Will Prevail. He will read it slowly and carefully, Montblanc at the ready to underline notable passages and jot down marginalia (How true! and Excellent point! and Tell it to Michelle!).
And when he puts it aside he will feel just a little bit uneasy. Maybe he'll even ink a note on the final page: This is the best they can do?
Chait writes about politics for New York magazine, and in the crowded imperial court of Obama's journalists he stands apart—the courtier's courtier, the boot-licker against whom all boot-licking must be measured. I am not always right, he writes at the close of his book, with unusual understatement. But Barack Obama is a subject I believe I got right, right from the beginning.


Total: 29 0 25 4 OBAMA’S GUN CONTROL FAILURE This article was originally posted in late December and has been ...


report this ad Ted Cruz released a statement on the terror attack this morning on IDF soldiers in Israel: The US stands unshakably with our ally #Israel, & with the IDF soldiers . . .


WASHINGTON –Donald Trump’s Twitter target Sunday morning was NBC’s “Meet the Press” as the president-elect called the editing of an interview “terrible!” “Kellyanne Conway went to @MeetThePress thi…


Senate leader vows that no Cabinet pick will get a confirmation vote before required ethics reviews are completed.


On Wednesday, Ebony Magazine's Jamilah Lemieux criticized the use of the phrase "hate crime" in association with the five white Dallas police officers who were killed claiming that using the phrase w


In further sign of deteriorating relations Turkey accuses US hackers of disrupting its energy system and makes more threats over US use of Incirlik air base.


No data finds that a single federal program has affected any of its targeted outcomes. This ought to give Betsy DeVos some humility about her position.


Obama's executive actions won't do much to stop guns. What they will do is continue to mainstream a dangerous idea about governing.


In gory new video, 7-year-old jihadist also beheads man tied to spinning disk ride.


Anita Decker-Breckenridge will act as his representative in the process.


Climatologist Dr. Judith Curry appeared on Fox News? Tucker Carlson Tonight saying she was so sick of politicization of global warming in academia she resigned from her tenured position at Ge…


In 1949 the historian Carey McWilliams defined California as the “the Great Exception” -- a place so different from the rest of America as to seem almost a separate country. In the...