Texas senator and ex-presidential candidate issues sharp rebuke of president in wake of UN resolution, slams top diplomat for Wednesday’s speech
MSNBC host and NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell scored an exclusive interview on Wednesday afternoon with Secretary of State John Kerry following his speech blasting Israel and, not surprisingly, she served up softballs for Kerry up to attack Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
The Basement Dwellers Party “They’re children of the Great Recession, and they are living in their parents’ basement. And so ...
Professor John Moore is President Emeritus of Grove City College. He served as the Deputy Director of the National Science Foundation.
No one other than liberals would use someone's death to attack President-Elect Donald Trump. Following the death of pop icon George Michael, Trump was attacked by liberals who used his death to go on a rampage against the next president. Heat Street reports: British pop star and former Wham!...
What did the president know and when did he know it? It’s a question that became famous during the Watergate scandal — and it applies equally well to the US abstention that allowed an anti-Israel r…
Barack Obama is doing everything in his power to sabotage Donald Trump before he moves into the White House. There is a simple Constitutional solution required so that this cannot happen to future administrations.
This morning John Kerry issued a long, meandering statement that served mainly to put an exclamation point on a failed foreign policy, one that still — after eight dreadful years — evinces a willful refusal to see the evident truths of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict. Instead, Kerry repeated Palestinian propaganda and defied both the facts and the conventions of international law to defend the indefensible. As an initial matter, it is important to state that there is one — and only one — true obstacle to peace in the Middle East: the persistent failure of Israel’s enemies to accept that it has a right to exist, as a Jewish state and within defensible borders. Israel’s enemies sought to exterminate it on the very day of its declaration of independence (when there were no settlements, and the West Bank and Gaza were in Arab hands), and they seek to exterminate it still today. Twice in this young century Palestinians have been offered their own state in Gaza and the West Bank, with a capital in East Jerusalem, and twice they have refused. Twice Israel has offered to dismantle substantial numbers of settlements as the price of compromise, and twice the Palestinians have refused. Now, increasingly, these offers are moot. Israel has no real partner in peace. In Gaza, Hamas rules with an iron grip, and Hamas will not recognize Israel under any circumstances. In the West Bank, Fatah maintains its own illegitimate one-party rule. Yet in the face of Palestinian violence and Palestinian dysfunction, the Obama administration vents its spleen at Israel, the only party that has proven its willingness to take meaningful risks for peace. Moreover, Kerry’s reasoning is nonsensical even under its own terms. In his speech, he took specific aim at recent settlement activity that he claims makes a two-state solution less viable. Yet the resolution the United States allowed to pass the U.N. Security Council declares all settlement activity unlawful, even those “settlements” — like the suburbs of Israel’s capital, Jerusalem — that would doubtless become part of Israel under any meaningful peace agreement. The Obama administration was angry at far-flung settlements, so it cast Jewish control of the Western Wall into doubt? That makes no sense, except as an exercise in pure spite. Kerry seemed to grow angry when he said that the status quo is “leading toward one state, or perpetual occupation,” but the status quo that he decries is an artifact of ongoing Palestinian terror campaigns, not Israeli settlements. Jews have just as much right to live in the disputed territories as members of any other ethnic group, and Kerry’s condemnation of all Israeli “settlements” echoes Palestinian desires to force Jews to leave the West Bank. Palestinians have learned once again that terrorism has its rewards. Israel has been reminded once again that its friends can be fickle. The Obama administration loves to boast of its “values,” and today’s speech was no exception. Yet the “values” advanced in the administration’s recent actions are abhorrent. It has perverted international law, rewarded Palestinian violence, endorsed ethnic cleansing, and applied U.N.-created double standards that leave Israel as the most persecuted and most condemned state in U.N. history. In his speech, Kerry acknowledged that the Obama administration’s policies have a short shelf life. The Trump administration has signaled that it intends to make welcome changes in American policy towards Israel, beginning with moving the American embassy to the nation’s actual capital. It has already condemned the Security Council resolution and will make no move to enforce it against Israel. The resolution’s effects, however, will live on beyond the Obama administration’s dismal time in office, and its legacy is likely to be violent. Palestinians have learned once again that terrorism has its rewards. Israel has been reminded once again that its friends can be fickle. And no one believes that true peace is any closer than it was in the days before the administration’s betrayal. The Obama administration is leaving office as it entered, arrogant and willfully ignorant, refusing to see the plain truth of the Middle East — that Israel cannot make peace with “partners” that long for its death.
Video of the gathering in the Muslim-majority monarchy, whose king has sanctioned celebrations of the Jewish holiday, appeared on YouTube.
It's the first time that's happened in FNC's 20 years on air.
The mogul met with the president-elect at Mar-a-Lago on Wednesday.
Barack Obama has done his best for nearly eight years to undermine the state of Israel. He’s signed a treaty that enshrines an Iranian path to a nuclear weapon while funding their global terrorist activities to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. He’s repeatedly undercut Israel’s image on the world stage, labeling Israel a mere outgrowth of the Holocaust and suggesting that Israeli intransigence stands as the chief obstacle to peace.
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Steve McMahon, a Democratic Party member described as a media consultant, apparently either hasn't followed the news sufficiently since the presidential election, or is determined to rewrite history. My vote is with the latter. McMahon appeared on MSNBC on Tuesday. Before criticizing President-Elect Donald Trump's victory rallies as "incendiary, he outrageously claimed that Hillary Clinton has "been very gracious since the election," and that she "didn’t contest the election results" or "ask for recounts."
Roughly one person is being lynched in crisis-ridden Venezuela every three days as frustrated residents take revenge on suspected criminals, a monitoring group said on Wednesday.
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Donald Trump is perhaps best known for the money he's made (and lost) in real estate, his less-than-humble demeanor and his hit reality TV show, 'The Apprent...
Meet America's new 'mental defectives.'
I fully imagine a USexit campaign could take root in 2017. Another own goal for the establishment.
"Secretary Kerry paid lip service to the..."
Tweet Share 0 Reddit +1 Pinterest 0 LinkedIn 0 Email George Soros brings his personal history to bear on the threat posed by today’s ?ascendant populists?. Well before Donald Trump was elected President of the United States, I sent a holiday greeting to my friends that read: “These times are not business as usual. Wishing ?
Irving immigration lawyer and Obama supporter, Sherin Thawer, was arrested on federal fraud charges and for forging applications of illegal ...
Sprint Corp. will return 5,000 jobs to the U.S., President-elect Donald Trump said, crediting the wireless company’s owner Masayoshi Son for the move.
Last Friday, the United Nations Security Council passed a resolution claiming that Judea and Samaria (also known as the West Bank) and Eastern Jerusalem are "occupied Palestinian territory" and that Israel's policy of building communities in that territory is illegal under international law.