Lee Saunders, 35, said a Muslim shop worker at Tesco in Feltham, Middlesex, asked him to queue up at a different till when he tried to buy the £4 bottle due to her 'religious beliefs'.
"And what he did was so nasty. He pulled a bait and switch."

Stupid Liberals Can't Read

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Society has gotten so dumbed down in recent years due to liberalism running rampant, so media analyst Mark Dice hit the beach boardwalk in San Diego to talk ...
At least three lobbyists have left the Trump transition after a new ethics policy would have required them to drop all their clients.
"When words trump facts, you can believe anything."
A high school principal in Connecticut is warning students to stop using the word “white” to cheer for their team colors during games, because it might come across as “racist.” East Hampton High’s Principal John Fidler posted a letter instructing students to use means other than their team chant to express team pride.
And it’s bad for the Democratic Party for him to say so.
My wife Alice and I are not having our after-the-holidays party this year.  It’s a 20+ year tradition; a welcome respite for our friends following Christmas and Hanukah. Guests always say how much they appreciate a party after the holidays and having a...
‘And it won’t ever really be at peace’
On Wednesday, Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech on his proposed plan for peace between Israelis and Arabs. His plan: blame the Jews, pretend that Palestinian terrorism and incitement isn’t representative of the actual Palestinian government, and then blather for 69 more minutes. His speech razed facts to the ground in a fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan. Here were ten of the worst lies and lies-by-omission Kerry purveyed in his ode to lying and self-indulgence:
Winship on another level. Visit us at http://ibankcoin.com. Indeud.
Troy Brown took a picture of a stranded vehicle in the snow and posted it on Facebook with the caption: 'I was going to help her but she has a #Trump sticker on her car #CallYoPresident'.
Barack Obama has done his best for nearly eight years to undermine the state of Israel. He’s signed a treaty that enshrines an Iranian path to a nuclear weapon while funding their global terrorist activities to the tune of tens of billions of dollars. He’s repeatedly undercut Israel’s image on the world stage, labeling Israel a mere outgrowth of the Holocaust and suggesting that Israeli intransigence stands as the chief obstacle to peace. He’s ushered Benjamin Netanyahu out the side door of the White House, attempted to undercut the prime minister’s speech before Congress, and then deployed an election team to Israel to try to defeat him in an election. Obama has tried to cut weapons shipments to Israel in the middle of a war against terrorists, forced Israel to apologize for stopping weapons shipments to Hamas terrorists, and funded the Palestinian terrorist unity government with American taxpayer dollars. Nonetheless, Israel has survived. Actually, Israel has thrived. It’s thrived, in part, because Obama’s absolute incompetence has created an alliance of convenience between Israel and its erstwhile enemies. Saudi Arabia is more fearful of a nuclear Iran than of Israel; Egypt worries more about the Muslim Brotherhood than about Israel; Jordan frets over the Palestinians more than it does over Israel. Even the Palestinian Authority is more concerned about Hamas and ISIS than about Israel.   That means that there’s been very little pressure on Israel to make concessions to Palestinian terrorists in recent years. Until now. Obama’s animus for the state of Israel stretches beyond the typical internationalist leftist view of Israel as a colonialist outpost, a cancer growing in the heart of the Muslim Middle East. Most internationalist leftists think that Israel is the cause of Muslim ire, that if Israel were to disappear, suddenly the Muslim lands surrounding it would view the rest of the world with fresh, dewy eyes. This is the same general philosophy that blames the West for the problem of Islamic violence, that suggests that income maldistribution breeds discontent that in turn breeds terrorism. Obama may think that, but that’s not what drives him. RELATED: Obama’s Betrayal of Israel Is a Black Day for American Diplomacy Something deeper drives Obama when it comes to Israel. Why else would he spend the last few weeks of his presidency throwing gasoline on Israel and then lighting a match? Some might suggest ideological kinship with Islam. Obama isn’t a Muslim, of course, but he has bragged often and loudly about his heartfelt connection to the religion — and Muslims the world over, by polling data, see Israel as the chief threat to global peace. There are points of commonality between Obama’s philosophy and that of Muslim hardliners: Both see the Crusades as the instigation of the Islamic world’s war on the West; both believe that Israel has destroyed Muslim solidarity in the Middle East; both attribute democratic feeling to Islamist movements. Or perhaps even that explanation is insufficient: It doesn’t tell us why Obama is so eager to hand over control of Middle Eastern policy to Vladimir Putin and Russia, for example. EDITORIAL: Obama’s Shameful Parting Shot at Israel Here’s the most plausible explanation: Obama despises Israel because at root, Obama despises the traditional Judeo-Christian underpinning of Western civilization. He breaks down Bible believers into two categories: fools and liars. The fools are the “bitter clingers,” the idiot masses who fall into racism and xenophobia and Bible jabber because they’re poor and stupid. The liars are the self-interested characters who want to do what they want to do while citing the Bible for their support. Real Christians are leftists — as Obama said in 2006, “I believed and still believe in the power of the African-American religious tradition to spur social change. . . . The black church understands in an intimate way the biblical call to feed the hungry and clothe the naked and challenge powers and principalities.” Obama, then, is a religious leftist. He prefers a form of Christianity that rejects biblical centrality and that replaces the Bible with leftism at its heart. It’s not a coincidence that Obama attended Jeremiah Wright’s church for two decades. Wright preached hatred against Israel throughout his tenure, calling it an “apartheid” state and labeling all settlements “illegally occupied territories.” He labeled Jesus “a Palestinian” and argued that “the Palestinian people have had the Europeans come and take their country. . . . The youth in Ferguson and the youth in Palestine have united together to remind us that the dots need to be connected.” You can take Obama out of Jeremiah Wright’s church, but you can’t take Jeremiah Wright’s church out of Obama. Obama strongly mirrors that language himself, complaining about the “desperation and disorder of the powerless, how it twists the lives of children on the streets of Jakarta or Nairobi in much the same way as it does the lives of children on Chicago’s South Side.” To Obama, Bible believers who utilize religion as an excuse to cover for the real class oppression are merely cynical manipulators. You can take Obama out of Jeremiah Wright’s church, but you can’t take Jeremiah Wright’s church out of Obama. And what is the ultimate repository of such manipulation of religion? The Jewish state. The Jews of Israel, Obama believes, are aggressors, using biblical writ as an excuse for oppression, hiding behind the Bible when it’s really naked self-interest at work. That’s why Obama stated at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial in Japan that “no religion has been spared from believers who have claimed their faith as a license to kill. . . . How easily we learn to justify violence in the name of some higher cause.” #related#To Obama, that’s what the Jews of Israel do. Because their control over Israel is inherently connected to biblical mandate, Obama must oppose them. He must side instead with a religion of social justice, not a religion of biblical principle. That means rejecting Jewish Jerusalem. That means rewriting the Bible, that document of sadism and oppression, to make it over into The Book of Obama. That means Israel must pay for the sin of worshiping its God over the god of warmed-over, amoral redistributionism. Obama’s likely to be disappointed. The Jews have been exiled from Jerusalem several times. Never again. — Ben Shapiro is the editor in chief of the Daily Wire.
The mastermind of the #Brexit movement, leader of the Leave Party, leaver of the EU, emperor to the throne of awesomeness, stopper of terror migrants, gloaba...
President Obama on Friday signed the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA, providing nearly $619 billion for war and military spending. The measure passed both houses of Congress with a veto-proof majority and will bring troops a modest pay raise while increasing the number of active-duty soldiers to more than 1.3 million. The NDAA also restricts transfers from the Guantánamo Bay detention center, guaranteeing that Obama will leave office without fulfilling his pledge to close the prison. Meanwhile, press freedom advocates are raising alarm over a little-known bill rolled into the NDAA, which will create a national anti-propaganda center. Under the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, the State Department will actively work to "recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining United States national security interests."
Cologne, Brexit, Trump, immigration – the Left’s iron grip on the global narrative is slipping.
Kerry said Israel's long-term security depends on a peace agreement with Palestinians.

Goldstein v CAN et al

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Selected documents from the docket 5:16-cv-211-C, Goldstein v. Climate Action Network et al. May be not up to date. Full docket is available from www.pacer.com, for $0.10 per page (might be free if…
As US Senator and later a vice president, Al Gore successfully imposed climate alarmism on the scientific institutions and mostly suppressed dissent. But he had few failures, and only some of them …

Angela Merkel is destroying Europe

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Her grand invitation has taken the migration crisis from bad to worse
Domestic violence is more common over the Christmas break, fuelled by alcohol consumption, family tension and financial issues. A small but significant number of the victims are men.
Germany’s fight against “fake news”.
One of the Obama administration’s most ardent hopes is that President Obama’s anti-Semitic United Nations resolution, which declares Jerusalem non-Jewish territory, provides the groundwork for a vast international economic boycott of Israel. The Obama administration has been clearing that ground for years. In February 2014, Secretary of State John Kerry ripped the Israeli settlements, stating, “Today’s status quo, absolutely to a certainty, I promise you 100 percent, cannot be maintained. It is not sustainable. It is illusionary.
US President-elect Donald Trump has largely ditched the “distorted” media, opting to communicate through Twitter rather than press conferences and interviews. But CNN anchor Don Lemon said the media facilitates that by choosing to cover his tweets.