
How desperate is progressive media when it comes to attacking President Elect Trump? Well, now they’re attacking his height! Politico ...


Miss Sloane, a highly anticipated movie demonizing the NRA and calling for gun control, has bombed. The movie succeeded only in emphasizing the top-down nature of the gun-control campaign and how little intensity there is for more regulations.
The movie seemed to have everything going for it. Liberal movie critics loved it, and it was backed by a hefty ad budget along with heaps of favorable news coverage. The Hollywood Foreign Press Association has already nominated the movie’s star, Jessica Chastain, for a prestigious Golden Globe, considered a strong predictor of the Oscars.
But two weeks after its national release, it has made only $3.2 million. During its second weekend, it averaged just $102 per movie theater per day. With a ticket price of $10.30 per adult, that comes to an average of only 9.9 people a day seeing the movie in any given theater. At least people had no problem finding a good seat.
And it wasn’t for lack of trying to get people to show up. Out of the 200 highest-grossing movies of 2016, only ten exceeded the $15.9 million television advertising budget of Miss Sloane, and seven of those did so by very small amounts. Miss Sloane spent more than the Star Wars spinoff Rogue One, Star Trek, Pete’s Dragon, Arrival, Doctor Strange, and Hacksaw Ridge. It had twice the advertising budget of such hits as Sully, The Girl on the Train, and The Secret Life of Pets.
For every dollar spent on advertising, Miss Sloane brought in just 21 cents in ticket sales. By this measure, it came in dead last out of the 200 top-grossing movies in 2016. No one else was even close. Coming in second-to-last was Collateral Beauty, which made 53 cents per advertising dollar. The average movie made almost $2 for each dollar spent on advertising.
TV ads for Miss Sloane aired a total of 2,270 times: 316 times on CNN, Fox News, and MSNBC; 289 on prime-time CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox shows. All told, they covered 34 different networks.
The concept of the script had also been thoroughly road-tested. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have galvanized public support by suggesting that politicians are intimidated from passing sensible regulations only because gun makers want to make money. And, like a Clinton or Obama speech, the film leaves out all of the strong arguments made by gun-control opponents. There is no response to concerns that the very gun-sale-control regulations being pushed in the movie primarily disarm law-abiding citizens, especially poor blacks and Hispanics living in high-crime inner cities.
Will Democrats follow the box-office returns?
Poorly funded gun-control advocates are shown doing battle with the big, bad National Rifle Association. Of course, Michael Bloomberg is never mentioned. He would spoil the story, since he gives $50 million a year to his regulation-pushing Everytown for Gun Safety. This is 2.5 times more than the NRA spends on political activities. From 2013 to 2016, Bloomberg donated a total of $48 million to candidates running for federal office. The NRA contributed just $2.1 million. And that’s not even mentioning the hundreds of millions that Bloomberg, George Soros, and others funnel into producing gun-control research.
Indeed, if it weren’t for Bloomberg, there wouldn’t be a gun-control movement today. The continually repeated claim that 80 to 90 percent of Americans favor background checks on private transfers of guns is an illusion of poorly done polling. Bloomberg’s Nevada ballot initiative eked out a win this November by less than one percentage point, and only because of the almost $20 million spent on it, amounting to an incredible $35.30 per vote. In Maine, the same initiative failed by eight percentage points despite equally unlimited spending. Even in Washington state, which passed the initiative with 59 percent of the vote, Bloomberg and his supporters outspent those opposed to it 33-fold.
#related#Surveys have long shown that gun control has not been something Americans feel intensely about, with usually only 1 percent of Americans saying it is an important issue. The movie’s empty theaters are just one more measure of that lack of intensity.
Back in January 2014, prominent film-studio executive Harvey Weinstein promised a gun-control movie that would make the NRA “wish they weren’t alive.” Meryl Streep was scheduled to star in the movie (titled “The Senator’s Wife”), but almost three years later it is still listed as “in development.” With each passing year it looks like Weinstein’s taunt was never serious.
The question is now whether Democrats will follow the box-office returns better than they have followed the polls.
– John R. Lott Jr. is the president of the Crime Prevention Research Center and the author of The War on Guns.


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Four faithless electors ditched Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College on Monday, double the number who dumped Donald J. Trump. For Democrats, this was yet another collapsed floor atop the pile of smoldering rubble beneath which they have been entombed since the 9.5-magnitude tremor that Trump unleashed November 8. Democrats can thank Obama for their plight.
As Obama concludes his reign of error, his party is smaller, weaker, and more rickety than it has been since at least the 1940s. Behold the tremendous power that Democrats have frittered away — from January 2009 through the aftermath of Election Day 2016 — thanks to Obama and his ideas:
Democrats surrendered the White House to political neophyte Donald J. Trump.
U.S. Senate seats slipped from 55 to 46, down 16 percent.
U.S. House seats slid from 256 to 194, down 24 percent.
Democrats ran the U.S. Senate and House in 2009. Next year, they will control neither.
Governorships fell from 28 to 16, down 43 percent.
State legislatures (both chambers) plunged from 27 to 14, down 48 percent.
Trifectas (states with Democratic governors and both legislative chambers) cratered from 17 to 6, down 65 percent.
Since Franklin Delano Roosevelt, eight U.S. presidents have served at least two terms or bowed to their vice-presidents due to death or resignation. Among them, Obama ranks eighth in total state legislative seats that his party preserved during his tenure. Obama has supervised the net loss of 959 such Democratic positions, down 23.5 percent, according to Ballotpedia, which generated most of the data cited here. This far outpaces the 843 net seats that Republicans yielded under President Dwight David Eisenhower.
By this measure, Ronald Reagan is No. 1. While he was president, Republicans gained six statehouse seats.
In terms of boosting his party’s state-level strength, Obama is the worst president since World War II. Reagan is the best.
For even more shocking proof of Obama’s political toxicity across his entire tenure, compare the Democrats’ eight-year net loss of 959 statehouse seats (one post higher than in the graph above, thanks to a subsequently called race) with the Republicans’ net gain of 934 seats. Democrats can chant the soothing lie that this wholesale, multi-level rejection of their party stems from “structural racism,” the legacy of Jim Crow, the immortal tentacles of slavery, or whatever other analgesic excuse they can scrounge up. The same nation that they claim cannot outgrow its bigotry somehow elected and then reelected Obama, quite comfortably. Hillary Clinton is many things, but she is not black. “Racism” does not explain her defeat.
This deep-rooted repudiation is not of Obama himself, but of Obamaism, today’s Democratic gospel.
At home, Obamaism features economic stagnation, morbidly obese and equally dysfunctional government, racial and identity fetishism, and rampant political correctness. Overseas: Shame at American preeminence fuels flaccid “leadership from behind.”
All told, 1,043 federal and state-level Democrats lost or were denied power under Obama, largely because Americans grew disgusted by such outrages as a non-stimulating $831 billion “stimulus,” eight consecutive years of economic growth below 3 percent, an 88 percent increase in the national debt, the revocation of America’s triple-A bond rating, and Obamacare’s epic flop ($2.3 trillion to finance widespread insurance-policy cancellations, 20 bankruptcies among 24 state co-ops, early retirements for experienced but exasperated doctors, and much more). Also nauseating: federal nano-management of everything from dishwashers to third-grade lunches to a national school-shower policy.
#related#Abroad, Obamaism spawned the birth of ISIS, the deaths of U.S. personnel at Benghazi, and Iran’s relentless humiliation of America — before, during, and after Obama’s delivery of some $100 billion in unfrozen assets, including at least $1.7 billion in laundered cash, literally flown in on private jets.
“My legacy’s on the ballot,” Obama said last September. “Make no mistake,” he declared in October 2014. “These policies are on the ballot.”
Voters repeatedly have judged Obama’s agenda since 2008, and Democrats have paid the ultimate price. The political cadavers of more than a thousand Democratic incumbents and nominees, from Hillary Clinton on down, confirm that Obama is poison at the polls.
Rather than enjoy a traditional, low-key post-presidency in Chicago, Obama plans to hunker down in Washington, D.C., comment on current events, and counsel his party’s candidates and officeholders. Democrats should find this as appetizing as a dinner cooked by Typhoid Mary.
— Deroy Murdock is a New York-based Fox News contributor and a contributing editor with National Review Online. William de Wolff, a recent graduate of New York University’s Master of Arts Program in International Relations, contributed research for this article.


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For more information on the ongoing works of President Reagan's Foundation, please visit http://www.reaganfoundation.org.


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