
Michael Turner, who said he would not sell fuel to anyone who voted for President-elect Donald Trump, has not been licensed since 2012.


Jeb Bush was a Republican presidential candidate in the 2016 presidential race. He was the 43rd Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007. In 2011 he received a ...


With President Barack Obama's abstention at the United Nations Security Council on Friday, the Democratic Party is now an anti-Israel party.


Federal authorities warned Friday that ISIS sympathizers "continue aspirational calls for attacks on holiday gatherings, including targeting churches."


Among Facebook’s appointed arbiters of “fake news” is Snopes.com, which has been criticized by conservatives for a left-leaning bias and admits it has no standard procedure for fact-checking. One of Snopes’ leading fact-checkers is a former sex-and-fetish blogger who described her routine as smoking pot and posting to Snopes.com, and the company now is embroiled […]


SUBSCRIBE TO ÃBAIL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAymIyfh-TNzWStCq42tGAg Today I discuss why i believe racial pride is cancer to society. Don't worry for...


On Thursday, President-elect Donald Trump's eldest daughter Ivanka and her three children were harassed by belligerent passenger Dan Goldstein while on a Jet Blue flight. Goldstein, as we later learned from his husband's online bragging about the incident, couldn't control his displeasure with the President-elect, so naturally he took it out on Trump's daughter and three of his grandchildren.


Trump's victory was the result of decades of right-wing hate rhetoric, curdling into a totally negative worldview


President-elect Donald J. Trump hinted on Friday, via Twitter, that "things will be different after Jan. 20" at the United Nations.


Islamic Studies professor:


In the just released EIP report, North Carolina’s overall electoral integrity score of 58/100 for the 2016 election places us alongside authoritarian states and pseudo-democracies like Cuba, Indonesia and Sierra Leone. If it were a nation state, North Carolina would rank right in the middle of the global league table – a deeply flawed, partly-free, democracy that is only slightly ahead of the failed democracies that constitute much of the developing world.


If Democrats had made a different choice in the primaries last spring, Bernie Sanders would be assembling his Cabinet right now. A reading of voting patterns in the presidential election suggests that the Vermont senator would have beaten Donald Trump.


A high school cheer that has been around for years is being scrutinized for the use of the word "white." This is happening at East Hampton High, where the colors are blue and white.


American University in Washington, D.C. has installed a new statue on campus to raise awareness for a convicted cop-killer’s clemency campaign.


Obama Gives Parting Middle Finger to Israel with Anti-Settlement Resolution


U.S. Jewish Groups Slam Obama Administration for UN Anti-Israel Resolution


the young turks cenk uygur and ana kasparian get into a feisty debate about sexism


The security breach, in which hackers gained access to dozens of computers, has also been the target of a probe by a congressional committee.


►Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Undoomed I figured we could all use a joke, right about now, with all the Christmas stress going on. :) Enjoy...


“Free us or you die, cracker!” This was among many incendiary comments made by armed Revolutionary Black Panther agitators marching through Milwaukee street


The Brooklyn lawyer who was tossed off a JetBlue flight for verbally attacking Ivanka Trump quickly rushed out of the San Francisco airport once he arrived to the destination hours after her.


Reports in Germany claim that Till Steffen prevented law enforcers in Hamburg from releasing pictures of Anis Amri, despite him being the most wanted man in the world after Monday's terror attack.


Tweet Share 0 Reddit +1 Pinterest 0 LinkedIn 0 Email Former New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino is facing backlash on social media for a racist remark about first lady Michelle Obama published Thursday in a Buffalo alt-weekly publication. Paladino, who was honorary co-chair of President-elect Donald Trump?s New York campaign, was one of a few dozen prominent ?