The Republican Party triumphed — but what kind of political force has it become?
Actress and producer Lena Dunham is setting yet another precedent for abortion-obsessed Hollywood: wishing for the opportunity to have had an abortion.
Regardless of what President-elect Donald Trump’s plans are for immigration, President Barack Obama says there will be “inevitable” changes to the demographics of the United States. “If you stopped all immigration today, just by virtue of birth rates, this is going to be a browner country,” Obama told
The driver of the big rig that barreled into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin on Monday ? killing at least 12 people and injuring scores more ? is a Pakistani refugee who arrived in…

The Associated Press on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“BREAKING: Donald Trump wins more than 270 Electoral College votes to formally become president-elect”
On Wednesday, December 14th Donald Trump's spokesman Sean Spicer said corruption is legal and
This was no “truck assault.”
The January 2017 cover featuring a transgender girl is already causing a firestorm.
What ever happened to respecting the will of the people?

MTV News on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Hey, white guys: we came up for some New Year's Resolutions for you. https://t.co/C9EeIY6wig”
Michelle Obama has some explaining to do. She may be leaving the White House, but that won't make the fact that she bilked American taxpayers for millions of dollars go away. Newly uncovered classified documents show exactly how Queen Michelle funneled money to her daughters and mother, and you'll be pissed off to learn how she intends to get off scot-free.
The Democrats have a simple explanation for Hillary Clinton’s loss — the Russians did it. The party that has had a decades-long soft spot toward Moscow and has been reluctant to believe the Kremlin…
Some fans then floated a “Boycott Bocelli” movement on social media in reaction to him possibly singing at the event.
Whoopi Goldberg believes that she is more qualified to be president than Donald Trump. [caption id="attachment_5380276" align="alignnone" width="640"] (Photo: YouTube screen grab)[/caption] On M
The death rate increased 1.2% last year, and life expectancy fell in 2015 for both men and women. As ABC News notes, “A decades-long trend of rising life expectancy in the U.S. could be ending: It declined last year and it is no better than it was four years ago.” The decline in health began

Welcome to the real world kid.

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.

The Case for a Flat Tax

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

What would happen if there was just one tax rate for most Americans? Would that be fair? Could it even work? Steve Forbes, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief of Fo...
Donald Trump wins electoral college vote, confirming his election as the 45th US president.
One of the most fought over territories on earth, Iraqi Kurdistan had suffered at the hands of Saddam Hussein’s chemical weapons long before the appearance of the murderous Isis. Its cities are now dotted with half-completed hotels and apartments – economic prosperity is a fantasy. The perceived incompetence and greed of Kurdish leaders tarnishes their success against Isis. And bitter experience makes the Kurds suspicious that they will be used as cannon fodder and then discarded.
Never has there been a more humbling year for a reporter: Predictions were shattered, polls discredited, facts eschewed and rationality dismissed.
With about one month to go before he leaves office, President Barack Obama gave some advice to Donald Trump: Don't rely too heavily on executive orders.
Police in Berlin say terrorism was probably behind Monday night's lorry attack that killed 12.
Late Monday afternoon, MTV News underlined its reputation of being a haven for far-left millennials as it released a video on Twitter, dubbed “2017 Resolutions for White Guys,” that offered advice such as stop “mansplaining” and stop saying All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter.
Footage has emerged of the visit of Joachim Gauck to the school in Offenbach where a Muslim girl wearing a hijab refused to shake his hand as a lineup of students welcomed him to the school.