On Monday, Donald Trump easily earned enough electoral votes to secure the presidency, but according to many on the Left who refuse to grasp the significance of the Electoral College, his presidency is illegitimate because he lost the popular vote.
De-Nile is not just a river in Africa. Clinton supporters are blaming Hillary’s epic loss on racism and Russia. Of ...
A new study conducted by Public Religion Research Institute has revealed some unsurprising findings about the Party of Tolerance: Democrats are more likely than Republicans to block or unfriend those they disagree with politically on social media, with Democratic women leading the pack as most likely to block political foes. 
The 2016 Electoral College results are in. On a chaotic news day with terrorist attacks in Berlin and Turkey, Donald Trump was officially elected by the
President Barack Obama pardoned 78 people and shortened the sentences of 153 others convicted of federal crimes on Monday – the most number of individual clemencies in a single day by any president. As he approaches the end of his second term, Obama has granted more commutations than the previous 11 presidents combined, according to the White House.
Employees at the Bay Pines VA medical center dropped off a veteran's dead body in a shower and let it sit there for nine hours, before trying to cover up that they had done anything wrong. Accordin
MSNBC's Contessa Brewer Wishes The Times Square Bomber Were a White Guy"
Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey in an interview airing Monday night that the past election was "painful" to watch and she didn't learn Donald Trump had won until the next morning, when she looked at the result on her phone.
MSNBC host Chris Hayes reported on the comments made by Turkish assassin Mert Altintas in the aftermath of his murder of the Russian ambassador Tuesday, but
Should anyone be surprised?? New World Agenda Links: Youtube Channels: New World Agenda (main channel): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC3xHAfZZqbMMWjc1ed1a...
19 School Powerpoint Presentations That Give Zero Fucks Slideshows are the best way to express anger. https://www.buzzfeed.com/hattiesoykan/powerpoint-presen...
"The problem is this for a refugee claim..."
It’s Christmas! A time to celebrate the hope for “peace on earth” and “good will towards men” through the birth of the Son of God–Jesus Christ. That is, unless you’re Microsoft or National Geographic Magazine. For Microsoft, it a time of “coming together and celebrating what is good and right with the world–what unites us, instead of what divides us.” And just what are some | Read More »
On this LIVE Sunday, Dec. 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the ongoing cyberattacks on Infowars.com as the establishment attempts to shut down...
The shooting at an art exhibit, said to be carried out by a 22-year-old police officer, forced Turkey and Russia to confront a new crisis tied directly to the Syrian conflict.
Liberal writer Daniel Brezenoff accused Tucker Carlson of lying on Fox News Monday night. Brezenoff, founder of the Electoral College Petition, appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to defend the i
On Sunday, NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd displayed the ability for some on the left to blame Republicans for anything. During a discussion of the recent hackings from Russia that were revealed months before the presidential election, Todd asked former Bush and Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates if Republican critics of President Obama actually provoked the hackings by accusing Obama of being "too soft on Russia" in previous years.
Starting with retired generals Mattis and Kelly, the president-elect has assembled an experienced team.
When elderly World War II veterans go to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to receive urgent care, they may be greeted by child molesters, ex-convicts, men with face tattoos and gun-wielding rap
Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s November defeat during a spontaneous Q-and-A at a New York bookstore earlier this month.
Adversaries during campaign, Trump and Slim have ‘lovely dinner’ at Mar-a-Lago.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly Christmas market truck crash in Berlin, a report says. The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Force tweeted that the terror group was taking credit for the in…
Electors across the country met on Monday and officially gave Mr. Trump a majority of votes, ending a long-shot bid to block his victory.
We asked liberal elites about voter ID laws and black people. Then we asked Harlem residents their thoughts on what they just heard. Crazy!
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you one more thing, these black people interviewed in this piece didn't have any problems with showing their ID to vote. Go figure.