French far-right leader Marine Le Pen proposed Thursday that the children of illegal immigrants should be refused public school places as part of tough proposals to restrict state services for foreigners. "I've got nothing against foreigners but I say to them: if you come to our country, don
Republican Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton pulled no punches on the Senate floor in attacking Democrat Nevada Senator Harry Reid for trying to stall the defense ...
The question we must ask now is: ‘Will the presence of a woman in combat negatively affect an infantry unit?’ This is the only question that matters.
Dutch far-right wing politician Geert Wilders was today found guilty of hate speech and inciting racial discrimination for leading a chant calling for “fewer, fewer” Moroccans in the Netherlands.
Hillary Clinton denounced fake news during a speech on Thursday for retiring Nevada Senator Harry Reid.
Clad in white at a Berlin church, asylum seekers Saeed, Veronica, Farida and Matin were just about to become Christians on a recent Sunday. "Do you believe from the bottom of your heart that Jesus Christ is your Lord and saviour, and will you follow him every day of your life?" Pastor Matthias
With Obama's "normalization" policy and Fidel Castro's death, Cuba is close to tallying over 10,000 politically-motivated arrests in 2016.
Nigel Farage and Donald Trump are "populists and demagogues" using tactics comparable to Islamic State (IS), the UN’s rights chief has said.
Plus: Premiers meet on climate; Viola Desmond on $10 bills; asbestos ban urged; Goodale pushes back against spy watchdog; shift in the parliamentary press gallery; electoral reform advisers revealed
New test results place American high schoolers well below their global contemporaries in mathematical literacy. The Program for International Assessment 2015 scores, released Tuesday, confirm a downward trend that appears to track the rocky implementation of the Common Core State Standards. PISA tests how well fifteen-year-olds stack up against their global contemporaries. In math American teens rank 20 points lower than the international average—and 12 points lower than their own 2012 average. A yearly exam, the PISA rotates between reading, science and math so that a comparative ranking of the world's teens rolls out once every three years in each subject.
It's about time these people received proper protection.
In a new wrinkle in the black lives matter movement, an editor of a top-rated legal website is calling on blacks to scare whites by automatically acquitting African-Americans accused of murdering or raping whites, no matter what the facts. On Above The Law, African-American editor Elie Mystal called for jury nullification by blacks when on juries in trials that focus on white victims. Jury nullification would get white people's attention. Remember how pissed-off white people were about O.J.? And that was just one dude. White people would notice if black jurors simply refused to play along, he wrote. Mystal is a lawyer and media pundit for the popular website that covers legal wranglings and law gossip. His column came after a mistrial of a murder case against a white cop who shot a black man.
Overcoming the biggest gap in modern campaign finance was just another convention Trump defied.
"We ought to have permission to have a conversation on a return on our investment too,"
Belafonte and 2,000 others flocked to Riverside Church in New York City to celebrate Democracy Now’s 20th anniversary.
Those who most loudly denounce Fake News are typically those most aggressively disseminating it.
Lawmakers in Ohio approved legislation Friday expanding the state's concealed-weapons law to allow guns in colleges and day cares and on private aircraft.
CHICAGO—The city of Chicago is steadily recovering from an overnight snowstorm that delayed hundreds of murders on Friday morning and will likely continue to push numerous homicides across the city drastically behind schedule, public authorities ann...
Snow, ice and bitter cold froze out several global warming protesters at a Colorado rally this week. Photo via Energy ...
Hillary Clinton on Thursday decried the spread of fake news online, calling it an “epidemic” that Congress should take action against. “The epidemic of malicious fake news and false propaganda that…
The new CNBC All-America Economic Survey shows respondents who believe the economy will get better in the next year jumped to 42 percent since Trump's win.
Georgia's secretary of state says the state was hit with an attempted hack of its voter registration system from an IP address linked to the federal Department of Homeland Security.
The disastrous effects of the Trump Era are all too real. Americans are reeling in all sorts of insidious if subtle ways. Exhibit A comes to us from Daniel’s Salon in DC’s posh Dupont Circle. “When…
A Muslim sheikh, Walid Al-Wadaan, Saudi professor at the University of Muhammed Ben Saud in Riad/KSA, allows "Mujahideen" to dress like priests or women…
Since October 1, 2016 -- the first day of Fiscal Year 2017 -- 2,959 Somali refugees have been admitted into the United States. [caption id="attachment_5367851" align="alignnone" width="1127"] (Stat