Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) will be chair of a newly relaunched Congressional Second Amendment Caucus. (Earlier versions existed from 2004-08, and 2009-13.)
This isn't a cut and dry as it seems...
Gab, a social media network built like a hybrid of Twitter and Reddit, bans very little and has become a conservative bunker of sorts.
U.S. Marine Corps Capt. Jake Frederick was killed Wednesday when his F/A-18 fighter jet crashed off the coast of Japan, a U.S. Marine Corps spokesman told Fox News on Thursday.
New Day co-anchor Chris Cuomo on Thursday continued the media freak out over Donald Trump picking a climate change doubter to run the Environmental Protection Agency. He even outrageously compared those with similar beliefs to past opposition of interracial marriage.
Once home to the world's fourth-largest tuna fleet, now the fishing trade has collapsed and those who continue to fish are falling prey to the vicious bandits.
I have this theory I'm working on. It's an attempt to explain why Hillary Clinton keeps losing elections. I call it the "People Just Don't Like Hillary Clinton" theory. Sure, it sounds crazy, but I th
Michael Moore has called on Americans to "disrupt" President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration ceremony on Jan. 20, 2017. The 62-year-old filmmaker on Wednesday tweeted that the people who didn't v
There's no evidence that voting machines were tampered with or hacked with floppy disks … but Americans need to know they weren't.
Special Thanks To Sunny for sharing her story. Check out her YouTube channel about North Korea: https://goo.gl/PMbvXW The opinions expressed in this video ar...
Obama Urges Soldiers to Question Trump's Authority, 'Criticize Our President'
The tax targets publicly traded companies whose chief executives report salaries at least 100 times higher than the salary of a median worker. Officials expect to raise $2.5 million a year starting in January 2017, with Commissioner Steve Novick hoping the money will help pay for homeless services.
His legend is otherworldly and now, at age 95, so is John Glenn. An authentic hero and genuine American icon, Glenn died this afternoon surrounded by family at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center in Columbus after a remarkably healthy life spent almost from the cradle with Annie, his beloved wife of 73 years, who survives.
Trump sent the right message.
A recent study by the Pew Research Center shows that a large majority of Americans are skeptical about the prevailing scientific understanding of climate change, with only 27 percent believing that there is a consensus that human activity is its main cause.
Hillary Clinton said fake news is an "epidemic" and "a danger that must be addressed and addressed quickly" while speaking on Capitol Hill for a portrait unveiling in honor of retiring Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid. (Dec. 8)
Workers are busy constructing the stage where President-elect Donald Trump will take the oath of office on January 20th. More than a quarter million people are expected to attend the ceremony. (Dec. 8)
Trump had three cabinet slots to fill that are most important for immigration policy (several others have important, but secondary, roles, such as HHS, which handles refugees once they arrive). The first pick was Sen. Jeff Sessions, Congress’s leading and most knowledgeable immigration skeptic, as Attorney General. Although INS was removed from the Justice Department when Homeland Security was created, DoJ is still intimately involved in the issue – it houses the immigration courts and will take the lead role in trying to rein in the renegade cities and states that are planning massive resistance to protect their segregation sanctuary laws. Next, Trump named retired Marine Gen. John Kelly for Homeland Security. This is obviously the lead agency for immigration and Kelly, former head of the Pentagon’s Southern Command, which oversees military activity in Latin America, is a strong advocate for border security. It remains to be seen if he will devote equal focus to the non-security aspects of immigration, such as interior enforcement, visa overstays, green cards and the like. There’s no reason to think he won’t, but it’s still an open question. Finally, there’s the Labor Department. Labor is central to the process of certifying and importing all the various categories of guestworkers that undermine the bargaining power of American workers – H1-Bs for the tech industry, H-2As for agriculture, H-2Bs for non-ag cheap-labor employers, and more. In addition, prior to the Obama administration, Labor Department inspectors were a force multiplier for immigration regarding worksite enforcement – coordinating with ICE (and before that, INS) on worksite problems the immigration people weren’t aware of. Trump’s pick for Labor secretary is perhaps the worst person imaginable for that role: Andrew Puzder, CEO of CKE Restaurants, the parent company of fast-food chains Carl’s Jr., Hardee’s, and others. He is one of the nation’s most outspoken business voices for Gang of Eight-style immigration policies. He didn’t just sign an open letter once as a favor to a friend; he’s been a high-profile champion of amnesty and huge increases in immigration and guestworkers. This op-ed in Politico, timed to coincide with the launch of the Gang of Eight effort in 2013, could have been written by Jeb Bush. Here he is at AEI in 2013 making the case for importing more low-skilled workers. Here he joins with the Bloomberg-Murdoch Billionaires for Open Borders outfit and Grover Norquist in an effort to “push 2016 presidential candidates and congressional Republican leaders to support immigration reform this year.” There’s plenty more. Now, Trump has been waffling and contradictory on the worker side of immigration (among other things) all along – I’ve written about it here, here, and here, for instance. Nor is it the case that Trump’s simply a liberal con man – Sessions could be one of the best Attorneys General we’ve ever had, Price and DeVos are solid conservative picks, and there’s every reason to think his Supreme Court nomination will be sound. But for the most important job that involves protecting American workers, Trump has opted for someone who thinks there are jobs Americans won’t do. Andrew “Gang of Eight” Puzder would have been a better fit for the Jeb Bush administration, though even Jeb might have blushed at the idea of appointing him. Assuming he’s actually nominated and confirmed, the Labor Department will go from being run by a post-American socialist to a post-American capitalist. So much for putting American workers first. #NeverPuzder.
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It's been a tough decade for the political left. Eight years ago, a Time magazine cover portrayed Barack Obama as Franklin Roosevelt, complete with a cigarette and holder and a cover line proclaiming, "The New New Deal." A Newsweek cover announced, "We Are All Socialists Now."
Video Credit: Nick Stumphauze, https://www.youtube.com/nickknak13 Twitter: @BrendanRyanMAGA TOUR: http://yiannopoulos.net READ: http://www.breitbart.com/milo...
Remember when the Solicitor General of the United States suggested that the federal government might be obliged to take away theologically conservative religious institutions' tax exemption? Evangelical voters did.
One of the reasons Democrats lost the 2016 election is their leadership’s obvious scorn for working class white people.
MP3: http://www.fdrpodcasts.com/#/3141/inconvenient-facts-about-global-warming-alex-epstein-and-stefan-molyneux Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/stefan-mol...
Media is in a tizzy over Trump tweeting, going over their head and directly to the people making it harder to control the narrative. Cartoon by A.F. Branco