
Hillary Clinton’s failure to win the presidency means that her haters have reaped what they started to sow a quarter-century ago, argued former Times executive editor Jill Abramson in a Tuesday column for the liberal British newspaper The Guardian. “The activists, groups, think tanks and nonprofit ‘charities’ that made hay over the petty controversies that dogged [Clinton] had already succeeded in driving up her negative trust and honesty numbers well before the 2016 campaign,” wrote Abramson. “The garden was already planted; all Donald Trump needed to do is water it with his chants of ‘Crooked Hillary.’”


A Daily Caller analysis found that just 13 far-right extremists have been indicted on federal terrorism charges since Sept. 11, 2001, despite liberal journalists, groups and academics spreading the n


A study on climate change predicts Europe and America will be experiencing very cold weather, while insisting it's the result of global warming.


Massive Pentagon Child Pornography Accusations Not Investigated 2011-01-06, CNN http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/1101/06/acd.02.html The Pentagon porn ...


Climate Depot?s publisher Marc Morano statement on President Elect Donald Trump?s selection of Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt pick for EPA chief: ?President-Elect Trump…


U.S.-Israel Relations Set to Improve - Cal Thomas: The consensus in Israel is that the relationship between the .12/08/2016 10:58:33AM EST.


In a POLITICO interview, the departing Democratic leader blamed his party’s 2016 debacle on Jim Comey and said no big changes are needed.


Woke celeb Lena Dunham deletes her toilet selfie — blames the ?kind of world we live in.?


Welcome to the Party of Trump. Check your conservatism at the door.


A U.S. Navy admiral received a standing ovation for calling out Colin Kaepernick at an event commemorating the 75th anniversary of Pearl Harbor.


How do you define 'grievance?'


Is it true that 97% of climate scientists agree that climate change is real? Where does the 97% figure come from? And if it is true, do they agree on both th...


Advocates fear that programs in a dozen states might be used by a Trump administration to bolster deportations aims.


Everything’s fine, according to the top Democrat in the Senate. Harry Reid (D-Nev.), the 77-year-old Senate minority leader who is less than a month away from leaving government, wants his party to…


The FBI is investigating a Huffington Post scribe for joking about “destroying Trump ballots” at a Washington, DC, voting site, the reporter claimed. Nick Baumann said it all began with a joke that…


A panel of state judges just taught New York City students a clear-cut lesson: It’s OK to cheat on tests. Yep: That’s message from the Appellate Division decision that upheld a lower court’s ruling…


Freedom Caucus Rep. says GOP leaders worked with Pelosi to kill the impeachment vote.


Bill fixes a long-standing problem WASHINGTON – Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed, as amended, H.R. 5790, the Federal Bureau of Investigation Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2016 (404-0). The bill clarifies Congress’s intent to protect FBI whistleblowers who make disclosures to managers and supervisors in their chain of command, bringing the agency in line …


he class action was filed in Atlanta, Georgia, on Wednesday on behalf of two workers, Celeslie Henley and Ernest Colbert Jr, but alleges widespread discrimination throughout the organizations.


“.@JoeNBC on Trump's picks: This will be the most conservative Repub. cabinet since Hoover... if all these go through”


Last week, President-elect Donald Trump re-emphasized the approach he will take in enforcing the nation's immigration laws, which is much different from the manner of enforcement utilized by President Barack Obama.


In 2015, Federal Reserve Board economist Justin Pierce and Yale School of Management professor Peter Schott submitted a draft paper which concluded that the Uni


After eight years of blaming America’s problems on George W. Bush, the press that got the election wrong is rolling out a new line — that President Obama is handing President-elect Donald Trump a b…


INDIANAPOLIS ? Robert James stood outside the Carrier plant just before the president-elect addressed workers at the refrigeration and heating assembly plant. “I feel a great swing of emotion…


President Barack Obama declared at a speech Tuesday at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, FL that presidents shouldn't retaliate against their critics.