
A German court has thrown out a case against a group of sharia police, for the second time, claiming they have not broken the law.


Another day — another judicial rebuke of President Obama, this time centering on his unilateral extension of overtime eligibility to millions of salaried managers.Businesses have been scrambling to prepare for the new rule that makes employees who earn up to $47,476 a year eligible for time-and-a-half pay after working 40 hours. They adjusted schedules, job duties and in some cases salaries after the Department of Labor issued the final rule last spring, which was to take effect Dec. 1.


Donald Trump’s campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway ? perhaps seeking to push back on the increasing attention to Hillary Clinton’s widening lead in the national popular vote ? has been t…


As reported by The Daily Wire on Monday, Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, 64, is having a rough go at accepting the presidential election results, much like his progressive Hollywood pals. In a recent interview lamenting the loss of Hillary Corrupt Clinton, Hamill categorized Trump's cabinet picks as a "who's-who of really despicable people."


American University students insist that Fidel Castro was better than Trump, but struggled to justify their support for the late Cuban dictator.


OPINION | Have a headline mislead you recently?


Was Trump seriously proposing revisiting this issue or is he just tweaking the left for hypocrisy?


Behold, the funniest video on the web today: a brilliant parody of the left-wing reaction to the presidential election, by way of Justin Bieber's hit "Sorry."
Imagine if Pajama Boy had been in on the joke...
The music video shreds the gamut of personalities still reeling from Trump's victory, including sufferers of white guilt, male feminists, abortion enthusiasts, and those more afraid of "micro-aggressions" than jihadis.


China’s outspoken Cardinal Zen has blasted a potential Vatican deal with China that would cede some Church decision-making to the government.


Donald Trump has claimed Americans who burn the US flag should face “consequences” and suggested a year in prison or having their citizenship revoked would be suitable punishments. The President-elect has been tweeting angrily at news outlet CNN during the past 24 hours over their report on his claim of electoral fraud after his victory in the US general election.


The Obama administration resettled 8,858 Somali refugees in the United States last year, and nearly 43,000 during Obama's eight years, a huge number that is now raising concerns after a Somali refugee led a one-man attack spree on the campus of Ohio State. We resettled nearly 9,000 Somali refugees last year - https://t.co/Jw53KlVYTr— CIS.org (@wwwCISorg) November 28, 2016


Former Clinton Foundation CEO Eric Braverman is missing and rumors are surfacing that he may be hidi...


report this ad Greg Gutfeld gave a terribly satisfying critique of “dumbass leftists” for talking down the atrocities committed by the “murderous scum-bucket” Fidel Castro just because he shared their anti-American worldview. . . .


It’s been the rallying cry for some in the Republican Party going back to 2010. Planned Parenthood takes in $500 million a year in federal funding. They are quick to point out none of the money goes to pay for abortions because of the Hyde Amendment. That is true, but the money certainly subsidizes the abortions, allowing Planned Parenthood to keep the cost lower. Thus, | Read More »


Newt: 'Recount Mania' Is One More Example of the 'Collapse of the Democratic Party'


CNN’s Christiane Amanpour believes that journalists should be "truthful, not neutral." As a result, she says it's time to stop giving climate change skeptics "equal play," because allowing climate "deniers" the ability to voice their opinions is like giving airtime to those carrying out "ethnic cleansing and genocide."


“I am honored to be nominated by President-elect Trump today,” said Ms. Verma. “I look forward to helping him tackle our nation's daunting healthcare problems in a responsible and sustainable way."


There is never a need for ad hominem attacks, especially when it comes to the left. They offer enough lunacy and fodder for conservatives…


If you or someone you know suffers from Collegiate Socialism Disorder, please consult the following resource: www.adoptamericanetwork.org


Gloria Estefan on Fidel Castro’s Death: This ‘Can Only Lead to Positive Change for the Cuban People’
Gloria Estefan, one of Cuba’s most famous immigrants in America, is reflecting on the death of former Cuban president and revolutionary Fidel Castro


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1791L - An independence collective ✖ Twitter https://twitter.com/1791L ✖ Facebook https://facebook.com/1791L ☄ Written & produced by Jesua Flores https://twi...


Democratic pundits are calling on their party to court working-class and non-coastal whites in the wake of this month’s electoral rout. But the Democratic Party is now dominated by identity politic…


Today David Petraeus met with Donald Trump regarding a possible Secretary of State position. After Trump focused heavily on Hillary Clinton’s irresponsible and (to most onlookers) criminal mishandling of classified information as Secretary of State, it’s more than a little bizarre that Trump would consider placing in the same position someone who was actually convicted of the crime for which Hillary Clinton was only investigated. | Read More »