An internet talk-show host in Los Angeles lost any semblance of reason after the violent rampage of Somali-born Abdul Razak Ali Artan at Ohio State University in which eleven people were injured, one critically. Tariq Nasheed decried the public’s description of campus security officer Alan Horujko, who shot and killed Artan before he could harm any more students, as a hero.  
The Department of Health and Human Services is raiding several of its accounts, including money for Medicare, the Ryan White AIDS/HIV program and those for cancer and flu research to cover a shortfall in housing illegal youths pouring over the border at a rate of 255 a day. HHS is trying to come up with $167 million to fund the Office of Refugee Resettlement that is accepting the youths, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. Policy Director Jessica Vaughan said that insiders have told her that the funding crisis has forced the department to squeeze programs for money. She just revealed on the CIS website: An average of 255 illegal alien youths were taken into the custody of the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) every day this month, according to the latest figures the agency provided to Congress. This is the largest number of illegal alien children ever in the care of the federal government. To pay for it, the agency says it will need an additional one or two billion dollars for the next year – above and beyond the $1.2 billion spent in 2016 and proposed for 2017 – depending on how many more arrive. For now, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), where ORR resides, is diverting $167 million from other programs to cover the cost of services for these new illegal arrivals through December 9, when the current continuing resolution expires.
We finally have an Obama doctrine. It is the 223 words of the White House statement on the death of Fidel Castro. It is blank of moral judgment, empty of indignation, blind to injustice, dismissive...
Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia visits Uncommon Knowledge for a wide ranging interview including the living constitution, Roe v. Wade, Congress' relatio...

AU students prefer Castro to Trump

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Read the story here: http://www.campusreform.org/?ID=8455 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...
For the Democrats, no activity is immune from reflexive accusations of sexism and racism, not even soul-searching.
On Tuesday night, a judge in Wisconsin told Jill Stein's attorneys . . .
Romney did not comment on reports that he is under consideration to be secretary of State.
Video Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OibRT... "Facts don't care about your feelings." Ben Shapiro will be speaking on the freedom of speech, hate sp...
Tom Price is a surgeon who has been a member of Congress' lower house for over 10 years. Donald Trump's team has said his first mission will be to repeal and replace Obamacare.
Air conditioning company Carrier said Tuesday that it had reached an agreement with President-elect Donald Trump that would keep 1,000 jobs in Indiana.
White House Warns Against Blaming Religion of Islam After Ohio State Attack
President-elect Donald Trump has tapped Steven Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs banker who profited from the housing meltdown, as his Treasury secretary, according to an official briefed on the decision.
Strikes and protests are happening all over the country, demanding an increase in the minimum wage. It’s being called a national day of action by the “Fight for 15” movement.
This protest was organized by a student senator on UC Davis' Student Government, and the main heckler has publicly stated on facebook that he supports Hamas....
Butthurt social justice warrior and professional victim loves to compete in the special snowflake oppression Olympics. Just like every other SJW who had thei...
Opinion: Cultural Rejuvenation And The End Of Multiculturalism Is The Only Way To Make The West Great Again.
President-elect Donald Trump's Twitter call …
America's Economy Before Obama Versus After Obama
Former president Jimmy Carter wants the U.S. to unilaterally recognize a Palestinian state.
The proposal, advanced by the president-elect via Twitter, appears to be in conflict with an array of Supreme Court precedents.
"Nobody should burn the American flag, but our Constitution secures our right to do so," Justin Amash said.
Tucker Carlson interviews Tariq Nasheed about his controversial tweets regarding the OSU terrorist attack. (November 29th, 2016)
Reversing a plan the president-elect had assailed, the company will keep roughly half of the 2,000 manufacturing jobs in Indiana that it was to shift to Mexico.