
Reddit's chief executive Steve Huffman has admitted editing posts made about him by Donald Trump fans on the site.


Left-wing legal activists are accusing the Oakland Police Department of using “brutal force” in the face of violent protests that erupted in the days following Donald Trump’s victory in the presidential election. Cat Brooks, interim executive director of the of the Bay Area chapter of National Lawyers Guild Bay Area Chapter, an association of activist lawyers, and her co-chair Carey Lamprecht, said police used brutal tactics to “suppress” political dissent. “It’s frustrating, this either-or-narrative, social justice or vandalism.” In truth, Brooks and Lamprecht are merely upset at law enforcement for doing its job. The protests in Oakland following Trump’s win saw significant violence from so-called anarchists. The “protesters” caused considerable damage — lighting fires on the streets and setting fire to trash cans, smashing the windows of and spraying graffiti on various businesses throughout the city. There were also reports of attacks on officers. Police responded to this behavior by using tear gas and concussion grenades to disperse the rioters and protect


Steve Huffman, who co-founded the company in 2005, replaced Reddit’s former CEO Ellen Pao last year.


Reddit CEO Steve Huffman today admitted that he had edited Reddit user comments that criticized and insulted him, wielding his power to anonymously change references to his own username, and...


Allison wants to repeal all Dodd-Frank regulations, which didn't fix the problem of banks being "too big to fail."


The administration is racing to finish ruling on clemency petitions before the end of the president’s term.


This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president.


President-elect Donald J. Trump over the weekend nominated Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.) to serve as United States Attorney General, signaling that he is serious about returning the Justice Department to[...]


The changing face of Appalachia—and its role in the presidential race


The next Democratic National Committee leader needs to reflect the diversity of America, said Symone Sanders, former press secretary for Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign and a CNN contributor.


In response to Trump’s hostility toward immigrants, political leaders in New York and California vow to protect their most vulnerable.


"The better young people are integrated, the greater the chance is that they radicalize. This hypothesis is supported by a lot of evidence". — From a report by researchers at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. "The proportions of [Islamic State]


In 1981, President Ronald Reagan vowed to abolish the Department of Education. In 1985, he abandoned the quest, citing lack of Congressional support. Now, Donald Trump has chosen an education secretary likely to undercut the left’s dominance of federal public school programs.


“President-elect Trump would not want…”


Reddit CEO Steve Huffman confessed to modifying comments on Reddit's biggest Donald Trump supporter community.


Reddit CEO Steve Huffman confessed to modifying comments on Reddit's biggest Donald Trump supporter community.


The holiday season is officially upon us, which means Americans will soon be feeling extra charitable.


Everything Michael Flynn predicted came true. The White House didn’t want to hear it.


The jailed architect of 9/11 revealed that al Qaeda's plan to kill the United States was not through military attacks but immigration and outbreeding nonmuslims who would use the legal system to install Sharia law, according to a blockbuster new book. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed also predicted that intelligence officials using so-called enhanced interrogation techniques such the waterboarding he experienced would eventually come under attack from weak-kneed U.S. politicians and media. In Enhanced Interrogation, CIA contractor James Mitchell tells for the first time about his role interrogating al Qaeda principles, many like KSM still jailed at Guantanamo Bay. He details accounts of waterboarding and other interrogation sessions of the nation's most notorious enemies.


"Trump has converted the GOP into a populist working-class party."


Get the high resolution and working files on this piece through my Patreon here! www.patreon.com/BrentJohn Oh 2016! You just gave me an AMAZING present for my birthday. SJWs and far leftists g...


In 1981, President Ronald Reagan vowed to abolish the Department of Education. In 1985, he abandoned the quest, citing lack of Congressional support. Now, Donald Trump has chosen an education secretary likely to undercut the left’s dominance of federal public school programs.