
Trump says tax breaks will incentivize Apple to manufacture its best-selling product on American shores.


On his massively influential talk radio show on Tuesday, Rush Limbaugh pointed out something that a look at a map of the 2016 election results seems to confirm: "The Democrat Party is not a national party anymore."


Do NOT bring up Pocahontas.


President-elect Donald J. Trump asks everyone to join together under the shared resolve to Make America Great Again for all people.


Keith Ellison's sharp criticism of Israel would have once made him unviable as the Democratic leader. Not anymore.


President-elect Donald J. Trump asks everyone to join together under the shared resolve to Make America Great Again for all people.


Billionaire financier George Soros has pledged $10 million from his foundation to help combat the rise in reported hate crimes since Donald Trump won the US presidential election.


President-elect Donald J. Trump asks everyone to join together under the shared resolve to Make America Great Again for all people.


RUSH: This is my favorite time of year, starting now and going through Christmas. I just absolutely love it.


The “alt-right” movement complained Wednesday about their hero Donald Trump after he pointedly disavowed them. White nationalist Richard Spencer said he was “disappointed” with Trump. But Spencer s…


She knows he served with honor in Vietnam. She knows he loved cooking and Bruce Springsteen. She knows he died lonely in Casper.


Blogging about Israel and the Arab world since, oh, forever.


The last thing Obama and the Democrats want is for Trump's plans to help America prosper. It's proof liberalism is a failure. Cartoon by A.F. Branco


"I CANNOT TELL YOU how EXCITED I am for this."


Trump Rocks Education Establishment With His Education Secretary Pick - Betsy DeVos - DCWhispers.com
Michigan-based Betsy DeVos has been a longtime critic of the entrenched and resistant-to-change American public school system. For decades she has pushed for school choice, vouchers, charter schools, and less federal control over state and local schools. And Donald Trump just made her his choice to be the nation’s next Education Secretary. Some initial …


Michael Hirsh published home addresses of Richard Spencer, who leads the white supremacist National Policy Institute. Spencer held a meeting in Washington last weekend that featured Nazi salutes.


This election cycle, “identity politics” has become one of those phrases that joined the political lexicon. Even though it has become…


Green party presidential candidate seeks donations to fund efforts in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin over ‘compelling evidence of voting anomalies’


Such lovely, tolerant, non-judgemental people. Bernie Sanders former spokesperson Symone Sanders knows who she DOESN’T WANT leading the new Democratic ...


"Anti-Trump," was all one reviewer who gave the book a single star had to say.


WASHINGTON • Pending recounts, runoffs and challenges, Republicans are poised to have a 241-194 advantage in the U.S. House of Representatives come January. But that only tells part of the


Jordan Peterson (Professor of Psychology) joins Dave Rubin to discuss the gender pronoun controversy he has found himself in, political correctness, free spe...


The Trump team has lost nearly half its staff since instituting a ban on registered lobbyists. The purge has allowed conservative think tanks to take a stronger role in the transition.