Rep. Nancy Pelosi formally announced Wednesday she is running to retain her spot as House minority leader and sent a warning shot to potential rivals by informing her colleagues that she has already locked up “the support of more than two-thirds” of the Democratic caucus.
The global warming alarmist community firmly believes it has science on its side. The science is settled, its members repeat incessantly to show how "sciency" they are, despite the fact that they are wrong. And 97% of scientists believe man's carbon dioxide emissions are causing clima
Mitchell Mormon Jr. was shot dead outside an Atlanta club on Saturday night. He was on a first date. Mitchell ...
Senator is said to be on short list for defense secretary. His former staff director is helping to manage the Justice Department transition.
Ghostbreakers scene
Sources: FBI Crime Statistics: https://ucr.fbi.gov/ Washington Post Data: https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/police-shootings/ NYPD Crime and E...
Economy: If we heard anything about Donald Trump's proposals from mainstream economists before the election, it was that he'd send the economy into a tailspin. Now, after Trump's Nov. 8 victory, they are suddenly revising their forecasts upward. Go figure. When it was clear that Tr
GOP Rep. Lamar Smith (TX) slammed the old media establishment on the House floor as a biased player for the Democrats during the election.
Tom Hanks, Ellen Degeneres, Bruce Springsteen get Presidential Medal of Freedom
Donald Trump Can Make Good on His Pledge To End Common Core
Frank Gaffney ran through the arguments for and against Rep. Keith Ellison becoming the chair of the Democratic National Committee.
Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., jumped back into the national news cycle Tuesday — after several quiet months — by condemning some of President-elect Donald Trump’s potential picks for top jobs.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Have any doubts that Youtube and its Left Wing mother, Google, want to "censor" Conservative videos? Wonder no more... Watch the full show: https://www.youtu...
The Long Read: After a month in a midwestern town, the story of this election is clear: when people feel the system is broken, they vote for whoever promises to smash it
Set your phasers to "stupid."

Remy: Hallelujah (SNL Parody)

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Remy finds a silver lining in a Trump presidency. Written and Performed by Remy Music tracks by Ben Karlstrom Produced and Edited by Austin Bragg Subscribe t...
On December 3,  The Washington Post  reported that gun crime has been on the decline for about 20 years, except for high-profile shoo...
Donald Trump went out for a steak dinner with his family on Tuesday and didn't alert the media, so they freaked out and are attacking him for "Lack of Transp...
Draining the swamp?
In an interview with CNN Newsroom Wednesday, Hillary Clinton senior advisor Karen Finney blamed the Democratic candidate's loss on the fact that male supporters
Grassroots parents groups are urging Donald Trump to choose an education secretary who has been opposed to the Common Core.
Liberal New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is calling for more “disruption” to protest the election of Donald Trump.
Donald Trump has taken the unprecedented step of requesting his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, receive top-secret clearance.
The American presidency isn’t won by amassing raw votes.