Hillary Clinton Screaming Obscenities and Throwing Objects in Election Night Meltdown
The abusively biased mainstream media that got the election completely wrong and was so out of touch with the American people is now attacking and trying to discredit President-elect Donald Trump's picks for key White House posts.
The EU referendum was not legally binding, a Supreme Court judge hearing the Government’s appeal against the Brexit legal challenge has said ahead of the December court case. Lady Brenda Hale made the comments in a speech to lawyers in Kuala Lumpar, during which she reflected on the upcoming case. All parties in the litigation accept the referendum is not legally binding.  Following the referendum result, a Government promise made six years prior resurfaced that any referendum "cannot be legally binding", but rather is advisory.
A man says he was attacked by two men while riding the New York City subway in because he was wearing a Donald Trump hat.
Jamelle Bouie took the provocative stance that there is no such thing as a good Trump voter in a piece for Slate today.

It's a miracle.

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

We’re not a democracy, we’re a constitutional republic.

The Future of Conservatism

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

It’s time for principles to meet action.
This administration will not succeed without conservatives at the top pushing a conservative agenda.
TOMI LAHREN: Before we start calling the reaction a protest let's get something straight. A protest is a peaceful objection to a grievance. A bunch of sore losers occupying a space is called a tantrum and that's exactly what we're seeing around the nation after Trump's historic and earned victory. And isn't it ironic that the same people who condemn Trump and Trump supporters for intolerance and closed-mindedness are now angry and downright hostile because they're candidate lost. Listen, if y'all wanted her to win so badly you should've had that kind of enthusiasm before Tuesday night, but you didn't and that's how it goes. It's funny because these same people laugh at Trump supporters for fearing a rigged election but here's the deal: don't forget it's the Republican party that suffers because of voter fraud and it's Republican leaders who fight for voter I.D. laws. Just saying. Correct me if I am wrong but I don't think we experienced mass protests after Obama won in 2008, or 2012. No riots or tantrums mass-televised for the world to see. Why? Two reasons. I guess Republicans lose with grace, and, second, most aren't afforded time in the middle of a workweek to congregate and throw a fit because they have to work. We have to work so you can protest the man while benefitting from the entitlements that the man affords you. So there's that. These "protesters" are typical snowflake millennials. They feel slighted because they didn't want Trump to win and it's not fair! They wanted Hillary so it just should've happened. The entitlement mentality on steroids mixed with the new version of social justice. A version where anything the left does is just and everything else is intolerant... Attending college does not make one smarter, classier, or anything else. I'm really tired of those on the right and left talking down to Trump supporters like we're dumb-dumbs. Some of us have degrees; some of us don't. But most of us are hard-working people who have built businesses, families, served our country, and followed the law. If you think that makes us any less than you, you're dead wrong. It's no longer Trump supporters vs. Hillary supporters, that's over, that ended Tuesday night. President-Elect Donald Trump has opened his arms to all Americans so it's up to you now. Nobody is asking you to bowl at his feet but your protests and tantrums aren't doing anything for this country. You have every right to do it, but you're just kind of making fools of yourselves at this point and that's up to you.
As a woman who grew up watching the feminist movement from its modern beginnings in the 1960s, the irony of Hillary Clinton’s demise is alarming.
President-elect Donald Trump is considering nominating Texas Senator Ted Cruz to serve as U.S. attorney general, according to a person familiar with the matter.
If anyone tries to tell you Hillary won the popular vote, she did not. Besides the ?votes counted? vs. ?votes cast? fact, there?s the NON-CITIZENS voting. A whopping three million of them. However, we shouldn?t be surprised since both Bill Clinton and Barack Obama told illegals it was A-OK to vote. According to Gregg Philips of votefraud.org, three million illegal aliens voted! This was voters fraud on a massive scale! Hillary is winning the popular vote by about 630,000 votes and there This is voters fraud on an unimaginably massive scale. We have verified more than three million votes cast by ?
A seven-year-old boy has been removed from his mother’s care by the high court, after he was found to be suffering “significant emotional harm” due to his mother raising him as a girl. The judge in…
DePaul University’s chapter of Young Americans for Freedom says they will defy an administration ban on “controversial” speakers, and go ahead with an event next week at the Chicago school featuring conservative speaker Ben Shapiro and “Based Mom” Christina Hoff Summers.
You can?t make this stuff up. Twitchy is reporting that Ben Shaprio has been banned from speaking at DePaul University on the subject of?wait for it?intolerance on campus. Seems Ben Shapiro has been banned by DePaul University from speaking about … campus tolerance. No, we’re not making that up … because nothing says tolerance like banning speech. Looks like he?s planning on showing up anyway. | Read More

Jennifer Jacobs on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“SCOOP: Trump is discussing TED CRUZ for AG”
Vice President-elect Mike Pence, the newly minted head of the White House transition, decided that all lobbyists should be removed from his team, effectively dismantling the structure that New Jersey Governor Chris Christie had built, two people familiar with the transition process told ABC News....
The never Trumpers, the mainstream media, GOPe, and Democrats, all laughed and scoffed saying Trump could never be elected President . Cartoon by A.F. Branco
Campuses around the U.S. have seen a rash of flag burnings, as students apparently distressed over Donald Trump's presidential victory are taking out their frustrations on a major symbol of America.
Anti-Trump protesters in Portland, Ore. attacked a vehicle driven by a young woman who claimed she was attempting to pass on a road blocked by demonstrators due to a personal emergency. Local press
A University of Rochester professor stepped down from his position as program director after people became outraged over his offer to buy anti-Trump students tickets to Canada last week. Ted Pawlic


Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

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Did your representative bow to Big Concrete?
The decision was one of Mike Pence's first since formally taking over the transition on Tuesday.