Your doctor’s political affiliation may affect how he or she treats your issue

What Now?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Donald Trump and the Republican establishment must take time to self-reflect.

America Is Not a Safe Space

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Pity the anti-Trump protesters thronging the streets of American cities.
Salafism, an ultra-conservative strand of Sunni Islam that has a growing number of followers in Germany, is becoming part of the country's youth culture, according to a professor of ethno-religious studies at Frankfurt's Goethe University.
Bill and Hillary had a vicious fight over her blaming FBI Director Comey for her slump in the polls, reveals a source close to the ex-president. Bill says Mook and Podesta were at fault.
NEW YORK – The NYPD said they've arrested more than 60 people connected to Wednesday night's protests against president-elect Donald Trump. As of early Thursday, at least 65 demonstrators were arrested and most of them were charged with disorderly conduct, police said. Hundreds of protesters began their march in Union Square around 6 p.m. and then grew to the thousands when they merged with another group hours later at Columbus Circle.
Ann Coulter: Appropriate Reaction to Those Calling Bannon Anti-Semitic, Racist: 'Screw You'
On Sunday, MTV News' Rachel Zarrell induced nausea when she threatened to send Vice President-elect Mike Pence her monthly period blood if he "tries to regulate [her] uterus," or, in other words, if he advocates for the unborn. 
There’s a reason the Framers wanted the president to get paid—and if their logic was good enough for George Washington, it should be good enough for Trump.
    The radical left is marching lockstep towards its newest target, Stephen Bannon, the recently appointed Senior Counselor to President-elect Donald Trump and former Chief Executive Officer of the Trump Campaign. You can already see the yellow journalistic headlines bleeding through your news-feed and television screens. Fiery headlines claiming Mr. Bannon is the worst specimen, the lowest of the low, an American deplorable, a racist, a white supremacist, an anti-Semite, a red meat eater, a neo-Nazi, and an alt-right kingpin! How could President-Elect Trump appoint such a monster to this high office? Anyone with the slightest of discerning minds could see these accusations for what they really are. Mainstream media smears. This is the same leftist controlled mainstream media that for months claimed Trump had no chance of winning and covered up every Clinton scandal under the sun. They have degenerated to nothing more then Goebbels-esque propagandists of the Democratic Party. They do little to hide their open bias, with even the New York Times having recently come out?
Police launched dawn raids across Germany on Tuesday on about 190 mosques, flats and offices linked to an Islamist group after the government banned the organization, accusing it of radicalizing youngsters.
Power struggles inside Donald Trump’s transition team are hobbling efforts to form a new government -- including what some say is an effort by the president-elect’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to clear out the ranks of loyalists to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.
Ryan ran unopposed for the post.
Mr. Ryan, of Wisconsin, overcame talk of a change by House members unhappy that he had been critical of President-elect Donald J. Trump during the campaign.
They need a blue tea party movement to win on the state level.
Leaders from the minority Christian community in the Middle East have commended President-elect Donald Trump on his victory last week.

Smart, Not Loud

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

A personal response to the Trump Protesters - and how to move forward.
EXCLUSIVE - Alan Dershowitz Defends Steve Bannon: ‘Not Legitimate To Call Somebody An Anti-Semite Because You Disagree With Their Policies’
As if the 2016 climate couldn’t get any more divisive, false or questionable reports of violence linked to Donald Trump’s victory have gained steady traction on social media since last week – complicating efforts to distinguish fact from fiction amid very real political unrest.
UN chief warns new US leader Donald Trump any move to pull out of historic climate deal would be unacceptable.
Speaking to reporters in Athens, President Obama warned that Americans and people around the world “are going to have to guard against a rise in a crude sort of nationalism, or ethnic identity or tribalism.”
On November 15, DePaul University is in for a dose of reality! Christina Sommers and Ben Shapiro are scheduled to take the campus by storm, sending leftist s...
Michelle Rhee, controversial former Washington D.C. public school chancellor is being eyed by Trump's transition team to fill the top education spot.
Women who have things mansplained to them in the workplace can now report it to a dedicated hotline. Unionen, Sweden’s largest union, is encouraging members to call up when male colleagues give them unsolicited lectures on things they already understand. 
Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers left President-elect Donald Trump’s transition team, days after Trump’s surprise victory and a shakeup at the top of the team’s organizational chart.