Former state Sen. Kelli Ward, who is challenging Arizona Sen. John McCain in the Aug. 30 Republican primary, won her second conservative endorsement Monday.
On Monday, State Department lawyers confirmed in federal court that the FBI found approximately 14,900 emails sent to or from Hillary Clinton's private email
No one doubts Ryan Lochte is a jerk. But last week, some liberals took it upon themselves to compare him to Donald Trump … because, of course, no one would ever associate Hillary Clinton with scandal. In an article published by The Huffington Post, civil rights lawyer and former state senator Cynthia Dill wrote: “How much do you want to bet that Ryan Lochte is a Donald Trump supporter?” Comparing the two men’s hair, “bro-ness” and winning attitude, Dill went on to suggest that Lochte would be an excellent addition to the Trump campaign. “And is it me, or does shirtless Lochte in the pool resemble shirtless … Putin, Trump’s idol, on a horse?” she opined.
During a Friday morning interview on MSNBC, author Hillary Mann Leverett stated that the late President Ronald Reagan was the man truly responsible for the $400 million ransom payment the Obama Adm…
Talking to longtime Democratic strategist and Clinton operative James Carville on Monday’s NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer fretted that Donald Trump visiting the flood zone in Louisiana could give him an edge in the presidential race: “He goes down there, looks at the damage first hand, talks to people, before President Obama. It wasn’t until after his visit that Hillary Clinton picked up the phone, called the governor there. Did he appear more presidential in the wake of that tragedy than Hillary Clinton?”
So much for the kinder, gentler, more mature and presidential Donald Trump. He’s the same manic psychopath he always was, and should never, under any circumstances, be put in a position where he treats the nuclear codes the way he treats his Twitter account – as a weapon to get back at those who don’t revere him. Today’s target for his unhinged, thin-skinned lunacy: The | Read More
Trump started off his Monday with a Twitter war with the hosts of "Morning Joe."
(UPDATED) Foreign Affairs Secretary Perfecto Yasay Jr. on Monday said that the Philippines will not leave the United Nations despite President Rodrigo Duterte's recent remarks.
Hillary Clinton had a rotten weekend.
Over the weekend, a series of stories broke that had the power to dramatically hurt her campaign. Hillary special friend Huma Abedin was outed for her connections to a radical Muslim journal that fought against women’s rights and said America was responsible for 9/11; Abedin herself ripped Hillary’s 1995 feminist agenda.
Also, Hillary blamed Colin Powell for her email scandal, and Powell then told the press that she was attempting to scapegoat him. Ouch.
During a guest appearance on Tuesday's edition of MSNBC's Morning Joe program, Cokie Roberts -- a political commentator for National Public Radio and ABC News -- hammered people who still support Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump as “morally tainted” and an example of “textbook racism.” Roberts said of the approximately 40 percent of American voters who polls say still support Trump: “I mean, there’s just no question about that. You can’t say ‘He’s a racist and what he says is textbook racism, but I support him because he’s the nominee of my party.’”
The Daily Mail and the New York Post are building on the case against Hillary aide Huma Abedin that the mainstream media continues to ignore.
The Left’s ethos and goal of multiculturalism is a proven danger to American way of life.
Soros-funded groups are attempting to destroy our election system.
Guest Post by Joe Hoft Hillary Clinton supporters were recently caught on video committing voter fraud in Las Vegas. The two ...
Grave incompetence or brazen dishonesty? Those are the only two conclusions one can reasonably come to after reviewing Hillary Clinton’s stunning Sunday interview on local New Hampshire TV. When WM…
Pot for the poor! That could be the new slogan of marijuana-legalization advocates. In 1996, California became the first state to legalize the use of medical marijuana. There are now 25 states that…
The latest trend in GOP circles: Politicians saying they’ll vote for Trump but don’t endorse him, whatever that means.
Putin is escalating his presence in Syria because he believes he now holds the physical and political trump cards in the region.
We should consider the possibility that Trump is not really running a presidential campaign at all — that this is not politics, but psychotherapy.
There is a good chance American enemies of American free speech will shortly mount a sustained and successful effort to drastically reduce American speech freedoms.
Hillary Clinton's campaign is halfway to its goal of raising a billion dollars for the 2016 race, according to her finance director.
The FBI's summary of the interview is classified and not expected to be made public.