The commissioner, John A. Koskinen, is accused of lying during previous hearings about the agency’s scrutiny of Tea Party groups. Some see the impeachment effort as a partisan rebuke.
Prof says Trump presidency 'unthinkable, unteachable.'
The Conservative Case for Trump by Phyllis Schlafly, Ed Martin, and Brett M. Decker 92 year-old conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly ...
Are the police racist? Do they disproportionately shoot African-Americans? Are incidents in places like Ferguson and Baltimore evidence of systemic discrimin...
PHILADELPHIA — At the Democratic National Committee I ran into Gary Johnson, the former New Mexico governor and Libertarian Party nominee for president. Here's a transcript of our conversation, edited for clarity, and reorganized thematically. —-ON RELIGIOUS LIBERTY—- Do you think New Mexico was right to fine the photographer for not photographing the gay wedding? Look. Here's the issue. You've narrowly defined this. But if we allow for discrimination — if we pass a law that allows for discrimination on the basis of religion — literally, we're gonna open up a can of worms when it come stop discrimination of all forms, starting with Muslims … who knows. You're narrowly looking at a situation where if you broaden that, I just tell you — on the basis of religious freedom, being able to discriminate — something that is currently not allowed — discrimination will exist in places we never dreamed of.
The conversation he sparked is overdue. Now he needs to put moderate Muslims like me onstage.
Signs indicate Clinton may be more open to lobbyists' involvement than Obama, who in his first days in office pledged to greatly restrict lobbyists' influence in his administration.
The fund, which has collected $100,000 so far, has yet to grant any scholarships.
Hillary Clinton’s college-tuition plan is perfectly in line with her general economic outlook. That means it would move the country even closer to European-style socialism by raising taxes, punishi…
Donald Trump may or may not fix his campaign, and Hillary Clinton may or may not become the first female president. But something else happening before our eyes is almost as important: the complete…
“Evolving” his tone and policy on immigration, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump suggested Saturday that he’s open to determining a “humane and efficient” method to deal with the millions of illegal immigrants in the United States. He made the comments at a meeting in Trump Tower with his recently established Hispanic advisory council.
What the hell is going on? Male intruder at 2.47am climbed this wall of the Ecuadorian embassy in London where Assange has asylum https://t.co/6ZIHDkuquJ — WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 22, 2016 16 mins ago at 2:47am a "cat burgler" scaled the side wall+window of the Ecuadorian...
Retired Air Force Col. Rob Maness called on Obama to apologize to residents of Louisiana for a “guidance” that cautioned against racism.
By Ray Starmann It’s been a summer of good sports: the Tour de France, the Rio Olympics, baseball, and now within weeks, the beginning of the football season. Professional and amateur sports are ob…
1791L - Your source for common sense political discourse. » Full debate here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xfLx6XMdCiY $ Support the channel on Patreon! ht...
The former U.S. Secretary of State sent a memo to the presidential hopeful, sharing how he communicated via a personal account while in office
Sorry guys, it’s really been a while since I last uploaded a video. That’s why I have a special treat for you. With what little free time there is, I managed...
USA Today put the latest troubling signs of private insurers bailing out of Obamacare on the top of the front page Wednesday. But something really obvious was missing from the text of the entire article – the name “Obama.” The headline for this beating-around-the-bush story was “Health care costs to rise in 2017: Aetna pullout in 11 states reflects insurance industry upheaval.”
The People's Pundit Daily U.S. Presidential Election Daily Tracking Poll began on July 3, 2016, and will run until the presidential election in November.
Campaign manager Robby Mook has written a panicky pitch to Hillary Clinton supporters warning that fundraising numbers are dipping – even adding “that’s how elections are lost.” “Our poll numbers a…
"The Recycled Organic fibre-wearing fully biodegradable 100% sustainable Liberal Superhero" An amazing left-wing mocking cartoon from GTAV's CNT TV Channel. ...