June 13, 2016 Mizzou race activist hijacks Orlando vigil as gay community rebukes her
The New York Times, in its time-accustomed habit of ascribing the motives for Islamic terrorist attacks to anything other than the religious identity of the terrorist, issued an editorial in which they decided to blame the GOP and conservatives for the Orlando massacre in which a Muslim terrorist, who was reportedly not only gay but a Democrat, murdered 49 people and wounded over fifty others.
DISGUSTING! The University of Missouri held a vigil for the #Pulse Club Massacre victims on campus this week. Unfortunately, a ...
Every day is a bad day in politics lately.
In the wake of the Islamist terror attack that killed 50 people at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Hillary Clinton and congressional Democrats are vigorously pushing legislation to ban American citizens from purchasing guns if the federal government has a reasonable suspicion the gun may be used in a terrorist attack. Some leading Democrats contend that the legislation would have prevented the Orlando attack, but that claim is highly dubious. As Democratic Florida senator Bill Nelson told reporters on a conference call today, the FBI twice investigated the Orlando killer, Omar Mateen, but closed both investigations because there was no prosecutable evidence. Mateen was not on a government watch list at the time of the attack.
Jameis Winston's Teammate Says Racism at Root of Media's Coverage of QB
The Justice Department has sued the city of Seattle in an effort to hide details of an FBI surveillance effort in the city.

Is Trump Losing the GOP?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Never before have so many leading Republican figures questioned the nominee’s basic fitness for office.
After an influx of more than a million Muslim immigrants last year, Germans' tolerance for Islam is wearing thin.
MSNBC is now reporting that another Republican and sitting governor is saying he can’t support nor vote for Donald Trump in November: Hallie Jackson reports that Governor Larry Hogan, a Repub…
#LoveWinsOverIslam @columbiabugle
Hillary Clinton’s social media manager told the National Rife Association to “f*** off” on Twitter Monday. Emily Bengtson fired off the profane remark in response to the NRA’s editorial in USA Today that criticizes the likely Democratic front-runner for making “renewed calls for more gun control” that “can’t and won’t keep us safe,” following the Orlando shooting Chris W. Cox, executive director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, wrote the article “Gun laws don’t deter terrorists: Opposing View,” which was published Sunday. Cox argued that gun bans and strict gun control laws didn’t deter the terrorist attacks in San Bernardino, Brussels, or France. “Repeating the same thing but expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. Law-abiding gun owners are tired of being blamed for the acts of madmen and terrorists,” Cox wrote. He suggested the solution is to “destroy” radical Islam, rather than “destroy the right of law-abiding Americans to defend themselves.” That did not sit well
German justice minister Haiko Maas says Germany will not recognise polygamous or underage marriages, as concern over such practices rise.
A House panel voted Wednesday to censure IRS Commissioner John Koskinen for what Republicans allege was his obstruction of an investigation into whether the IRS improperly scrutinized conservative groups.
"He intends to hold the floor until we have a path forward on some votes."

Reuters Top News on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“BREAKING: NRA says anyone on terrorism watchlist who tries to buy a gun should be investigated by the FBI and the sale delayed.”
Ellen DeGeneres: Transgender Stingray in Disney's 'Finding Dory'
Trump tramples on liberties valued by the elites, Clinton tramples on liberties despised by the elites.
Premiums for popular low-cost medical plans under the federal health care law are expected to go up an average of 11 percent next year, said a study that reinforced reports of sharp increases around the country in election season.
Twice now Donald Trump has accused American soldiers of stealing money allocated for the war effort. He did it again overnight. Trump, in North Carolina, talked about American soldiers needing to p…
Are terror watch lists enough? If the Orlando shooter was taken off one, lawmakers don't think so.
Oh this is too good not to share...