I feel confident he would help us turn the ideas in this agenda into laws to help improve people’s lives. That’s why I’ll be voting for him this fall.

Ryan endorses Trump

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

"It’s no secret that he and I have our differences," Ryan wrote in the Janesville Gazette.
The Massachusetts House of Representatives has passed a bill that legally trades biological sex for gender identity in the state's law.
Sharing is scaring, say the cops
Facebook Twitter Google+ Editor’s Note: GotNews.com worked with real veterans on this post to expose Perry O’Brian’s dishonesty. Thank you for your service in and out of uniform.  Organizer Perry O’Brien is a far left radical activist who has a history of fraudulently claiming to represent grassroots organizations. The conscientious objector (we’ll get to that in …
After weeks of withholding his support, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan announced Thursday he plans to vote for Donald Trump for president this fall. Ryan’s endorsement is a major step toward...

The Libertarians’ Fantasy Island

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Both major party nominees boast unusually high unfavorable perceptions among general election voters, and that has the Libertarian nominee for president eyeing his chance for fame — even inclusion in the presidential debates. Gary Johnson, the former Republican governor of New Mexico, ran for the GOP nod in 2012, but when he gained zero traction among conservatives he bailed on the party and became the Libertarian nominee for president. Johnson?s 2012 bid was such a non-factor that there is scant evidence of his mark on any phase of the battle between President Obama and GOP nominee Mitt Romney. From immigration to life, from the growth of government to marriage, Gary Johnson is no conservative. But with both Trump and Clinton taking the mantle of their party after bruising primary slogs, and a few lingering Trump naysayers still pounding the drum for a third-party option, Johnson is getting more attention than usual for a Libertarian candidate. A May 18 Fox News poll found

Socialism for the Uninformed

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Socialism sounds good but its record can't withstand the facts.
Donald Trump blasts President Obama for his criticism of the Republican presumptive nominee, calling it "campaigning." Trump criticized Obama at a rally in Sacramento for jumping in the political fray and said "he should go out and do the job he's supposed to be doing." "We have a country that doesn't win anymore, right, we know that. When is the last time, seriously, think about it, when is the last time we had a victory in this country? We don't have victories anymore," Trump said at a campaign rally in an aeroplane hanger Wednesday night. "Did you see our GDP? It's, like, almost zero. If that happened in China, they'd have a revolution. It's, you know, they get down to 7%, 8%, and they start devaluing their currency again. Which kills us because they take our jobs and they kill our companies when they do that and they're not supposed to do that. And they're not supposed to be building fortresses in the South China Sea. They have no respect for our country," Trump said. "They have no respect for our president," Trump told the crowd. "They think he's a total lightweight. And now he's going to be campaigning. And you know what, he shouldn't campaign. He should go out and do the job that he's supposed to be doing, not campaigning. So we don't win anymore."
College Republicans at UC Irvine are planning to distribute baby pacifiers to campus liberals planning a "safe space" ahead of Milo's visit.
RNC chairman Reince Priebus dismissed efforts Thursday to launch a David French independent bid for president.
A Trump presidency might be fine. It also might be extremely bad. As with risky investing, the wide range of possible outcomes should count against him.
Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), the chairman of the House Select Panel on Infant Lives, called on the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Wednesday to investigate StemExpress and several abortion clinics for potentially violating federal law. Blackburn said that the Select Panel’s investigation...
Trump University is back in the news after a judge released documents showing that the university preyed on the financially disadvantaged. Here are seven things you need to know about the scam that was Trump University.
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton told the parents of a child who died during the 2012 school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, that opponents of gun control are “experts at scaring people.” The former secretary of state made the pointed comments during a recent campaign event at the University...
First it was Katie Couric. Then it was HBO's Bryant Gumbel. Now an op-ed writer for the New York Times has chosen to distort statements to smear gun owners.
Her children were 'concerned about their safety,' she said.
So, for the umpteenth time in the last several weeks, Hillary Clinton’s campaign is attempting to explain to Americans how she will take on wild card Donald Trump in the general election. And for the umpteenth time, she’s failing. A woman with all the charm of a 1980s-era withered plastic sofa cover will try to outplay a man who got famous being likeable on television. And she’ll do it with policy! POLICY, I TELL YOU! According to The New York Times today, Hillary’s speech today in San Diego will target Trump over his foreign policy incoherence:
ISLAM has inspired depraved Islamic State jihadis to carry out heinous atrocities, the BBC’s head of religion and ethics has said.
The emails will be released to the RNC this July.
Donald Trump's educational venture faces lawsuits in San Diego, New York accusing business of fleecing students
WikiLeaks found the smoking-gun email proving inarguably Hillary Clinton broke the law, but not necessarily due to the now-infamous private email server.
Donald Trump is fighting back against public embarrassment over his now-defunct Trump University real estate seminar series, releasing a video featuring three student testimonials.