
The belief that the Koran promises 72 virgins in heaven for Muslim martyrs is the result of a monumental "mistranslation," according to Islam scholar Irshad Manji, who claims that these individuals are, instead, offered "raisins" after death. "Nowhere in the Koran does it promise 72 virgins, 70 virgins, 48 virgins. What...


A sentimental gesture made by one presidential candidate to another backfired this weekend following a contentious and drama-filled Libertarian Party convention.


Three words are hanging over the final days of the Democratic presidential race: Bernie or bust.


Former managers of Trump University say it relied on high-pressure sales tactics, employed unqualified instructors and made deceptive claims.


In a sad but entirely predictable turn, the far-left seized on the horrible shooting at UCLA to tout on Twitter their gun control agenda and attack lawful gun owners as well as people of faith for praying in this dire time.


Students at a Texas high school who earned the right to wear National Honor Society stoles at graduation were reportedly informed by the school that they will not be allowed to wear them because it is not inclusive of all students.


The Judge seems to have unsealed the docs in retaliation for Trump's "insults"...


Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gov. Gary Johnson said that according to the results of an online quiz he took, he agrees with Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders on “73 percent” of the issues during an interview Tuesday on C-SPAN's "Washington Journal." Johnson said he took the...


NEW YORK – Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton?s chief of staff during her four years as secretary of state, demonstrated a repeated inability to recall key information about her former boss?s private, unsecured email server in a deposition with Judicial Watch, according to a 270-page transcript released Tuesday. In testimony Friday that lasted seven hours, three [?]


‘Come On!’ Megyn Kelly Goes Off on Trump for Swiping at Hispanic Judge’s Ethnicity Megyn Kelly got a little incredulous with a Donald Trump supporter tonight...


On Friday, President Obama nearly apologized for the U.S. dropping bombs on Japan, essentially ending World War II. Obama’s minions were all over it. In fact, Brian Williams wants you all to know t…


Liberty, am I right? https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Mediators/ https://www.facebook.com/The-Mediators-793471617453112/ Edit: Don't shoot the messenger


At least two people were shot dead at the University of California, Los Angeles on Wednesday, police and campus officials said, drawing a phalanx of police cruisers to the scene and prompting officials to lock down the campus.


Police were searching for a shooter near the Engineering IV building on Wednesday and students were told to stay in a safe location.


Police are hunting for a black-clad suspect after two people were shot and killed on the UCLA campus Wednesday, the LAPD confirmed.


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- Texas' lieutenant governor on Tuesday encouraged the state's 1,200 school districts to defy the Obama administrative and ignore a directive calling on schools to allow transgender students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. The advice from Republican Lt. Gov.


The latest stop on Milo Yiannopoulous's "Dangerous Faggot Tour" was blocked by protests at the beginning, and evacuated by a bomb threat.


RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein


Records: Hillary Clinton Has Donated $70,000 To Veterans


Hillary Clinton is 0-for-2016, having failed to hold any full press conferences this year — fueling the perception that she is the most guarded major candidate in recent political history, in stark contrast with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.


There are a whole lot of Latinos who are disrupting the media’s anti-immigrant narrative pushed by the mainstream media. Mark F. (@Immigrant4Trump) put together a video making the case for why Angelo Gomez supports Donald Trump for president, and why many other Latinos do, too. “My name is Angelo Gomez and I have something very …


Series: AWHAETP, Hours, Monthly, 2006-03 to 2016-04, SA, FRED: Download, graph, and track economic data. Tags: nation, usa, monthly, sa, bls, employment, private, establishment survey, hours.