
On Saturday morning, Tom Johnson at NewsBusters called attention to how Paul Waldman at The Week recently crowed about the Obama administration's supposedly scandal-free record consisting of "only piddling little scandalettes." Waldman's fever-swamp take is made even more hilarious by the fact that he considers George W. Bush's "selling of the Iraq War" a genuine scandal. But somehow, President Barack Obama's selling of the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare — where even the reflexively leftist evaluators at Politifact labeled his core "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan" promise the Lie of the Year in 2013 — must not be a scandal, or is at worst a "piddling little scandalette."


The ten most financially sound states in the country are all heavily Republican, while all but one of the ten worst states are heavily Democratic. That’s according to a ranking of states in a new r…


After the NYE mass assaults against women in several European cities, the German Federal Criminal Police Office, BKA, now say that the Arab "rape game" Taharrush has established itself in Europe.


NEW YORK – Cheryl Mills, Hillary Clinton?s chief of staff during her four years as secretary of state, demonstrated a repeated inability to recall key information about her former boss?s private, unsecured email server in a deposition with Judicial Watch, according to a 270-page transcript released Tuesday. In testimony Friday that lasted seven hours, three [?]


Spiritual leader says there are ‘too many’ refugees in Europe.


In a seemingly inexplicable and undoubtedly controversial public statement, a supporter of the mass migration sweeping across Europe posted a rationalization explaining away a gang rape by three immigrants, despite being the victim of …


The Dalai Lama says Europe has taken "too many" refugees from war-torn countries and that they should eventually return to their native lands to rebuild.


Bill Kristol reportedly wants National Review staff writer, David French, to run an independent presidential campaign.


In a press conference on Tuesday, Donald Trump took umbrage at reporters asking him to account for the $6 million he said he raised for veterans charities back in January, resorting to name-calling and other invectives when reporters questioned his attitude to being questioned. "Instead of being like, 'Thank you very much, Mr. Trump,' or 'Trump did a good job,' everyone's saying: 'Who got it? Who got it? Who got it?'" Trump groused. "I have never received such bad publicity for doing such a good job."
Trump read off 41 organizations that had received $5.6 million from his January fundraiser, including $1 million of his own money. "Most of the money went out quite a while ago," Trump said on Tuesday. "Some of it went out more recently. But all of this has gone out." The Associated Press called each of the 41 organizations, 30 responded, and about half said they only got checks from Trump last week, with the biggest batch going out on or around May 24 — the same day Trump finally spoke with The Washington Post, which had been publicly digging around to account for his donations. Trump's $1 million check went out May 24, too
Trump campaign spokeswoman Hope Hicks said the timing was coincidental. "Mr. Trump's team worked very hard to complete this lengthy process prior to Memorial Day weekend," she said. Trump's likely Democratic presidential rival, Hillary Clinton, saw things differently. "The problem here is the difference between what Donald Trump says and what Donald Trump does," she said. "He's bragged for months about raising $6 million for vets and donating $1 million himself, but it took a reporter to shame him into actually making the contribution." That's one way to raise questions about Trump's judgment for cutting checks on the same day he was nailed by reporters for failing to fulfill a public promise. Here's another:
What kind of landlord is Trump if he's never heard of back dating checks?
— Bob Schooley (@Rschooley) June 1, 2016
On the other hand, Trump's only been running for president for a year. Peter Weber


If one lie doesn’t serve, try another: That’s clearly the idea behind the Hillary Clinton campaign’s response to last week’s blistering review of her e-mail scandal. The report from the State Depar…


The last time she lived in the White House, Hillary Clinton was in charge of a health care task force that met in secret under a veil of lies. That episode highlighted the haughtiness, deceit and d…


High unfavorable ratings could boost a third-party challenge


Polls: Donald Trump Is Shifting the 2016 Electoral Map


Syrian Refugees Spreading Flesh-Eating Disease, Polio, Measles, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis


With the final primaries of the 2016 nomination season approaching, a new CNN Poll of Polls finds the candidates most likely to lead their parties into the general election are locked in a tight contest. Hillary Clinton holds an average of 45% support while 43% back Donald Trump across five recent nationwide polls of registered voters.


Canada: Pro-Sharia, pro-Caliphate organization holds conference in Mississauga Islamic State murders 12 Real Madrid fans as they watched match


New York Giants cornerback Janoris Jenkins was downright defiant regarding any potential criticism directed his way over how at 27 years old he has five child


Illegal immigration has exploded 57 percent in less than two years, with at least 550,000 new undocumented aliens pouring into America in a trend that is set to continue growing, according to new Census data.
In an analysis of the numbers, the Center for Immigration Studies found illegal and legal immigration have reached over 1.5 million a year, a new 15 year high, and a 39 percent increase over 2013.
You're looking at a big jump, said author Steven A. Camarota in an interview with Secrets.


A look at Pakistan's Council of Islamic Ideology (CII), a group that has been criticised for drafting a women's protection bill that suggests a husband could "lightly beat" his wife to keep her in line.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump is just the most disgusting and despicable person to ever get even reasonably close to the White House, and it isn’t even close. The spectacle of his asinine press conference, at which he acted like a petulant three year old child who called the media names for daring to attempt to verify boasts about his alleged charity | Read More »


Mainstream media sympathy for the Libertarian Party ticket


As a backer of former Republican presidential candidates, I now stand in support of Donald J. Trump because the fate of this nation depends upon sending him, and not Hillary Clinton, to the White...


Glenn Beck Breaks Silence, Links to Article Calling SiriusXM ‘Cowards'


The International Monetary Fund has predicted that inflation in Venezuela will hit 720% this year.


The State Department warns American citizens to remain vigilant.