15 months of research found that the financial inconsistencies rise to the level of "fraud."
Ballotpedia is a nonprofit, nonpartisan professionally curated encyclopedia designed to connect people to politics and elections at the local, state and federal level.
Uh oh! Plus Steven Crowder's attorney weighs in on legal motion.
If Meat Eaters Acted Like Vegans - Ultra Spiritual Life episode 35 Claim Your free download of "7 Ways to Be More Spiritual Than Your Friends" at http://Awak...
Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump are locked in a statistical tie in Georgia, according to an Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll that laid bare the deep divide over the presidential race.
H/T MAGS-4-TRUMP2016 @magnifier661 SHORT VERSION HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3OfXMlQRRY CNN Anderson Cooper CAUGHT running DEFENSE for #CrookedHil...
President Barack Obama took aim Sunday at presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump while delivering the commencement address at Rutgers University, telling graduates to tout their knowledge, not brag about their ignorance.
Hillary Clinton has always made known that she wants Bill Clinton to have some kind of role in the White House should she become president, and over the past few weeks, she's begun to reveal more about what exactly that would be.
During a campaign event in Fort Mitchell today, the Democratic...
The Supreme Court punted Monday on a challenge by religious-affiliated employers to ObamaCare’s contraception mandate, sending the dispute back to the lower courts.
Donald Trump went to Washington last week, and the GOP establishment jumped on the Trump train. They're going to tell conservatives to do the same.
The openly gay pastor who ignited a firestorm when he sued Whole Foods over the claim that one of the supermarket chain’s stores sold him a cake with an anti-gay slur on it has officially dropped his lawsuit and apologized. "Today I am dismissing my lawsuit against Whole...
A former model who was featured at the center of a lengthy New York Times report that assailed Donald Trump’s treatment of women said Monday that her account was taken out of context, misquoted and “spun” by the Times in order to portray the Republican presidential candidate in a negative light.
Chicago Schools Force Students To Use Transgender Language
Bernie Sanders supporters in Portland, Oregon organize a Wiccan and Pagan-like ritual to awaken the spirits and bring energy to the Bernie campaign. Yes, one...
In a blaring front-page headline late Sunday night, Breitbart News labeled Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol a "renegade Jew" for his efforts to organize a third-party candidate to challenge Donald
H/T MAGS-4-TRUMP2016 @magnifier661 SHORT VERSION HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h3OfXMlQRRY CNN Anderson Cooper CAUGHT running DEFENSE for #CrookedHil...
Located in Cologne Silvesternacht prevailed around the cathedral chaos. Now a video has been released showing how dangerous was the evacuation of the station...
Dr. Ben Carson confirmed five people on presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s list of potential vice presidential running mates in a recent interview.
In an analysis for the front page of Wednesday’s New York Times business section, Eduardo Porter trumpeted that the real issue ailing the American economy and impeding on its improvement is the lack of mass government jobs programs similar to its “large and underappreciated role in reshaping” the country during the 19th and 20th centuries.
“Never Trump” Republicans have tried to urge Mark Cuban to run against Donald Trump for the presidency, new reports say.
If genitals have no effect on anything then why complain about the disproportionate number of penises in positions of power in society?
ISIS has conquered territory across the Middle East and northern Africa. It has terrorized its occupied cities, sown terror across Europe, and spread its ide...
The German government created a website dedicated to teaching the influx of Middle Eastern immigrants about sexual norms in German culture.