The Supreme Court today told the Obama administration and the challengers in the Zubik v. Burwell lawsuit to go back to the lower courts and try to find a solution.
A Princeton University professor has attacked the very notion of transgenderism, saying that the belief “that a woman can be trapped inside a man’s body” is ludicrous and superstitious.
I AM a besotted mother of two small men-in-training and I have a mother of an issue.
Conservative filmmaker discusses his new movie, "Hillary's America," at the West Coast Retreat.
Sheryl Sandberg's Harvard thesis sheds new light on the depth of the ardent feminist's ideology.
Jens Spahn is positioning himself, with no apologies, to take Angela Merkel’s seat.
Straight Disney characters are so 2015! Elsa should just let it go and embrace her inner lesbian princess. That’s what LGBT supporters are demanding of Frozen and other Disney films. And now Washington Post writer Jessica Contrera has noticed the absence of gay characters in Disney as well. There have been some ambiguous relationships between minor characters, such as the two male antelope roommates in Zootopia, but these instances are only noticeable to the most observant of movie-goers. For the most part, kids’ “movies have quietly reinforced a very traditional standard for romantic love.” You know, the standard that has been good enough for 5,000 years of civilization and matters to 97% of humans.
(Newsmax) ? Republican party leaders in 11 states holding conventions and selecting delegates Saturday pressed anti-Donald Trump members to fall in line behind the presumptive nominee — and punished those who refused, Politico reports. Nearly 400 delegates to the party?s nominating convention were picked, or, according to Politico, about one in every six who?ll fill seats ...
Too much is at stake for conservatives to cede the cultural battlefield.
Donald Trump: Obama's Government Should Get Out of Kids' Bathrooms, Locker Rooms
Liberals, stop being so defensive. That’s the message of Harvard law professor Mark Tushnet in a new post at Balkinization, titled “Abandoning Defensive Crouch Liberal Constitutionalism.” The problem, according to Tushnet, is that liberals have been too defensive when it comes to advancing their agenda in the courts.
Former Senator James Webb (D-VA) announces his withdraw from consideration for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination. Watch the complete video here: ht...
Yeah, the guys in my local gun shop are ALWAYS talking about how we need MORE gun control....
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Trump supporters dismissed last week?s WSB/Landmark poll showing Clinton and Trump essentially tied in Georgia. Another poll has just been released by the Atlanta Journal-Constitution which confirms that Georgia is now essentially a toss up state between Clinton and Trump. Trump’s 4-point lead over Clinton — he’s at 45 percent — is within the poll’s margin of error, meaning | Read More
Venezuela's socialist government on Thursday condemned the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff as a U.S.-inspired mockery of popular will and a menace to Latin America's now-diminishing leftist bloc.
The Road to Hell is paved with good intentions. "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, its just that they know so much that isn'...
Years ago I was talking to a colleague from Sweden, and he was complaining about their insane tax system which makes it impossible for anyone to really consider more than two kids, unless they̵…
A closer look at why some companies like Walt Disney represent “market failure.”
Reince Priebus' case of political Stockholm Syndrome might rival Chris Christie's or even Ben Carson's.
Featuring: Christina Hoff Sommers - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYpELqKZ02Q&list=PLytTJqkSQqtr7BqC1Jf4nv3g2yDfu7Xmd&ab_channel=AmericanEnterpriseInstitut...
Roger Scrutons speech after receiving the Danish Free Press Societies Sappho Award. 14. May 2016
Reince Priebus: 'People Just Don't Care' About Trump's Personal Life
A Chevrolet pickup truck loaded with 15 illegal aliens was stopped by a barrier fence when they attempted to enter NAS Kingsville.
The forces tearing apart Venezuela have converged in the country’s hospital wards, which face dire shortages of medicine, supplies and personnel.
Clarence Thomas addressed the connection between liberty and personal responsibility in a powerful commencement address yesterday, lamenting what he called “a bygone era” of the “hallmarks of my youth.”