
“Fight just broke out. Someone got their credentials snatched https://t.co/RnDSMxaiI4”


Many have questioned the moves by state lawmakers across the country to grow their economies by cutting taxes, reducing spending and rolling back regulations. A new report from the American Legisla…


Little Johnny self identifies as a girl. He wants to use the little girls room. This makes Sally uncomfortable. Big bad Obama says, too bad Sally. Sign up fo...


With Donald Trump getting more TV coverage than Charlie Sheen and rising in the polls among Republicans, it is not a surprise that the knives have come out for him. “He’s just another liberal,” screams the libertarian Club for Growth. “He’s not one of us,” echoes Karl Rove.


Billionaire Republican donor Sheldon Adelson is reportedly willing to give Donald Trump as much as $100 million for his presidential campaign -- a purported record-setting amount for the wealth casino magnate.


Target Management Tells Boycott Group to Expect No Change to Transgender Bathroom Policy - Breitbart
Target Management Tells Boycott Group to Expect No Change to Transgender Bathroom Policy


Witnesses detained a man they say choked an eight-year-old girl unconscious and tried to molest her in a store bathroom in Chicago.


Interviews reveal unwelcome advances, a shrewd reliance on ambition, and unsettling workplace conduct over decades.


TAMPA, Fla. (TheBlaze/AP) — When a venomous Eastern diamondback rattlesnake appeared in the backyard of a 7-year-old girl, her German shepherd, Haus, came to her rescue, refusing to back down even when the snake bit him three times. To his family, Haus is a hero. "It shows...


A pro-Hillary Clinton PAC is spending over $1m on online trolls in order to 'correct' Bernie Sanders supporters on social media.


With dire shortages of basic goods, a looming foreign debt payment, horrific street crime and intransigent political divisions, Venezuela is in danger of collapsing into waves of deadly violence, U.S. intelligence officials warned Friday.


Donald Trump does not understand the basic parameters of our Constitution’s limits on executive power.


Pundits are calling foul on the presumptive Republican nominee for starting to court donors, but he’s depended on donations and loans to himself all along.


The Hillary Clinton campaign is already fretting about the all-important state of Ohio. The campaign sent an email to supporters Friday morning asking for money to be competitive in the state. Ohio State Director Chris Wyant writes: Hey — Chris here, I run our team in Ohio. No Republican has ever won the White House …


Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by FoxNews.com.


Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro declared a 60-day state of emergency on Friday due to what he called plots from within the OPEC country and the United States to topple his leftist government.


Ladies, if you want equality then you need to accept equal treatment.


After countless reports about the potential for nuclear or radioactive weapons of mass destruction being smuggled into the United States, the State of Texas is has begun to take the threat seriously.


After only one season, ABC has cancelled the reboot of The Muppets. The show was supposed to be an instant success (who doesn’t love Kermit and Miss Piggy?), but the reboot took on a dark and edgy flair that didn’t resonate with fans of the original Muppets. Instead of sticking to what made the original Muppets a classic, this new batch used their TV platform to push a social agenda. One episode preached about gender fluidity. The male puppets expressed their interest in Josh Groban, and justified it by saying that Groban’s gender was fluid. Maybe puppets don’t really understand human biology. Ignorance, however, doesn’t change the fact that people still have the same biological parts every single morning.


LOLOL. Talk about three-dimensional media chess, and owning the new cycle. This guy is an epic candidate. The person who leaked the 25-year-old ?audio tape? to the Washington Post was…


Knowing the numbers is important for a variety of policy reasons, but firm answers are elusive.


Failure to Launch: #NeverTrump Third Party Effort Dies Aborning


A lawsuit by a suspended Colorado student should be remedial education for administrators.