If the eminently unqualified and unpalatable Donald Trump becomes President Of The United States next January, there will truly be only one reason: Hillary Clinton. The former First Lady, Senator and Secretary of State isn’t merely an incompetent politician. She’s a danger to the republic. There are many politicians with ridiculous, incoherent and frightening foreign policy views. But she’s perhaps the only politician in America who poses as much of a risk to national security as Trump simply by dint of character.
The bio-tech firm that purchases aborted baby parts and fully intact aborted babies from the Planned Parenthood abortion business is stonewalling Congress in it
A World War II veteran who was the oldest known living American man has died at the age of 110.
If the Democrats wanted to stage a coup of the Republican Party, they could not do better than Donald Trump and his new hires. Trump, after railing on Ted Cruz for ties to Goldman Sachs, is hiring …
How Ben Rhodes rewrote the rules of diplomacy for the digital age.
In the hours after the polls closed in Indiana and it was announced that businessman Donald Trump had won the Republican presidential primary — thereby ending Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's campaign — the Libertarian Party saw a doubling of its new membership applications. Between 7 p.m. Tuesday evening and noon on Wednesday, the Libertarian Party received 99 new memberships. For the same time period a day earlier, the LP received only 46 new memberships. In an email to the Washington Examiner, LP Executive Director Wes Benedict said he was unaware of any social media efforts by the party to recruit new members, and believed the increase was in response to Trump becoming the clear Republican nominee. Of course they are scared of Trump. Trump sounds like an authoritarian, Benedict wrote. We don't need a secret deal-maker. We need more transparency, and a smaller, less intrusive government that provides a level playing field for all and has fewer deals for special interests.

Cheri Jacobus on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Some staff at the RNC were told Wed if they were unable to get behind Trump they shoulld leave by end of the week https://t.co/FhEIvFKlgz”

A Knock At Midnight

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

--------------Support the Brother Nathanael Foundation!-------------- Donate Here @ https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=Q5ZH...
The West's biggest ally in the Middle East finally has an office at NATO.
After acknowledging he will now raise money for the general election, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has named a national finance chairman who has a history with some organiz
Saru Jayaraman, the founder of the union-funded Restaurant Opportunities Center United that has lobbied heavily for the "Fight for 15," which seeks to increase the federal minimum wage to $15, was caught on camera saying that she believed proposed wage hike was actually too low for workers to live...
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and others have effectively waged war on Chick-fil-A less than a year after the beloved fast-food chain finally set up shop in Manhattan. The chain is poised to open its first Queens location at Queens Center Mall this fall, and its...
Bernie vs Trump, Who is more Violent! (Social Experiment) Follow me on Twitter https://twitter.com/JoeySalads Don't forget to Subscribe! Subscribe to my Vlog...
We’ve seen this “call for unity” scheme before.
HIGH ENERGY Channel - https://goo.gl/lVZX74 Main Channel - https://goo.gl/nS4IRF Back-Up Channel - https://goo.gl/ANIA7b Become A Patron - https://goo.gl/jUq...
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio is urging New Yorkers not to eat at Chick fil-A,

How things have changed...

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Our loyalties should be to our principles, and not any party.
"Our Founders didn’t want entrenched political parties," complains Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse. "So why should we accept this terrible choice?"
The battle over whether conservatives should vote for Donald Trump to stop Hillary Clinton from attaining the White House will undoubtedly continue all the way up until Election Day. Trump himself makes no bones about his distaste for conservatives who oppose him – he said today that he doesn’t need them. “I am confident that I can unite much of it,” Trump said of the Republican Party, “some of it, I don’t want. There were statements made about me that those people can go away and maybe come back in eight years…But honestly, there are some people I really don’t want.
Donald Trump says he's not afraid of debt -- he even dubbed himself the "king of debt" -- but he is concerned about how higher rates will impact the national debt.
Carson also said Cruz would be "terrific" on the Supreme Court.
RedFlag News Desk UPDATE: It appears the wrath of the American people was too much for them to bear and they have deleted the post. Too bad for them the Internet is forever.   Very few people would argue against the sacrifice our soldiers make for this country, regardless of your views of the wars we engage in. Only the lowest of the low would make a joke out of those who give the ultimate sacrifice. The liberal satirical website The Onion just may have proved to be the lowest of the low with their most recent Instagram post.   Full post found here.  The image was reposted from Instagram account clickhole with the caption "So cool!" from The Onion. There is nothing "cool" about the death of our soldiers or the pain and sorrow their sacrifice causes their families.  Our soldiers deserve our utmost respect. The families of those who have lost their lives serving deserve our utmost support. Anyone who would dare make a joke or a mockery of our soldier's sacrifice need to feel our wrath!
MSNBC's Chris Matthews was caught on a hot mic commenting on Melania Trump's "runway walk" during the network's Indiana primary coverage.

Matt Viser on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Romney and McCain, George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush will all be represented at Trump’s convention by four empty chairs.”