Along with millions of Americans, I have watched your rise to national prominence with great interest and I was fascinated to see how you seemed to unnerve no less a prominent personality than Donald Trump with your forthright questions. Nicely done. As to the purpose of this letter, I have viewed you as a moderate conservative rather than an extreme right-wing conservative, but still, I was shocked to see you disparage the idea of biological sex during your interview last week with Montel Williams, discussing North Carolinas HB2.
An American nation standing as one, is a force that the world's evils cannot defeat. You are that force. We are that force. Real Americans are not defeated. ...
Guest post by Aleister Now that Donald Trump won Indiana and has pretty much clinched the Republican nomination, the left’s ...
HIGH ENERGY Channel - https://goo.gl/lVZX74 Back-Up Channel - https://goo.gl/dyt6yZ 2nd Back-Up Channel - https://goo.gl/ANIA7b Become A Patron - https://goo...
The artist who won the “draw Mohammed” cartoon contest attacked by terrorists last May in Garland, Texas, said his drawing was removed from eBay Wednesday on a “technicality.”
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump is my fault as much as anyone else?s. It started way back in 2009-2010 when the Tea Party erupted on the scene. At the core of the tea party was a principle that I agreed with so much that I became a conservative activist during that time period. That core was principled, fiscal conservatism and a desire | Read More
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's Legal View with Ashleigh Banfield, far-left CNN political commentator Sally Kohn oddly brought up the Indiana Ku Klux Klan from the 1920s as evidence of the state being "socially conservative" and "racially divisive," and therefore a place where GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump is likely to win by a landslide. Her analysis was so bizarre that even the left-leaning Ashleigh Banfield stepped in to "stick up for" Indiana residents who "would absolutely disavow that."
Donald Trump said Wednesday that he never believed Ted Cruz's father was connected to the assassination of John F. Kennedy, just one day after floating a conspiracy theory which suggested exactly that during an interview on national television. Speaking with CNN host Wolf Blitzer, Trump repeatedly said he...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Add this to the million existing reasons for the #NeverTrump movement. Donald Trump spoke with Wolf Blitzer today on CNN and did what he always does: talks incoherent circles around a point because he’s too intellectually challenged to formulate complete sentences. Then, of course, when forced to answer a question, he seems to always choose the answer most morally | Read More
It’s been almost seven years since Kanye West interrupted Taylor Swift’s VMA speech in 2009 to declare that Beyonce, in fact, had the “best video of all time,” but the rapper can’t seem to let the topic go.
Facebook blacklists conservative news outlets and trending topics it doesn't like, according to former workers.
MILWAUKEE ? Wisconsin Republicans on Wednesday, May 4 were mulling whether to throw their support behind the GOP?s presumptive presidential nominee, Donald Trump. Trump is the lone Repu…
A group of Venezuelan soldiers confessed to stealing goats over the weekend, in order to feed themselves since they had no food left in their barracks.
Krauthammer: GOP 'Being Led By a Non-Conservative,' As of Now, 'I Don't Think I'd Be Capable of Voting for Donald Trump'
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox apologized Wednesday for the vulgar language he has used toward GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.
The writer and podcast host talks about being shamed by other gay people, his white-privilege fund and being a Trump-sexual.
Proceeds from selling the copy of “The Communist Manifesto” signed by Ted Cruz will go to Doctors Without Borders
Former Texas Rep. Ron Paul, a 2012 GOP presidential candidate, said Tuesday that there are indeed similarities between GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump and Democratic contender Sen. Bernard Sanders, but that both candidates are off in their policy prescriptions.
The presumptive Republican nominee has already been giving some thought to what he would do in his first hundred days in office.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Trump’s search for a running mate is going to be fun to watch. Fun in that it’s going to be hilarious watching person after person after person after person after person say “No.” And we are seeing the first, officially. While Trump hasn’t asked Nikki Haley (and he will no doubt now attack her and claim he never considered | Read More »
We conservatives must press on and continue the good fight.
The Chicago Trump protests got the liberal media’s attention for the violence the liberal demonstrat...
If Hillary Clinton is elected, the baton will have passed from one Alinskyite to another, as Obama will have had eight years to fundamentally transform America, and Hillary will have another four t…