WASHINGTON (AP) — Bernie Sanders said Tuesday that his primary bid against Hillary Clinton was far from over, pointing to his victory in Indiana and strength in upcoming races as a sign of his durability in the presidential…
Behold the latest crop of children of "enlightened" Democrat activists. Fresh footage of some anti-Trump protesters has surfaced which show a group of African-American and Latino youth hurling a myriad of obscenities and bigoted epithets. Shame on the parents for allowing these kids to spew profanities and vulgar gestures towards Trump supporters. The video features several of the youngsters holding signs that say, among other things “Brown Pride, No Hate” and “F*** Donald Trump.”
One group still wants to force a contested convention.
A coal miner who was laid off in West Virginia addressed Hillary Clinton with some tough questions at a campaign stop on Monday.
At the end of the day, the net fiscal impact of her plans is close to zero.
Hillary Clinton has an unexpected ally: a former top adviser to John McCain.
Comedian Larry Wilmore smeared FOX News last night at the White House Correspondents Dinner as a racist news outlet. He ...
In this classic Free To Choose Network footage (1978), Milton Friedman takes three questions from an audience member and crushes them all. The real problem i...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES So I’m getting a lot of emails from people – some friendly, some hostile – asking “what’s next” for the #NeverTrump movement. Quite frankly, I’m puzzled at the question. I mean, the entire meaning of the phrase was intended to convey that we would never vote for Trump, at any time, for any reason. It’s rather unambiguous, the word | Read More »
Trump smokes Cruz, leaving little chance of success for the #NeverTrumpers. A couple of weeks ago it seemed more likely than not that the Indiana
America’s freedom died today with a mortal wound inflicted in Indiana. It had suffered decades of wounds and in this election year; it was abused to the point of mortality. Our last chance at...
3 RecommendedRecommend Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES The latest persuasive tactic of Trump supporters is to say we can not be #nevertrump because of the Supreme Court. This is usually in the form of either “or else Hillary gets to pick the Supreme Court” or “don’t you want Justice Cruz.” First, let’s ignore all the consistent evidence that Trump will lose in an historic | Read More »
Republican turnout is up and Democratic turnout is down in the 2016 primary contests so far. That has some Republicans giddy for the fall; here’s an example, from a March 1 Washington Times article…
If you are dissatisfied with the services from the government and you feel like you can govern yourself. Well guess what? You are an anarchist! Get the most ...
Harvard Law School has been reportedly protecting the identity of anti-Semitic agitators while at the same time attempting to expose conservative bloggers.
After reading David French?s Small Acts of Cowardice Are Destroying Our Culture, I realized that it?s time to update Hans Christian Andersen?s The Emperor?s New Clothes: Onc…
“Wow, Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Made all sorts of crazy charges. Can't function under pressure - not very presidential. Sad!”
As the world seems so deranged that the earth appears to wobble on its axis, it?s increasingly hard to look at the news, let alone contemplate it deeply. However, I have two articles to recom…
Jingle Jangle Jingle by Kay Kyser LYRICS: Yippie yay There'll be no wedding bells for today I got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle (Jingle, jangle) As I go ...
“The same media that made #DonaldTrump will now start the process to unmake - break - him. #IndianaPrimary”
“.@realDonaldTrump will be presumptive @GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton”
Tuesday, May 3, 2016: Donald Trump held a press conference at Trump Tower following the results of the Indiana Primary. Mr. Trump scored a huge landslide vic...
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) ended his run for the White House Tuesday evening after a devastating loss to front-runner Donald Trump in Indiana. "From the beginning, I've said I'd continue on as long as there is a viable path to victory," Cruz said after the loss. "Tonight, I'm sorry to say,...