
Although no motive has been released yet behind killing of Bangladeshi couple in San Jose, anonymous sources told NBC that slain parents did not approve of the sexual orientation of their elder son who has been arrested in the murder case.


Donald Trump had a good night last night. If web traffic is anything to go by, so did the Libertarian Party.


Many consumers will see large rate increases for the first time Nov. 1 — a week before they go to the polls.


In the latest sign of the Republican Party closing ranks around presumptive nominee Donald Trump, former rival Mike Huckabee said Wednesday he was "all in" for the mogul.


Jane Sanders: Trump Won’t Win Over Bernie’s Supporters


I?m still trying to wrap my mind around the whole idea of Donald Trump as the presumptive Republican candidate for president in the 2016 election. In analyzing his (to me) unexpected victory,…


The Donald Trump campaign has exposed deep divisions within the American political right and driven many conservative commentators to histrionics over the real estate mogul's antics. Thus, the birt


Artist Alton DuLaney couldn't be mad that University of Houston officials censored his gun art from an exhibit at the Blaffer Art Museum— they basically made his point for him. Despite the fact that students will literally be sitting in English class with loaded guns on them in just three...


'Mohammed,' 'Juan' Most Likely Names to Donate to Hillary Clinton


The "Never Trump" ranks include lawmakers, party operatives, pundits and GOP donors.


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES To be clear, Andrea Mitchell is usually wrong, and even in this case is mostly wrong, but she gets one thing so totally correct in this clip Mediaite highlights today that it hurts my brain. “Facts no longer matter. Tweets matter.” This is 100% correct. Trump voters vote for the lie that Trump tells them, not for what he | Read More »


Indictment. That is the term heard increasingly from sources adjacent to the ongoing investigation into Hillary Clinton?s email scandal that apparently now places her at considerable risk of facing a very serious federal espionage charge. The risk was great enough to require President Obama to come out publicly to warn off the investigation when during ?


Senators are expected to vote tomorrow on a bill that would raise the minimum wage from $7.25 to $10.10, a well-intentioned though economically irrational policy change that few Democrats realize has a troubling racial history. The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office recently reported that artificially inflating wages to this extent would cut [...]


One result of Donald Trump’s imminent presidential nomination is that he will be the most prominent figure attacking Hillary Clinton on her many scandals, particularly her e-mail scandal. Though he has mentioned her e-mails before, today he shifted firmly into general-election gear, saying on a phone interview with MSNBC’s Morning Joe that because of Clinton’s private e-mail server “she should not be allowed to run in the election. She should suffer like other people have suffered who have done far less than she has.”
Credible politicians have made this same point. From what we know, it looks like the FBI could have ample reason to indict her for sending classified information on an unsecured private server.
This nonpartisan, evidence-based argument suffered a setback when Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) portrayed it as a Republican attack on the presidential campaign of the likely Democratic nominee. His blunder allowed Democrats to dismiss worries about a potential felony as partisan squabbling.
As this PR disaster begins to fade from public memory, critiques of Clinton’s private server and of her other scandals, deceit, and poor judgment will be undermined for the next six months by their main messenger: Trump. Certainly he has plenty of ammunition with which to attack Clinton. But his utter lack of credibility and his own pile of scandals could effectively diminish the seriousness of concerns about Clinton’s corruption to the level of National Enquirer tabloids and 9/11 truther conspiracy theory.
Add this to the myriad ways in which the Republican party has shot itself in the foot during this most winnable of elections.


Anti-Trump groups and campaigns spent $75.7 million on 64,000 negative ads against Donald Trump this election cycle. And that’s just ...


4 RecommendedRecommend Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES It’s true that Molly Worthen’s title–Stop Saying ‘I Feel Like’–grabbed me for philosophical-linguistic reasons: I have both argued the point at RedState and tried to practice it whenever I speak or write; if one aspect of conservative doctrine is to preserve and foster objective reality, steering a culture from shipwreck on subjective shoals, it behooves those in | Read More »


Professionally offended obese land whales have forced the UK's advertising watchdog to consider banning thin, attractive women in commercials. Facebook @ htt...


With his victory over Ted Cruz in Indiana, Trump has beaten a second theory of the future of the G.O.P.


“We’ve had a number of instances…”


The Libertarian Party candidate made an appeal to disenchanted conservatives following the suspension of Ted Cruz's campaign.


There are a number of reasons to sabotage The Party of Trump even if it ends with a President Hillary.


Patricia Marx finds out what a turtle, a turkey, and an alpaca can get away with if they have the right credentials.


A Spanish judge tries to cut the Russian mafia web.


Socialism is on the rise, but denationalizing our politics will put power back in the hands of community leaders and draw us together as a nation.


Evidence suggests that Donald Trump may name former House speaker Newt Gingrich as his vice-presidential running mate.