On Thursday, Ted Cruz, having heard the vicious comments former Speaker of the House and establishment icon John Boehner made about him, had a blistering response for Boehner, retorting that Boehner had allowed  “his inner Trump to come out.”

Cruz’s Law Students Loved Him

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Forget the slander against Ted Cruz from establishment Republicans, the media, and Donald Trump who have their own ulterior motives for declaring Ted Cruz unlikeable; his students at the University of Texas not only liked him immensely, they regarded him as an extraordinary teacher.
CBS This Morning - 4/12/16 http://www.TrumpQuestions.com
How can one manage to have a beer shortage in Venezuela? Oh, right, let Commies run things.
We're subject to the rule of an unaccountable administrative state and 'Liberty's Nemesis' argues fighting back is the only way to preserve our freedoms.
?Gavin McInnes is a writer, actor, comedian, and entrepreneur, best known for having been the creative brain behind VICE from 1994 to 2007. He has been known to polarize and offend, but more …
Former California Gov. Pete Wilson jumped into the presidential fray Saturday, announcing his endorsement of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz in fro...
America’s premier game-design program canceled an all-star industry panel last week for the sole reason that the lineup was all-male.
Sometimes we?re lucky to end up with a super brilliant friend who has the gift of making complex information accessible (sort of like Thomas Sowell). My brilliant friend is Wolf Howling, who …
The University of Missouri’s Faculty Council Committee on Race Relations released a video series this week that aims to educate students and faculty about racism on campus, Mizzou’s student newspaper, the Maneater, reported. Committee member Craig Roberts, a Mizzou plant sciences professor, said that the target audience of...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In Virginia, NBC affiliate WWBT ran an investigation into the local KKK after fliers were circulated in the area recruiting new members. As part of their coverage, the station interviewed the “Imperial Wizard of the Rebel Brigade Knights of the Ku Klux Klan” who, in making the case that they are not a hate group, volunteered that they are | Read More »
Mark Twain is credited with saying “figures don’t lie, but liars figure.” If he were around today Twain’s quote might go something like this: “Figures do lie, and liars figure out how to make peopl…

Ted Cruz Announces His Losing Mate

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

If you thought Ted Cruz was out of this race, man oh man, you were right. "Subscribe To ""The Late Show"" Channel HERE: http://bit.ly/ColbertYouTube For more...
Stand with Ted and Carly: http://www.CruzCarly.com Follow Ted: http://twitter.com/tedcruz Follow Carly: http://twitter.com/CarlyFiorina Like Ted: http://fb.c...
In which John compares the tax proposals of Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, and also discusses the current U.S. federal income ...
Conservatives’ next job would be to make sure Hillary Clinton is only a one-term president.
What if you held a presidential rally and nobody came? After his pathetic turnout in Ft. Wayne on Thursday, Ted ...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES In case you were under the delusion that Donald Trump had any interest in striking a conciliatory tone, or making any legitimate effort to heal the breach that he has caused in the Republican party with his boorish behavior and ignorance of the basic issues, think again. Maybe it has something to do with the size of his hands, | Read More »
Last night on Hannity, Sen. Ted Cruz hit back at being called "Lucifer" by former House Speaker John Boehner, and included some digs at GOP frontrunner Donald Trump.
Is there one? A Trump presidency needn't be a nightmare for the left. On many issues, Clinton presidency might be
Duncan is the only Republican currently serving in Congress to have voted against the Iraq War.
Liberals are squeamish about bodies because bodies are inherently imperfect, unequal, and uncontrollable.