http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/glenn-beck-mocks-donald-trump-covering-his-face-crushed-cheetos Right Wing Watch reports on the extreme rhetoric and ac...

PublicPolicyPolling on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“First night of WV poll- Fiorina favorability under water, only about 10% say she makes them more likely to vote for Cruz, 35% less likely”
Filmmaker Michael Moore has warned President Obama that riots will begin in the troubled Michigan city of Flint unless their poisoned water crisis is resolved.
Carly Fiorina and Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton might not agree on much these days, but eight years ago the former Hewlett-Packard CEO had glowing words for the then-New York senator on the campaign trail.
Megyn Kelly grills Sen. Ted Cruz on how he could unite the party if two-thirds of Republicans believe the candidate with the most delegates and most votes should be the nominee for president. "If you called someone up and say, should the person with the most votes win? Anyone goes, duh, yeah," Cruz said, disagreeing with the logic behind the question. "I agree 60% to 70% will say yes to that as well. That's a poll question that's rigged. The Trumpsters pushes it out there because it suggests -- if you ask anyone, should the person with the most votes win? Of course. But his argument is he should be the nominee even though he can't win a majority," Cruz said. Cruz repeated several times that Trump was not going to get 1,237 delegates before the convention in July. "He's not going to. He is not going to. He's not going to get to 1,237," Cruz insisted. MEGYN KELLY: I'm trying to ask you about something that is concerning to your supporters, your supporters, who understand how important Indiana is to your campaign. But the polls are showing that people, some 65% of Republicans, even people who support Ted Cruz, believe the person who enters the convention with the most delegates and the most votes should likely emerge as the nominee, even if it takes -- even if he doesn't have a majority. Right now as I mentioned he has 400 more delegates than you do, he's got 3.2 million more popular votes. He won 27 states, you won 11. So given that, how could you possibly unite this party coming out of a contested convention? SEN. TED CRUZ: Let me answer it a couple of ways. Number one, nobody is going to get to 1,237. Donald is not getting there. I'm not getting there. Donald can't get there. It's why he's so desperately trying to convince everyone the race is over because he knows -- KELLY: He can get there if he wins in Indiana and does well in California. CRUZ: But he's not going to. He is not going to. He's not going to get to 1,237. Even when folks try to do all sorts of math he falls short. We're going to a contested convention. Listen, the poll you cited, of course people say yes. If you called someone up and say, should the person with the most votes win? Anyone goes, duh, yeah. How about asking the question that is really the relevant question: should you have to earn a majority to be the nominee? I agree 60% to 70% will say yes to that as well. That's a poll question that's rigged. The Trumpsters pushes it out there because it suggests -- if you ask anyone, should the person with the most votes win? Of course. But his argument is he should be the nominee even though he can't win a majority.
BOSTON—Saying that such a dialogue was essential to the college’s academic mission, Trescott University president Kevin Abrams confirmed Monday that the school encourages a lively exchange of one idea.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
The city's investment in ​the casino mogul didn't go according to plan.
San Diego State University's Jewish President Elliot Hirshman was bullied and trapped in a police car on Wednesday by pro-Islam protesters.
Donald Trump has a shot at reconfiguring the electoral map — putting traditionally blue states like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin into play, with his working-class, industrial appeal.
UNC Title IX Mandatory Reporter Seems to Turn Blind Eye to Report of Sexual Deviancy in Girl’s Bathroom Female Undercover Journalist Illustrates the Same Can
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TV Ad: "Scare"

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

On his radio show today, Glenn Beck and three friends dipped their faces in Cheetos dust to look like Donald Trump. You see, Donald Trump's fake tan gives him the skin tone of an Oompa Loompa on a...
The Supreme Court allowed Texas to continue to enforce a law requiring voters to show identification at the polls, a setback for civil rights challengers who said the law could make it difficult for a sizable number of minorities to cast a ballot.
Two lower courts ruled the law discriminates against minority voters.

Hillary Clinton and Electoral Fraud

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Why we need an investigation into electoral fraud favoring Hillary Clinton

Mr Trump: The Best

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

After months of derision about Mr. Trump from the Steve Deace Show, the team has finally seen the light. Consider this a tribute to our great (future) leader.

The Agony of a Trump Delegate

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Kimberley A. Strassel writes that although rules may say they’re bound to The Donald, many are thinking through their options.
An angry militant mob of anti-trump protestors ransack and terrify a car with Trump supporters inside, threatening to set the car on fire.

The Columbia Bugle on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“This is why we will continue to fight. #IndianaPrimary #CruzCarly2016 #CruzCrew #MillennialsForCruz #TillTheEnd”
To educate its viewers on the science of the recent mega-blizzard that socked New England, MSNBC’s Craig Melvin brought onto his program noted “science guy” Bill Nye . What followed was the one of the most flawed discussions of meteorology I’ve ever witnessed.
With the Republican presidential nomination within his grasp, Donald Trump is courting an unlikely group of voters: Bernie Sanders supporters.
Between 1994 and 2005, Republicans’ and Democrats’ views of immigrants tracked one another closely. Beginning around 2006, however, they began to diverge.