Twelve University of Missouri students pressured the owner of a campus sushi restaurant into changing its logo, which they said reminded them of Imperial Japan's Rising Sun.
The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency in 2015 decided not to deport but release 19,723 criminal illegal immigrants, including 208 convicted of murder, over 900 convicted of sex crimes and 12,307 of drunk driving, according to new government numbers. Overall, those released into virtually every state and territory of America had a total of 64,197 convictions among them, for an average of 3.25 convictions each, according to an analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies. ICE also said that the group were convicted of 8,234 violent crimes. ICE Released 19k Criminal Aliens in '15 - Convictions List and Map of Releases by State - https://t.co/axQnSp3wpA - pic.twitter.com/mcCx8xXsuw— CIS.org (@wwwCISorg) April 28, 2016
The Obama administration took fire at a House hearing Thursday for releasing back into society thousands of illegal immigrants who had committed crimes on U.S. soil – including those behind more than 200 murders.

Donald Trump As Wish Fulfillment

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Upon Prince’s death, followers unearthed an unreleased track titled “Donald Trump (Black Version).” Here are the lyrics: Donald Trump (black version), maybe that’s what you need. A man that fulfills your every wish, your every dream. Donald Trump (black version), come on take a chance. A 1990s love affair, the real romance.
He also called Cruz "Lucifer in the flesh."
You are being played people. Trump is the insider.
Cruz Reveals How Stubborn Boehner Was During Government Shutdown: ‘I Have No Interest in Talking to You’ By now you’re likely familiar with one of the larges...
In the wild world of conservative politics in 2016, the in-fighting continued Thursday morning as former House Speaker John Boehner emphatically declared his...
2 RecommendedRecommend Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES It has been said that Donald Trump is involved in hundreds of business ventures, either directly or through the licensing of his name. In fact, Trump has stated that of his claimed $10 billion net worth (Forbes places his net worth at a far more modest $4.5 billion), $3 billion consists of his “brand.” It might come | Read More »

Ted Cruz on Kasich: What alliance?

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Cruz denies there was any formal joining of forces.
Ménage à Establishment: The Trump-Boehner-Mcconnell Love Triangle
In an interview at Stanford, John Boehner compared Ted Cruz to Lucifer, called him a "son of a bitch," and said he wouldn't vote for Cruz against Hillary.
Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Ted Cruz responded to Boehner?s nasty comments today, remarking that Boehner allowed his ?inner Trump? to come out. Watch Cruz?s spot-on response below: TRANSCRIPT Cruz: John Boehner had some interesting comments last night.  He actually didn?t abbreviate what he said, he was a little bit more expressive- he allowed his inner Trump to come out.  You know I will say | Read More
Student throws temper tantrum
Obama’s just like Reagan… Except when he isn’t. The rate of real economic growth is the single greatest determinate of ...
During my time here at EveryJoe, I’ve written a whole hell of a lot about social justice, and just how damaging it can be. When I say damaging, I don’t ...
Curt Schilling is back in the news, accusing his former employers at ESPN of political bias.
Eight years after the financial crisis, unemployment is at 5 percent, deficits are down and G.D.P. is growing. Why do so many voters feel left behind? The president has a theory.
Lena Dunham isn’t an original; she’s caricature of what she thinks her feminist predecessors and mentors expect her to be.
Actress Susan Sarandon has been really turning up the heat on Hillary Clinton lately, and she appeared on The Late Show last night to explain to Stephen Colbert
Donors who gave as much as allowed by law to Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio have mostly disappeared.
With his 485-page opinion, Judge Thomas D. Schroeder isn’t messing around.
"They are being courted from all sides..."
“Well, we are fighting to the end, we are fighting to win, and we are going to do everything possible to win here in Indiana."