
On Wednesday, Joe Scarborough asked Donald Trump about Bernie Sanders. You said Hillary Clinton was shouting her message—Bernie Sanders shouts his message too, right?
Trump replied, Well, Bernie Sanders has a message that's interesting. I'm gonna be taking a lot of the things that Bernie said and using them. I can reread some of the speeches, I can get some very good material. He said in many ways she shouldn't be there. He said some things about her that are actually surprising. That, essentially, she has no right to even be running. And that she's got bad judgement, when he said 'bad judgement,' I said 'sound bite.'
Watch the full exchange here:


More campus madness: UMass-Amherst students this week threw a mass temper tantrum to derail a forum that challenged the speech police. “The Triggering: Has Political Correctness Gone Too Far?” fea…


Carly Fiorina sat down with MSNBC for a short interview and in it she ripped Trump, saying that the majority of Republicans do not want Trump as their nominee. She also pointed out, after being ask…


Carly’s first interview with Levin since joining the Cruz ticket.


Pakistan: Christian teen lynched for flirting with Muslim girl Hugh Fitzgerald: Ivan Rioufol on the Left and Far Left as Defenders of Islam


In this third segment of his Basics of Islam series, Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer discusses whether or not Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, was peacefu...


Despite his victories, he is a unique threat to the Republican Party and to the country.


A synagogue in Marseille is to be converted into a mosque, reflecting demographic shifts in the French city, a Jewish leader has told AFP.


Scientists have discovered that a "breathtaking" flash of light occurs at the moment of conception.
For the first time, researchers from Northwestern University have now demonstrated that when a human sperm first meets an egg a bright zinc spark can be seen, not only a "remarkable" phenomenon but also one that might be a game-changer for in vitro fertilization.


Carly Fiorina CNN Interview On a Cruz Fiorina Ticket Winning Indiana


In an effort to conserve energy, refrigerators were cut off around Venezuela as the government attempted to manage a power supply crisis taxing the country:
The government imposed a four-hour blackout in eight states starting Monday and said the measure will last 40 days. The states of Caracas and Vargas had also been on the list for blackouts but were spared at the last minute.


Trump and Cruz reject global warming, while more Republicans see it as a threat.


ICE continued to release deportable criminal aliens from its custody at an alarming rate in 2015, according to figures the agency provided to members of Congress this week in advance of a hearing taki


It?s all over except the shouting. That is, the primary election season effectively ended last night and now the actual shouting match between Hillary and The Donald begins. This will surely …


Neal Freeman has a piece of interest on The Buckley Rule, concerning its original meaning and the difference it made.


After years of sedating patients with dangerous combinations of drugs, a former chief of staff whose medical license is in jeopardy, and supposed budget woes, the Department of Veterans Affairs hospit


Former CNN and NBC reporter Campbell Brown walked away from TV journalism over its ?stupid s**t? in the name of ratings. But what they?ve done with Trump is beyond the pale. From …


More Hillary Clinton and Benghazi scandal has emerged as the State Department released to JW telephone transcripts from September 12, 2012.


Donald J. Trump’s foreign policy address was delivered with the aid of a teleprompter and written by his pro-Russian advisers.


I have no idea what to make of this. The Huffington Post is arguing that Americans have no legal right to shoot a violent attacker because it violates the criminal’s right to a fair trial. I feel c…


This week we had very special guest Milo Yiannopoulos on the show for an interview. (Interview starts at 23:37) Also, the gang discusses the Game of Thrones premier, Republican primary updates, the la