A 20-year-old man was in custody after threatening to bomb Saturday's rally for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump in Waterbury, Connecticut. The U.S. Secret Service contacted the Connecticut State Police about 12:45 p.m. after seeing a post on Twitter threatening to "bomb" the Trump rally, authorities said in a statement. Investigators found the social media posts, which were open to the public, came from the area of Ardsley Road in Waterbury -- about 30 miles southwest of Hartford -- from the account of Sean Taylor Morkys.

Chilling speech on global warming

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Authoritarianism, always latent in progressivism, is becoming explicit. Progressivism’s determination to regulate thought by regulating speech is apparent in the campaign by 20 state attorneys gene…
The presidential campaigns of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Ohio Gov. John Kasich announced late Sunday that they were coordinating their efforts in three upcoming primary states in an effort to prevent Republican front-runner Donald Trump from clinching the GOP nomination before this summer's convention.
Monkey Cage blogged on a very timely study on the impact of violent and nonviolent protests on voting behaviour. Non-violent protest in the 60s enticed sympathy and increased voter support for the …
A self-proclaimed activist has admitted to posting a series of racially threatening Twitter messages targeting students at Kean University last fall.
AN ENGLISH city council REFUSED to host St George’s Day celebrations because the area is “too multicultural”.
Gaza’s prime minister announced today that six attack tunnels leading into Israel had been demolished, claiming they were “dens of homo-Zionist depravity.”
Christopher Hitchens explains to Jon Stewart on the Daily Show about the coming of the muslim caliphate
David Horowitz http://kirbycenter.hillsdale.edu/ Published in 1972, Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals still enjoys brisk sales. With a former community organ...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES This tweet by Patrick Ruffini highlights something important, I think: Only way Kasich is getting on a ticket is as Cruz VP. Doubt Cruz delegates would allow him as Trump VP. — Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) April 24, 2016 ?which is to say: Donald Trump will enter the Republican convention this summer as the single weakest primary front-runner in my, | Read More
Republican presidential candidate John Kasich joined CBS’ “Face the Nation” to discuss the upcoming primary battles and the challenge he faces from GOP front-runner Donald Trump. The interview aired April 24, 2016.
Former Ambassador Chris Stevens with fiancé Lydie Denier Former Fiancé of Ambassador Chris Stevens and actress and model Lydie Denier ...
Mormons are the most heavily Republican-leaning religious group in the U.S., while a pair of major historically black Protestant denominations are two of the most reliably Democratic groups.
Turkish nationalism, Islamism and calling the 9/11 terrorist attacks “accidents” are probably the last things you’d associate with the Swedish Green Party, the junior member of the ruling coalition. You’d be wrong.

Rand back to being Rand

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

After his presidential campaign flamed out, the Kentucky senator returns to his libertarian roots.
Brits are not happy with Obama after he traveled there to attempt to stop them from exiting the European union.

Trump's Oreo Paradox

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Labor Markets: Hundreds of employees at the University of California at Berkeley are getting schooled in basic economics, as the $15 minimum wage just cost them their jobs. Too bad liberal elites “…
Election 2016
The governor said the Cruz camp backed out of a deal for a "unity slate" of delegates.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES As we recently covered at RedState, a couple of weeks ago Ann Coulter either completely fabricated a poll or just willfully misread the Washington Post’s coverage of a Los Angeles Times poll. The specific claim was that a Los Angeles Times poll taken in March of 1980 showed Reagan with a 30% favorability rating, which means that Trump supporters | Read More »
President Obama’s plan to handle global warming would cost America's poorest families billions annually.
Learn more about Ted Cruz: www.tedcruz.org Follow Ted: twitter.com/tedcruz Like Ted: fb.com/tedcruzpage Ted’s Instagram: instragram.com/cruzforpresident Dona...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES John Kasich has a plan for winning the Presidency: he hopes to make his case at the convention that he is the best candidate to take on Hillary, and get the nomination in the event of an unresolvable deadlock between Cruz and Kasich supporters. The main thing standing in the way of that goal? The John Kasich campaign. People | Read More »