Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES At the end of the day, there are going to be just over 100 unbound delegates at the Republican convention in Cleveland. If I had to put money on Trump’s total of pledged delegates when this thing is over, I would say he will likely finish between 1150 and 1210. Obviously, then, he probably needs at least some small | Read More »
To increase viewpoint diversity in the academy, with a special focus on the social sciences.
From Lions of Trump to Bikers for Trump, these volunteer watchdogs have become the Donald's security forces—and they plan to follow him to the convention.
Former U.S. Sen. Harris Wofford has announced he will be marrying a man 50 years his junior next weekend — 20 years after his wife's death.
Donald Trump is a lover nor a hater. He spoke about Monday at his pre-election rally. Today at his rally ...
Another item to add to the GOP frontrunner’s bullshit list.
My pal on the Cruz campaign who is working Indiana says his team “finally knows how to effectively and consistently flip Trump votes.” That’s good. But sufficient ground troops are needed to make that happen (à la Wisconsin), and there’s trouble amassing them. That would be the bad news.
Still, it seems like there is a genuine opportunity for Cruz for a Hoosier win. Why? My pal: Trump’s un-conservative policies are catching up to him. “His support of Planned Parenthood, Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun push, his proposal for what amounts to touchback amnesty,” and a litany of other deviations are causing avowed Trump supporters in Indiana to have second thoughts. “Most of Trump’s supporters have no idea what the man is really all about, or what his actual history is. Most of his supporters have, apparently, made up their mind about him based upon little more than rhetoric. And here’s our experience: When confronted with a detailed and verifiable picture of their candidate, Trump supporters will frequently abandon their candidate and switch their allegiance to Ted.”
The process of flipping Trump votes, he says, “can only be done on a one-on-one basis. . . . Face-to-face encounters are the most effective means that the Cruz campaign has to actually erode Trump’s support in Indiana.”
So for Cruz, it comes down to this: trained door-knockers. Of which there is a shortage.
My pal boasts: “With 750 more volunteers, we can hand Donald Trump a genuinely humiliating defeat.”
The boast comes with a plea: Any Cruzniks looking for front-line action in Indiana can sign up here.
Roger Stone is as dumb as his surname would indicate
Twenty-six of the crucial delegates say they lean toward Cruz.
Donald Trump unleashed blistering personal attacks Monday against Ted Cruz and John Kasich, in response to what he called their “collusion” in joining forces to try and stop him winning the Republican nomination – even targeting Kasich’s disgusting eating habits.
Modern environmentalism still operates on the myth of “energy scarcity.” In reality, oil production is rising, to the benefit of importing nations.
Full video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjduaZw_UeU&ab_channel=LosAngelesTimes
Assault is wrong, even if the person committing it has a minor in women's studies.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES While Ted Cruz and John Kasich are beginning to work together to stop Donald Trump, but their new deal only affects future states. This week, with 172 delegates on the line, John Kasich’s presence in the race sadly serves only as massive spoiler to help Donald Trump, and the polls confirm it. Of the states that vote tomorrow, only | Read More »
It is quite evident there is something amiss about the BLS’ employment reports. Is the disparity simply an anomaly in the seasonal adjustments caused by the depth of the financial crisis? Is there an exceptional and unaccounted for margin of error in the surveys? Or, is it something more intentional by government-related agencies to keep “confidence” elevated as Central Banks globally “paddle like crazy” to keep global economies afloat.
John Ridsdel, a Canadian held hostage by Islamist militants in the Philippines, "has been killed at the hands of his captors," Canada's prime minister said.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES The Weekly Standard is reporting that Carly Fiorina’s inner circle has confirmed that the Cruz camp is vetting her as a possible VP pick. Obviously, there is a long way to go before then, but in the event that Cruz does emerge from a bruising contested convention, it would behoove him to have a fully vetted VP in the | Read More »
If you were wondering about specifics regarding Ted Cruz's economic policies, this is the interview for you.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Mike Huckabee is the pettiest and most deluded oleaginous mass of human flesh I have had the displeasure of observing in politics. I never used to dislike Huckabee as much as some other people did, but this election season has really exposed what a crappy human being that he is. He is so petty and jealous that Iowa evangelical | Read More »
The poll finds that most voters have negative views of the top candidates.