
I Regret Voting For Donald Trump

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

I did exactly what my mother always warned me not to do. I made an important decision about Donald Trump while in a fragile state of anger and despair.
Republican presidential candidate and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul believes he has what it takes to stand out among his competitors at the next GOP debate, co-hosted by Fox News and Google (NASDAQ:GOOG).
Whats the difference between a bully and a victim? It seems like a simple question, but in Americas victim-obsessed culture, the bully is often the supposed victim.
It was because of me that Donald Trump gave his first ever CPAC speech. I thought he’d be another Reagan – how wrong I was
Maine Republican Governor Paul LePage endorsed Donald Trump for president in February before the Maine primary caucus. Cruz won the ...
Dr. Eric Walsh was fired from his position at Georgia’s Department of Public Health because of his objections to same-sex marriage during sermons.
A discussion about the value and effects of giving parents an option to the underperforming government school system. Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, William...
A Christian brother and sister from Syria felt blessed to have been among the dozen refugees selected to start a new life in Italy — but now say their savior, Pope Francis, abandoned them on a Gree…
Steven Crowder (Host, Louder with Crowder) and Dave Rubin discuss the abortion debate and the climate change debate. ***Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/sub...
Donald Trump senior aide Paul Manafort said Thursday behind closed doors at a Republican National Committee meeting that Trump is "projecting an image" that will change at he moves toward the general
Ongoing public disputes between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have exposed a potential new fault line in the party's debate over immigration reform: What should the country do about thousands of foreign-b
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Trump had previously said he would eliminate the $19 trillion debt in eight years.
The Americans for Prosperity Foundation, a conservative-oriented nonprofit, has won a victory in its lawsuit against California attorney general Kamala Harris, who is attempting to do with her investigatory powers what Lois Lerner did with the IRS’s: weaponize them for political purposes. #ad#Harris is running for the Senate. She is a Democrat. AFP is associated with the Koch brothers and with any number of public-policy disputes that have left Democrats bruised and defeated. Nonprofits register federally with the IRS, and also with the states in which they are active. Harris, right around the time she decided she wanted to become a senator, also decided that the paperwork AFP and other conservative organizations had been filing for years in California was insufficient, and she demanded — this will not surprise you — a list of major donors. Democrats have a long and ugly history of abusing such information. The most dramatic recent episode involved the IRS’s intentional leaking of documents belonging to the National Association for Marriage, in order to facilitate harassment of and retaliation against private citizens who had the bad taste to agree with Senator Obama about gay marriage and invest 20 bucks in the pursuit of their consciences. After a long and expensive legal fight, the IRS was forced to admit that it had in fact leaked the NOM documents, and it paid $50,000 to NOM in restitution. Did anybody lose his job over this? Of course not. In fact, Republican members of Congress are in a rage at the moment over the fact that the IRS has rehired hundreds of workers dismissed for improper conduct, including improper handling of private documents. Harris made no persuasive case that this information was necessary for the enforcement of California tax law; in the event that such information should become relevant, California authorities have the power to obtain donor information via subpoena. The most charitable interpretation would be that this isn’t about investigation of a crime but pre-investigation of a pre-crime — Minority Report as performed in Sacramento — but in this case, charity would lead us astray. This was a straight-up attempt at political suppression. This is not an investigation that would have an incidental chilling effect on free speech; the chilling effect is the entire point. AFP convinced the federal district court that Harris’s request served no legitimate purpose and was part of a political campaign by Democrats against conservative organizations. It demonstrated, among other things, that government agencies had “systematically failed to maintain the confidentiality of Schedule B forms” containing donor information and other financial data. This is not an investigation that would have an incidental chilling effect on free speech and political activism; the chilling effect is the entire point. From Texas to New York to California to the U.S. Virgin Islands, this country is beset by out-of-control Democratic prosecutors attempting to criminalize dissent. Former Texas governor Rick Perry was charged with two felonies (since laughed out of court) for having vetoed a bill that he had promised to veto, angering Austin Democrats; the libertarian-leaning Competitive Enterprise Institute has been subpoenaed for private communication related to its global-warming activism; Harris and her New York counterpart, Eric Schneiderman, are up to their armpits in a scheme to prosecute Exxon for its funding of global-warming activism or, short of that, to shake it down for a large settlement. Democratic activists cooperating with corrupt judges in Ecuador tried the same thing with Chevron. These are, put plainly, attempts to prosecute political opponents for their politics — attacks on the First Amendment and on the very principle of citizen engagement in the democratic process. AFP has won this round, but the fight continues on many other fronts.
Speaking to Mark Levin on Thursday, Ted Cruz bluntly addressed why Donald trump has refused Levin’s offer to come on his show, saying Trump’s avoidance stems from Levin’s refusal to “kiss his behind.” Levin prompted the comment by asking Cruz to ask Trump to appear on Levin’s show if Cruz ran into Trump, since it had been two or three months since Trump had appeared on the show.
Another College tries to censor Ben Shapiro in the name of diversity. In order to keep the public fully informed this is being posted under fair use principl...
Unite or Die: RNC’s Reince Priebus Defies ‘Never Trump’ Movement

The Death of Liberalism

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Authoritarianism is ascendant and with it anti-rational bigotry. History does not end. It eddies.
A hypothetical leak could occur, he said, if officials believed Clinton was not being prosecuted for political reasons.
The debate is settled. Climate change as we've been shown is complete crap.
The suicide rate in the US has surged to its highest level almost three decades, according to a new report.

A Pro-@TedCruz Rant

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

by Smitty [View the story “A Pro-@TedCruz Rant” on Storify]
Ann Coulter recently stated that Ronald Reagan was the last presidential candidate as unpopular as Donald Trump. She claimed to cite a Los Angeles Times poll from March 1980, close to the same period in which the current presidential campaign finds itself. And irrespective of the numbers, Trump defenders have argued that he and Reagan were both unpopular outsiders; Jeffrey Lord, for instance, said that establishment critics said the exact-same things about Reagan as they do about Trump, down to the very words sometimes. Part of this dismissiveness, of course, is rooted in doubt about the candidate's viability. To probe the notion that Reagan and Trump are similar in their acceptance by the public, Gallup took a deep dive into what polling data it could find from 1980. It couldn't find any record of the poll Coulter mentioned. And it discovered that the relative poll standing of Reagan and Trump is entirely dissimilar:

Never Elect a Middle Man

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Over the course of his campaign, Donald Trump has attempted to assuage concerns over his lack of qualifications for the presidency with a simple promise: that even if he may seem unqualified, there…
2016 Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump is in the process of browbeating establishment figures into supporting him out of fear of Trump Riots and Hillary Clinton. It’s working. The calls for party unity have begun. Paul Manafort, Trump’s new brain, has been telling delegates that Trump will magically transform into a combination of Ronald Reagan and Winston Churchill if handed the nomination.