An appeal court in Mauritania upholds the death sentence of a blogger convicted of apostasy, but refers his case to the Supreme Court.
An increasingly rough contest between Representatives Chris Van Hollen and Donna Edwards brings up the thorny issues of gender, race and class.
The Onion - America's Finest News Source
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Today the Cruz campaign announced the endorsements of former Chairmen of the California Republican Party John S. Herrington and Tirso del Junco. They join former CRP Chairmen Ron Nehring and Michael Schroeder on the Cruz team From the campaign statement: “As a member of President Reagan’s cabinet, I’ve seen first-hand how a great leader can change the course of | Read More
Roula and Malek Abo, from Syria, were told they had been chosen to accompany Pope Francis back to Rome after his visit to the Greek island, but were left behind when he flew to Italy with chosen 12
The New York loss demoralized some of Bernie's most impassioned backers.
The order applies to violent as well as nonviolent felons - a significant departure from a policy embraced in recent years by Democrat and Republican governors to remove the societal obstacles felons face upon completing their sentences.
Morning Joe Scarborough said this morning that Trump is and has been all along a centrist Democrat: Well there you have it. Joe admits that he’s known this all along. He also claims that he…
Never Trust The Doom-Mongers: Earth Day Predictions That Were All Wrong The Daily Caller, 22 April 2016 Andrew Follett Environmentalists truly believed and predicted that the planet was doomed duri…
Donald Trump is no longer promising to pay off the national debt
For more than five years, Donald Trump’s new top campaign aide, Paul Manafort, lobbied for a Washington-based group that Justice Department prosecutors have charged operated as a front for Pakistan’s intelligence service, according to court and lobbying records reviewed by Yahoo News. Manafort’s work
At the Republican National Committee’s spring meeting, delegates describe vicious missives demanding they support the GOP front-runner.
Venezuela announced it would soon begin rolling blackouts to save energy as the country grapples with major economic problems.
“It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” declared Denis Hayes, the chief organizer for Earth Day, in 1970.
While shouting that the minimum wage for illegal aliens working at McDonalds should be $15. an hour, President Obama used a loophole in the US Code deter a pay raise
Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia will use his executive power on Friday to
restore voting rights to more than 200,000 convicted felons, circumventing
his Republican-run legislature. The action will overturn a Civil War-era
provision in the state’s Constitution aimed, he said, at disenfranchising
The sweeping order, in a swing state that could play a role in deciding the
November presidential election, will enable all felons who have served
their prison time and finished parole to register to vote. Most are
African-Americans, a core constituency of Democrats, Mr. McAuliffe’s
political party.
“There’s no question that we’ve had a horrible history in voting rights as
relates to African-Americans — we should remedy it,” Mr. McAuliffe said
Thursday, previewing the announcement he will make on the steps of
Virginia’s Capitol, just yards from where President Abraham Lincoln once
addressed freed slaves. “We should do it as soon as we possibly can.”
The action, which Mr. McAuliffe said was justified under an expansive legal
interpretation of his executive clemency authority, goes far beyond what
other governors have done, experts say, and will almost certainly provoke a
backlash from Virginia Republicans, who have resisted measures to expand
felons’ voting rights. It has been planned in secrecy, and comes amid an
intensifying national debate over race, mass incarceration and the criminal
justice system.
There is no way to know how many of the newly eligible voters in Virginia
will register, but Mr. McAuliffe said he would encourage all to do so. “My
message is going to be that I have now done my part,” he said.
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That he cannot gain any traction is a pity for his party.
Hillary in Connecticut: 'It is just too easy for people to reach for a gun to settle their problems.'
Paul Manafort promises anxious GOP leaders that voters will see "a real different guy" during a general election
This is In Real Terms, a column analyzing the week in economic news. Comments? Criticisms? Ideas for future columns? Email me or drop a note in the comments. Young people entering the job market ha…
He doesn't even need to change he could just be himself Captain Americas Biggest Flaw:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3iK_DYYS-oM 6 Reasons Why Antman's Powe...
Judicial Watch has been kicked out of the Pulitzer Prize contest, although the non-profit government watchdog has broken key stories this year in the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the controver
Who cares? Nobody pays attention to these people. Just ignore them. Conservatives see no reason to support the counter narrative. And that is the problem!
It’s still not easy, but is now clearly possible, to avoid a contested convention. How it might go.