Canada's sloppy, rushed and reckless Syrian refugee resettlement program is America's looming national security nightmare.
Imagine, for a moment, that you met a person who spent the last thirty years as a drug-abusing, alcoholic gang member and a sexual cheat. And imagine that in order to woo you, this person spent eight months as an abstinent, church-going Christian. You dated; your new partner seemed somewhat unstable, but pledged to turn over a new leaf.
Finally, imagine that after marrying this person, the person then immediately went on a weekend bender, associating with his old gang friends, abusing drugs and alcohol, and cheating on you.
Would you:
Donald Trump often comes off as a liberal Democrat masquerading as a liberal Democrat’s cartoonishly fascistic conception of a Republican. Actually, he is a full-blown barking moonbat, as he confirmed repeatedly during a town hall event this morning...
For Anders Breivik, a spacious, three room cell with a kitchen, laundry, personal TV, and video games
Our founding fathers foresaw the problems with a popular-vote presidency.
Thank you, Senator Cruz, for calling this politically correct garbage for what it is.
Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton share the stage... Like on Facebook! http://www.facebook.com/badlipreading Follow on Twitter! http://twitter.com/badliprea...
Matt Iglesias at Vox, Meteor Blades at Daily Kos, they all love Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. Given that our currency has heretofore been reserved for founding fathers or ex-presidents, anything …
On Thursday, tipping his ideological hand yet again, presidential hopeful Donald Trump, the guy who laughably once claimed to be “really very conservative,” said that men who “identify” as women should be allowed to use women’s restrooms and locker-rooms, and vise-versa. Truly, a “really very conservative” stance.
Pat Buchanan on Hannity says Donald Trump has won the Republican nomination. "Whether we like Donald Trump or not, the guy went out and has won this thing," Buchanan said Wednesday night on FOX News.
"Donald Trump has got millions and millions more votes than any other Republican candidate. He's won all these primaries. His victories have been massive. His crowds have been enormous," Buchanan said.
"Sean, the things perceived as real are real in their consequences," Buchanan said. "The American people are looking at this and they say, you know, whether we like Donald Trump or not, the guy went out and has won this thing. Now, if by poaching and pilfering delegates here and there, Cruz and Kasich can hold Trump off from the nomination on the first ballot -- then then they take it. It will be like the heavyweight champion there with his gloves over his head and the award going to the guy lying on the canvas."
"Ted Cruz is not doing anything criminal in pilfering delegates and telling them to hold out and all the rest of it. What I'm saying is the American people have perceived an tremendously exciting, interesting contest, and the reality is that Donald Trump won it and everybody knows it. Look at that TV last night, Sean. Are people going to turn around and say now they're going to give it to the guy who was runner-up by 300 delegates? Why?" Buchanan asked.
Donald Trump said Thursday he would change the Republican Party platform's position on abortion to include exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother.
The AP has obtained a recording of Trump’s team telling GOP leaders that he’s been projecting an image throughout the campaign and is now going to evolve and moderate his positions into…
HOLLYWOOD, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump's chief lieutenants told skeptical Republican leaders Thursday that the GOP front-runner has been "projecting an image" so far in the 2016 primary season and "the part that he's been…
In a triumph of common sense, historical awareness, and crazed enthusiasm for a Broadway rap musical, the Treasury Department has announced that Harrie ...
The Target department store chain has declared that men claiming to be women may use whatever bathroom or changing room they desire.
FEC loopholes mean Correct the Record can openly coordinate with Clinton’s campaign.
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, says he opposes, “Washington deal-makers and lobbyists who want to parachute in their preferred candidate.” The Republican presidenti...
Here's How Harriet Tubman Should Appear On The New $20 Bill
James Thomas Shoemaker, 19, faces one count of invasion of privacy in connection with the April 14 incident at a Sheetz.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES First of all, although I think the choice of Harriet Tubman for the $20 dollar bill is an inspired one, I don’t think that everyone who disagrees with me is a racist of some sort. Andrew Jackson has his partisans, and for good reason. Although he was without a doubt a flawed man, he was also instrumental in the | Read More »
Musician slams outspoken progressives over free speech, says some are "making up stories about ghosts that don't exist" in interview with Alex Jones
A new poll from Capitol Weekly/Sextant Strategies shows Trump leading statewide with 41 percent of the vote and Cruz trailing far behind with 23 precent.
CRUZ: “Donald Trump isn’t going to defeat political correctness; today he bowed down to it” HOUSTON, Texas – Presidential candidate Ted Cruz issued the following response to Donald Trump’s statement advocating for genderless bathrooms: “Donald Trump is no different from politically correct leftist elites. Today, he joined them in calling for grown men to be allowed to use little girls’ …