Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump looked practically unhinged this afternoon as he spoke with reporters about his campaign manager?s arrest.  Watch him unravel as he blathers on about the legitimacy of Michelle Fields? bruises and declares that she ?should have screamed? if she was grabbed. Trump: ?There?s not even a change of expression on her face?you take a look at her initial | Read More
JUDY WOODRUFF: David, you had Ted Cruz saying, what we need to do is send more security into patrolling basically neighborhoods where Muslim Americans live. DAVID BROOKS: Yes, I have spent the last week so repulsed by Donald Trump, I had forgotten how ugly Ted Cruz could be, but he reminded us this week. (LAUGHTER) DAVID BROOKS: As I said and as everyone says, the reason we have terrorism is not because the Prophet Mohammed came down and not because there is a religion called Islam. MARK SHIELDS: That's right. DAVID BROOKS: The reason we have terror is that young men are alienated and feel they can wage war and a just war against societies that are racist and xenophobic and crushing toward them. And if you want to spread the message, a good way would be to have extra police operations directed at Muslim neighborhoods. And so Ted Cruz's idea is probably the worst idea, well, only of the day, because we have a lot in this campaign, truly terrible idea, only saved by the fact it's almost certain he doesn't actually believe it. He just wants to sound like Donald Trump... DAVID BROOKS: Yes, that's the first thing I was going to say. Are we really here? Is this really happening? Is this America? Are we a great country talking about trying to straddle the world and create opportunity in this country? It's just mind-boggling. And we have sort of become acculturated, because this campaign has been so ugly. We have become acculturated to sleaze and unhappiness that you just want to shower from every 15 minutes. The Trump comparison of the looks of the wives, he does have, over the course of his life, a consistent misogynistic view of women as arm candy, as pieces of meat. It's a consistent attitude toward women which is the stuff of a diseased adolescent. And so we have seen a bit of that show up again. But if you go back over his past, calling into radio shows bragging about his affairs, talking about his sex life in public, he is childish in his immaturity. And his -- even his misogyny is a childish misogyny. And that's why I do not think Republicans, standard Republicans, can say, yes, I'm going to vote for this guy because he's our nominee. He's of a different order than your normal candidate. And this whole week is just another reminder of that.
"[I]f my next professor isn’t [an] omnisexual transracial black aboriginal polyurethane person of no color, I will make my own demands list."
Donald Trump only hires the best people, right?  Corey Lewandowski, Donald Trump campaign manager, was charged this morning with misdemeanor battery after allegations of forcefully grabbing a reporter at a Jupiter news conference, town police confirmed this morning. Following a March 8 conference at Trump National Golf Club, Michelle Fields, a 28-year-old reporter formerly with the online Breitbart News Network, said she was grabbed on the arm by Lewandowski, 41, after she asked Trump a question about affirmative action. Lewandowski turned himself in to Jupiter police just after 8 a.m., according to a police report. Surveillance footage captured at Trump National, off Donald Ross Road, corroborates Fields’ claim, the arrest report says. The police released this surveillance footage: A statement from Trump’s campaign calls Lewandowski “completely innocent,” saying the campaign manager is “completely confident that he will be exonerated.” (You may recall Trump saying, “Perhaps she made the story up. I think that’s what happened.”) Under Florida law, simple battery is a first degree misdemeanor; the state can request a sentence of imprisonment lasting up to one year and a fine that cannot exceed $1,000.
The cheeto-faced toupee’d totalitarian has taken to Twitter to disprove what’s plainly obvious in the video that the police released of Corey Lewandowski assaulting Michelle Fields. And…
There was on Monday a quintessential example of the horrendously bad thinking of those opposed to all things intellectual property. An op-ed totally disconnected from reality and chock full of thought-free, pathetic anti-property platitudes.
RSBN is doing its best to keep you updated about what certainly seems to be the effective end of the Cruz campaign, as the multiple-mistress scandal continues to linger.
Listen to Vicki McKenna’s straight-to-the-point interview with Donald Trump. It’s aggressive, it’s candid, it’s devoid of BS, and it’s an exercise in holding a candidate accountable.
Just hours ago, a heavily armed group of men said to have the appearance of Middle Eastern men, were arrested just outside of Los Angeles. The reason is a wake-up
By his calculation, Sam Nunberg has spent one eighth of his life working for Donald Trump. The twice fired former Trump employee worked for him for four and a half years. Now he's going off th
Trump is wrong: The nomination is not being “stolen” from him. Republicans are following the rules.
At root, every argument in favor of Trump’s competence is a presumption based upon faith. It is presumed, for example, that Donald Trump would be a...
Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois on Tuesday accused many of his fellow Senate Republicans of being "closed-minded" by refusing to consider President Barack Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to serve on the U.S. Supreme Court.
Not only is the sewer of the worst Trump supporters spewing out onto social media in order to defend their emperor Trump from his campaign manager being arrested today, but they’re completely…

Europe at the Edge of the Abyss

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

America can still avoid sharing Europe’s fate. But only if we take action.
Ted Cruz was asked today about Trump’s campaign manager being arrested and charged with simple battery, and he responded that it was a very sad development but that it is the consequence of t…
On a radio station in Wisconsin this morning, just after Walker endorsed Cruz, Donald Trump attacked Scott Walker for NOT raising taxes in Wisconsin. Yes I said for ‘not’ raising taxes.…
While ominous Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro makes his way across the U.S., invading the “safe spaces” of precious snowflakes who risk being exposed to facts, a growing number of college student groups are eagerly inviting the campus celebrity to blow their own safe spaces.
Donald Trump's fans like to argue that Hillary Clinton would be worse in the Oval Office. In this, as in many other things, they are wrong.
On Tuesday, Geneva Ridgefield, mother of Sandra Bland, discussed how people she meets complain that Hillary Clinton has lied. Ridgefield defended Clinton, and later joked about Bill Clinton, If I was to be held accountable for everything my man did, whoa! We'd have a problem! Clinton burst out laughing. Watch here:
In February cameras caught top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin shoving away a woman who tried to hug her after ...
Steve Watson | Claims scrawling constitutes "racist violence".
It may be a matter of some interest to you that the American left is now openly declaring its intention to shutdown your church and outlaw your religious expression entirely. If you've been paying attention, you won't be terribly shocked by this revelation. They plan to come after the churches. That's what they've...