Mark interviews NHS Task Force Executive Director Dr. Peter V. Pry about the growing EMP threat and the vulnerable state of the US electrical grid.
On CNN’s "New Day," Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson was interviewed by Don Lemon, and he took issue with some things she said.
A lot of people, especially Millennials with degrees in Intersectional Climate Change Gender Studies, may not know it, but there is a way to anticipate whats going to happen in the future.
WASHINGTON — The mother of a 28-year-old woman who died in police custody in Texas joined Hillary Clinton at a black church in Milwaukee on Tuesday and told voters to not judge Clinton for Bubba’s …
Citing indications of wrongdoing and bad faith, a federal judge has overruled government objections by ruling that a conservative group seeking State Department records is entitled to more details about Hillary Clinton's private email account.
The Republican frontrunner's original goal was to poll in double digits and finish second in race for the GOP nomination, says the ex-communications director for the short-lived Make America Great Again super-PAC.
It’s clear that none of Trump’s aides is smart enough or brave enough to keep his short stubby fingers from tweeting stupid things in the wake of the explosive arrest of his campaign ma…
Republican Political Consultant, Correspondent, The Daily Caller, and Editor, StoneZone.comjoins Steve to discuss the Ted Cruz sex scandal
Trump holds a 21-point lead over primary rival Ted Cruz in the new poll.

Oh, Bernie!

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
If you call any other group in America incapable, then you would have a full-on political correctness police beat down going on. When a political commentator calls white people dumb on live televis…
Republican front-runner Donald Trump is holding a rally today in Janesville, Wisconsin. Last night protesters stormed the lobby of the ...
Ted Cruz supporters are passionate. Donald Trump supporters are dedicated. As a group, we all agree that the republican establishment entrenched themselves into Washington DC and stopped listening …
Donald Trump is a huge, huge winner! He’s totally going to blow out Hillary Clinton! He’s winning all of the polls! Except for the last twelve polls, which go something like this: Clinton +11, Clinton +18, Clinton +6, Clinton +10, Clinton +12, Clinton +10, Clinton +9, Clinton +13, Clinton +5, Clinton +8, Clinton +5, Trump +2. Of fifty polls taken since last July, Trump has won a grand total of 5, and tied two of them. So he’s batting .140.
The Obama administration is supporting several non-profit groups --- with federal funding through a major White House initiative --- that are part of an organized effort aimed at converting green-card
The billionaire front-runner attempts to play down his degrading comments about women, saying they were made in jest.
Hugh Fitzgerald: Christopher Dickey and
Donald Trump’s campaign manager was charged Tuesday with misdemeanor battery over allegations he grabbed the arm of then-Breitbart reporter Michelle Fields.
Donald Trump Jr., recently issued an apology on Twitter for misidentifying the woman who memorably made a Nazi salute outside Trump's aborted Chicago rally as a Bernie Sanders supporter.
Gunmen associated with the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) stormed and slaughtered innocent nuns who ran a retirement center in Yemen.
It was an odd thing to see the second-leading GOP candidate for the President of the United States stand mute, tight-lipped, and flinching as a former candidate for that same position appeared to be the one in charge. Add to that the troubling matter of a still-unexplained $500,000 donation that went from a Cruz campaign …
WASHINGTON, March 29- The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday split 4-4 on a conservative legal challenge to a vital source of funds for organized labor, affirming a lower-court ruling that allowed California to force non-union workers to pay fees to public-employee unions. The court's action came in lawsuit brought by a group of non-union public school teachers...
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump, in addition to just being a pretty awful human being, is also a near-70 year old crybaby. He runs around talking about how the United States has “rules” and that we’re “not a country” if we don’t follow the rules (like having borders). The rules only matter to Donald Trump as long as those rules don’t get | Read More »