
“Just got a report that #CruzCrew delegates swept 9 of 9 in NC this past weekend making the #NCGOP count Cruz 30, Kasich 2, Trump 1.”


He must position himself as a savior to the #NeverTrump movement but also as a second choice for Trump fans.


Both parties face intense pressure to explain why the outcome of primary elections that have drawn millions may be overtaken by rules that give outsize powers to party leaders and delegates in picking 2016 presidential nominees.


In a pre-primary bombshell, the city’s Board of Elections was pummeled with questions Monday about how 54,000 Democratic voters vanished from the rolls in Brooklyn. The voter rolls on April 1 showe…


Intelligence agencies understand that Islamic State monsters are plotting the attacks at Spanish, French and Italian resorts


HBO debuted a fictional account of Anita Hill's role in the Clarence Thomas Supreme Court confirmation hearings. Don't fall for it.


Gov’t Employee Steals From Feds, Uses Taxpayer-Funded Lawyers To Fight Eviction After Getting Caught
A Department of Housing and Urban Development employee with two federally funded Section 8 apartments refused to vacate when she was caught and used a tax-paid civil rights organization to fight the g


Hillary Clinton Has Another Coughing Fit in Radio Interview; Blames 'Allergy Season'


“If he is within 20 or 30 within the nomination, they have to give it to him,” the former New York City mayor said.


Around 30 students linked arms across Sather Gate in an attempt to draw attention to the unfair treatment of undocumented students in the UC System. Read mor...


Sen. Ted Cruz is crushing Donald Trump's delegate operation in yet another state.


Hillary Clinton thinks gunmakers should be held accountable for shootings in America but Former NRA President David Keene says she doesn’t understand the liability concept.


In an April 10 Fox News interview, President Obama identified what he believes is the worst mistake of his presidency. He said, “Probably failing to plan for the day after what I think was the right thing to do in intervening in Libya.”


Ted Cruz: ‘I Have Zero Interest Whatsoever’ in Being Donald Trump’s VP Pick


Towson, Md.
Maryland is a battleground! Ted Cruz bellowed.
For once, said a man quietly in the back of the crowd, which nearly filled up the newly renovated American Legion hall Monday afternoon in this Baltimore suburb.
He's got a point. Maryland Republicans aren't used to having much say in their presidential primary, which this year is April 26. By now the race is usually wrapped up, for one thing. And since Maryland is one of the most Democratic states in the Union, it's not a priority for GOP candidates before or during the general election. But with primary season continuing on as a frantic hunt for delegates, the Old Line State's getting some new attention.
The Republican crowd reveled in it. Carly Fiorina introduced Cruz, but the former presidential candidate could barely get a word out before someone shouted, We love you, Carly! Cruz leapt on stage to a roaring crowd and gave Fiorina a bear hug. God bless the great state of Maryland, he said. When Cruz began a line of his speech with the standard, If I'm elected president, a fan piped up without missing her beat. You will be! she said, momentarily throwing Cruz off and prompting another round of applause. Whenever Cruz mentioned rival Donald Trump's name, the audience booed heartily.


Mark Morford, a liberal columnist for the San Francisco Chronicle, published a tirade Monday in which he wished for Rush Limbaugh's death.


RUSH: The Drive-By Media this morning is just breathless over the wrap-up of oral arguments before the Supreme Court on whether to let Obama's executive orders on illegal aliens stand. Speaking of which, there's a USA Today piece today all upset about this. All of a sudden, all of a sudden now a USA Today editorial upset at Obama's executive orders. But you know why? Well, what does this mean that Cruz or Trump might do if they're elected? Yes siree, bob.


This is EPIC. Ted Cruz (and his campaign manager) take on Mark Halperin and John Heilemann in a game of Foosball. But Cruz shows them what he’s made of so make sure you watch to the end: Watc…


Jihad Watch director Robert Spencer explores the often-contested question, Is Islam a religion of peace?


But students are finally told that 'intoxication' is not the same as 'incapacitation.'


A gay, "lifelong Republican" confronted GOP presidential contender Sen. Ted Cruz on ABC's "Good Morning America" Monday, inquiring how the Texas senator would, as president, protect him and his gay marriage of two years. Todd Cologne, a New York pizza restaurant owner who said he's leaning toward voting...


On Monday, terrorists attacked the heart of Israel, striking Jerusalem and injuring 21 people. Two buses exploded and burst into flames at the peak of afternoon rush hour.


If he is actually suffering from Alzheimer’s, his campaign might be saying more about the GOP base than even he realizes.


Islam has the will to win but not the way; the West has the way to win but not the will.
