A new poll conducted by Mason-Dixon Polling & Research found 88 percent of registered voters in Mississippi are against “allowing police to seize and permanently take away property from people who have not been convicted of a crime.” A mere seven percent of voters support the practice, known as civil forfeiture, while five percent are?
Everything bad in the world comes from or is tied to Christianity, alleged one speaker at this weekend's White Privilege conference in Philadelphia, according to the Daily Caller News Foundation. Activist and author Paul Kivel told the conference that everything from racism and sexism to weakening economies and global warming...
Climate change is an urgent topic of discussion among politicians, journalists and celebrities...but what do scientists say about climate change? Does the da...
As Bernie Sanders continues to challenge Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination, the time has come to focus some of...
The Republican frontrunner is bellyaching about a “rigged” GOP. It’s not. He’s just getting outworked for convention delegates.
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES I think it is clear at this point, the entire editorial staff RedState is opposed to a Trump GOP nomination and I’m not sure any of them could make a convincing case, even to me, why he’d be a better President than Hillary Clinton. But that goes out the window with Ted Cruz, who would be a far better | Read More »
日本語字幕はCCボタンをクリックして選択してください。 Crowdfunding Campaign: https://goo.gl/z2X2f8 Proceeds from the ads on this video will help fund the perks I have chosen for the c...
"I can fly [delegates] on the best planes and take them to the best resorts around," including his private club in Florida, Mar-a-Lago, Trump said.
Mistakenly thinking Citizens United is a law and not a right-wing political advocacy group, George Clooney called for its repeal. Speaking with MSNBC’s Chuck Todd for an interview with Meet The Press that aired on Sunday, Clooney essentially - although perhaps unknowingly - repeated the Democrats’ call for a repeal of the First Amendment via constitutional amendment to empower the federal government to regulate political speech.  
Back-Up Channel - https://goo.gl/ANIA7b 2nd Back-Up Channel - https://goo.gl/dyt6yZ Become A Patron - https://goo.gl/jUq5vL Donations - https://goo.gl/LwUKre...
Belgium's PM backed his Interior Minister who was under fire for stating that some Belgian Muslims had celebrated the recent Brussels attacks
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Ted Cruz has been busy over the last month handing Donald Trump’s backside to him in the delegate game. Things have gotten so bad for Trump that he’s basically resorted to openly calling for violence from his supporters at the convention because he knows the writing is on the wall if he doesn’t cross the 50% threshold. However, Donald | Read More »
77.5 million households do not pay federal individual income tax.
Trump supported Bill de Blasio because Trump was told by somebody that de Blasio said some very nice things about him at a cocktail party. That's basically the same reason Trump calls Putin a real leader.
The trouble with regulations is that they freeze technological progress.
Germany's right-wing populist AfD party drew heavy fire Monday after two of its leaders labelled Islam incompatible with the country's values and constitution. The three-year-old Alternative for Germany party, which harshly opposes Chancellor Angela Merkel's liberal refugee policy, plans
From the first Morning Jolt of the week: Not Even Record Turnout Can Dispel the Whiny ‘Voterless Elections’ Spin “Voterless elections” is the new favorite rallying cry of the Trump campaign, repeated by the Drudge Report: CRUZ CELEBRATES ANOTHER VOTERLESS VICTORY: NO ELECTION IN WY…  It’s absolute horse-puckey. There was a vote, at precinct caucuses March 1, and turnout was higher than anyone can remember. From the Wyoming Tribune Eagle, March 2, 2016: Laramie County Republican Party Chairman Jared Olsen said he never has seen a turnout like Tuesday night. Hundreds of people packed the College Community Center at Laramie County Community College to take part in the county precinct caucus. All the parking lots around the building were full, and cars were parked on the shoulder of College Drive. A line stretched out the door well past the original starting time of 6 p.m., pushing the beginning of the caucus about a half-hour late. In an average presidential primary election, somewhere between 170 and 250 people show up, Olsen said. This year the party checked in 778 voters. And in the Casper Star-Tribune: Hundreds of people filled a room and spilled out the door Tuesday night in Natrona County to voice their opinions on who should be the next president. Natrona County Republican Party Chairman Bonnie Foster said she had never seen a crowd like this at the party’s precinct caucus… Before the tally was taken, Foster asked for those who had never attended a Natrona County Republican Party event like Tuesday night’s to raise their hands. Most of the hands in the crowd went up, all the way out the door. The Wyoming model was similar to Colorado’s – precinct caucuses held March 1; then county conventions, and a state convention. Once again, this is all very clear if you bother to read the rules, posted online. The Trump campaign appears to have not bothered. We know from recorded tallies that at the county conventions, there were 618 votes for Cruz delegates, 189 votes for Rubio delegates; 70 votes for Trump delegates, and 68 votes for undeclared delegates. That amounts to 65 percent for Cruz, 20 percent for Rubio, and 7 percent for Trump and undeclared. Out of 12 delegates that are won through this process, 9 are going to Cruz and one each is going to Trump and Rubio, and one is going uncommitted. (That amounts to 75 percent of the delegates for Cruz, and 8 percent for Rubio, Trump, and uncommitted.) If anybody’s getting unfairly hurt by this setup, it’s Rubio, not Trump. But that doesn’t matter. Trump continues to whine that he’s been robbed, even though he’s getting as many delegates as Rubio, who won almost three times as many votes. “Look at what happened in Wyoming,” Trump told supporters in Syracuse, N.Y., while 475 Republicans in Casper’s Parkway Plaza convention center were marking their ballots. “Look at what’s happening in Colorado, where the people never got a chance to vote and they’re going nuts out there. They’re angry — the bosses took away their vote.” Another fourteen delegates are determined by the 505 attendees of the state party convention, which was held Saturday. Ted Cruz made his sales pitch in person; John Kasich had local congressman Butch Otter address the convention; and Trump was supposed to have Sarah Palin… but she canceled Friday afternoon. A Trump delegate spoke in her place. Cruz won all the available delegates from the state party convention. For anyone facing a defeat, “they cheated” is a lot easier to accept than “they did a better job than we did.”
Local Catholics outraged by Jane Sanders’ dealings as college president.
The Constitution was ratified more than two centuries ago, and in all that time no president had ever tested the limits of executive power enough to force the Supreme Court to rule whether he has lived up to the founders’ command that the laws be “faithfully executed.” Until now.
But not in the way he thinks
Pushing for a constitutional amendment to remove protections of free speech and expression, Chair of the Democratic National Committee Debbie Wasserman-Schultz echoed Hollywood ally George Clooney’s earlier call for rewriting the First Amendment. Without any sense of irony, Wasserman-Schultz derided what she described as an “obscene” system for campaign finance while speaking with a network that operates as a de facto arm of the Democratic Party.  

Republicans, Go For Brokered!

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

The Republican National Convention will not have a clear winner in July.

The Kasich Option

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

To avoid an historic tumble in the November elections, what should the Republican Party do at its July 18-21 nominating convention, if “Doubtful Donald” Trump and “Terrible Ted” Cruz cancel each ot…

The Left Is Coming for You Next

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

We think in language, and we think in stories, a fact that is appreciated most keenly not by writers or literary critics but by censors. #ad#In the course of writing about the ongoing fraud in which a cabal of left-wing lawyers with connections to the administrations of Barack Obama and Andrew Cuomo has attempted to extort many billions of dollars from Chevron, I had a memorable conversation with an executive at the energy giant. “We are the least sympathetic defendant there is,” he said. “We’re an oil company. You can say almost anything about an oil company. There are no stories in which the oil company is the good guy.” There is one: The one where you go to the 7-Eleven and fill up your miraculous machine with a miraculous energy source that would, within the recent history of the human species, have been indistinguishable from magic. But the point stands. You can say anything you like, no matter how wild the claim, about an oil company or a financial firm, or, indeed, about any corporation, “corporation” now being the English word that means “a business that I hate.” The demonization of the word “corporation” has proceeded alongside the demonization of the concept. The word “corporation” already had slightly sinister overtones (it is naturally associated with the English word “corpse,” though that word is not in fact derived from the Latin “corpus”) which has been intensified by the immortal, galaxy-spanning corporations of science fiction; I have always thought (here I glance nervously over my shoulder at Kathryn Jean Lopez) that the writers of Star Trek missed an opportunity with the Borg, whose habitual promise that “you will be assimilated” would have been much better rendered “you will be incorporated,” since they, like a Portuguese man-o’-war, form a single colonial organism. Incorporation is a word that strikes terror into many hearts. (Particularly those beating in proximity to Houston.) I spent part of Friday night among Hillary Rodham Clinton supporters in New York, and one very nice young couple warned me darkly that Republicans would “do whatever the corporations tell them to.” The corporations: As if they were all part of the same team, and had meetings. The American Left, which long ago abandoned its hereditary liberalism for totalitarianism, is very much interested in policing language. Writing this week in Time, which still exists, Katy Steinmetz complains about the use of the word “transgendered” to describe people who were until five minutes ago known as transsexuals, and five minutes before that weird guys in dresses. (The argument, in case you are wondering, is that the implicitly passive form “transgendered” suggests that something was done to these people, as though we could not distinguish between a tossed salad and a spotted owl.) She offers other sage advice: “If you meet a trans person — someone who identifies with a gender other than the sex they were assigned at birth — it’s generally a good idea to ask which pronouns (he or she, him or her) they prefer and to use whatever that is.” Other than establishing that she isn’t a reliable guide to pronouns, the merry assumption of absolute nonsense — “the sex they were assigned at birth” as opposed to the sex they are — isn’t just illiteracy. People instinctively resist the lie, which makes it necessary to make the truth almost literally unspeakable, even unthinkable. The lie isn’t quite sold yet, inasmuch as people still roll their eyes a little at the phrase “women with penises,” but it is getting there. Progressive tut-tutting about that sort of thing may be the mild stuff, but it isn’t innocuous. Activists for the so-called transgendered have argued that my work on the issue should be not criticized but banned, as in suppressed by the force of state violence. The usual banalities — “hate speech” and all that — are invoked. So far, it isn’t a crime to get on the wrong side of the men-in-dresses activists. We aren’t, after all, Canadians. Global warming, though, is a different matter. The attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands, Claude Earl Walker, has issued a subpoena to the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a libertarian-leaning think tank that has been critical of a great deal of global-warming scholarship. This is part of a coordinated campaign by Democratic attorneys general, including those in New York and California, to prosecute persons and institutions with nonconforming views on global warming, with special attention being given to Exxon and to groups that it may have supported financially. The subpoena against CEI is a pure fishing expedition, a search for anything that might be potentially embarrassing that can be used as part of the public-relations campaign rather than as part of a prosecution, the prosecution bit being tricky because there isn’t much of an argument that any laws have been broken. New York’s attorney general, Eric Schneiderman, is taking a similar approach. He isn’t sure what law Exxon has broken, but he promises to find one, making different accusations and arguments as the venue demands. Barack Obama’s so-called Justice Department is considering filing a case of its own. Despite the insistence of Democrats in positions of power, this is not a “fraud” investigation. There has been no credible case made — none whatsoever — that any fraud has been committed. We should, while it is permitted, be as plain as possible about what is happening here: This is an act of obvious, gross, and indefensible political suppression, with two ends: One is riling up young, white, middle-income progressives before the 2016 election (in which California’s Democratic attorney general, Kamala Harris, is a Senate candidate), voters who care a great deal about global warming and not very much about freedom of speech; the second is financial, in that Exxon, the second most valuable firm on Earth by market capitalization, has a great deal of money, and may be bullied into a settlement that will fund a great deal of Democratic activism for years to come. Prosecuting political institutions and businesses for political activism is brown-shirt business. This is banana-republic stuff.  Kamala Harris, Eric Schneiderman, Claude Earl Walker, and Attorney General Loretta Lynch should not resign — they should be hounded from office, and from polite society. Prosecuting political institutions and businesses for political activism is brown-shirt business, plain and simply and ugly and heinous. If you believe that this will stop at prosecuting wicked, evil “corporations,” you are deluding yourself. You’re next. — Kevin D. Williamson is the roving correspondent at National Review.