On Saturday April 18 Senator Ted Cruz swept the state of Wyoming and captured all 14 of the state’s GOP delegates. But if you were watching the Sunday morning news briefs you probably would have missed it. What you would have learned is that Donald Trump is still calling the Republican election system rigged, Trump has a new nick name for Hillary Clinton, and John Kasich eats pickles in a weird way.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Trust in the news media is being eroded by perceptions of inaccuracy and bias, fueled in part by Americans' skepticism about what they read on social media. Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot…
Marco Rubio loyalists packed the Florida delegate roster
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Probably no one has earned more leeway from conservative voters and pundits than Rush Limbaugh. Rush has been a tireless force for the conservative movement for decades, and he probably is responsible for a whole lot of conservative Republicans who are currently in office. But thankfulness for past service only goes so far, and Rush’s program yesterday officially crossed | Read More »
What if we all grew crops and traded with each other? And what if we discovered the science of economics?
Talking tough and carrying a toothpick, Secretary of State John Kerry blustered that the U.S. military would have been justified in shooting down two Russian jets that flew roughly a dozen times over the USS Donald Cook warship in the Baltic Sea.
Kerry huffed, “"We condemn this kind of behavior. It is reckless. It is provocative. It is dangerous. And under the rules of engagement, that could have been a shoot-down." He puffed that the U.S. "is not going to be intimidated on the high seas"
On Sunday, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus spoke to NBC’s Chuck Todd and pushed back against allegations that the delegate system was somehow corrupt. The “Meet the Press” host opened the segment by calling Priebus’ attention to Donald Trump’s’ recent claims that the entire delegate allocation system was “stacked against” him and “rigged.” “How do you tell Republican voters you are running a fair process when the front-runner is calling what you are doing ‘rigged,’” Todd asked Priebus.
Cruz is the pro-liberty, pro-growth, pro-American candidate. He actually understands the way our government works. And he has the integrity and force of character to make a difference.
Ted Cruz is doing the work in Washington State that you'd expect a candidate to do.
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Is there a point where the "P.C. Police" are satisfied? Are there ever "enough" rules governing the jokes we tell, the mascots of sports teams, or the symbol...
Conservatives and liberals both believe that they alone are motivated by love while their opponents are motivated by hate. How can we solve problems with so ...
Ted Cruz had a busy Saturday making sure that as many delegates at the convention as possible all like Ted Cruz.
A senior adviser to Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz on Sunday accused rival Donald Trump's campaign of taking a "banana republic approach" by complaining that party rules for selecting a nominee are rigged against him.
Mr. Cruz’s policy views over two decades suggest that he would be the most conservative presidential nominee in at least a half-century.
How can prison numbers be too high? There are unsolved crimes: murders, robberies, sexual assaults and burglaries to name a few. There are people out there who should have been arrested, convicted …
Reince Priebus, chairman of the Republican National Committee, says Donald Trump complaining about the way Colorado's delegates were chosen is "distracting." Priebus said it "really isn't something that most people give a darn about." Priebus said not moving past this is this gets in the way of unifying the party.
Priebus tried to distance himself from the controversial process, saying he doesn't write the rules for the Republican party, "the delegates at the convention write the rules." However, Priebus defended the process and said it's "pretty much the same system the Democrats use; delegates and voters choose the nominee.
"It's pretty much the same system the Democrats use; delegates and voters choose the nominee," Priebus said on Friday's broadcast of NBC's TODAY. "That's what's happening. And, quite frankly, the complaining that goes on is something that I think probably distracts from what we need to do, which is to come together as Republicans."
"It gets distracting and it really isn't something that most people really give a darn about," Priebus added.
"[Trump's] not alone in thinking the system is a little odd. One where its party activists and delegates who choose the president and the voters. There was no caucus. There was no primary in the state of Colorado. There are people who say that is anti-democratic, including many of the millions and millions of people who support Donald Trump. Don't you think as you look at it from a common sense point of view that there is something strange about that system?" co-host Willie Geist asked the chairman.
"No," Priebus said, laughing off Geist's premise. "What about caucuses? Is that strange? Who is to say that a primary is the only way to choose delegates?"
"It isn't really strange; it's very grass roots," Priebus said, defending the delegate-choosing process.
"I think it's a little too late to complain after the fact that a particular state's process isn't something that you like. What is true is that the system can be changed, but it has to be changed at the [national] convention if people want to change it with the delegates. That's how our system rules are written."
"I don't write the rules for the Republican party, the delegates at the convention write the rules for the Republican party."
Yesterday, Trump in Dexter, New York revealed a nickname for his rival on the opposite side of the aisle.
“Donald Trump leads among likely Republican voters in CALIFORNIA at 49%. Cruz follows at 31% and Kasich at 16%.”
Gov. John Kasich dismissed Donald Trump's accusations that the GOP nomination process is "rigged," calling on Trump to "act like you're a professional."
The Supreme Court will hear a case challenging Obama's executive action on immigration. NRO explains what it's all about.
"I would like an explanation..."
8 RecommendedRecommend Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES There is a lot of talk about the real delegate counts after a few different sources published various counts, there is also a lot of people wondering about how many delegates are pledged in what I call “The Heart” for various candidates. Finally some of the Trump team are already trying to talk about how Ted Cruz | Read More