
There's a thought that though Ted Cruz can excite Republicans, he can’t beat Hillary Clinton in a general election. But the recent head-to-head polling tells a different story.


When Ron Paul said taxation is theft you expect the network to cut to commercial right away. In a rare move, David Gregory gave Ron Paul ample time to try and explain why taxation is theft.


Trump barely wins but captures 247% more delegates than Cruz. Is that fair?


Billionaire financier George Soros has warned that the EU is in mortal danger of collapse if it doesn't agree a massive cash injection


Super PAC mounts state-by-state effort to elect convention delegates who oppose Trump.


An unofficial surrogate of Hillary Clinton, the President of the left-wing National Organization For Women (NOW) said on Monday that abortion is a “necessary aspect” of “reproductive health care.” Speaking to a group of leftist supports in Washington, D.C., Terry O’Neill also called for repealing the First Amendment, raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour, and mandates for businesses to provide benefits to employees subsidizing contraception and abortion.


One key committee at the 2016 Republican National Convention will determine whether Donald Trump and Ted Cruz supporters or the GOP leadership has the advantage in choosing the next nominee.
The rules committee's makeup and decisions have shaped the presidential race before, but play an even bigger role at a contested convention in Cleveland, GOP observers said.
Republican National Committee member Morton Blackwell, who has attended rules meetings at every convention since 1972, said he believes the outcome of the last contested convention in 1976 hung in the balance of the rules committee.
According to Blackwell, Ronald Reagan's delegates in the rules committee sought to force President Gerald Ford to name a vice presidential pick before the men delivered nomination speeches.


Chris Christie has withdrawn his Republican Supreme Court pick and has submitted a Democratic one.


Ryan will definitively rule out a White House run in a statement to the media.


RUSH: Make no mistake, the Republican powers that be do not want Trump, and they don't want Cruz. They did want Jeb. They wouldn't mind Kasich. They are drooling over Paul Ryan. And they would take Romney again. So that's the immediate universe of people that they might be thinking could be their salvation.


Bono: Refugee Crisis ‘Threatens the Very Existence of Europe,’ Could Be a Challenge for Next U.S. President


The release of a fresh trove of Clinton-era files could turn into the latest political football in the 2016 race, with the National Archives releasing hundreds of pages of documents detailing the Clinton administration’s contacts with Donald Trump.


'White Silence Equals Violence': Black Lives Matter Blocks Trains at Twins Home Opener


A narrow plurality of African Americans said new groups like Black Lives Matter represent them more than older groups, such as the NAACP.


Hillary Clinton and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio sparked controversy at an event on Saturday with a racially charged joke. Clinton and de Blasio were joined onstage by Leslie Odom Jr. in costume as Aaron Burr, whom he plays in the hit Broadway musical Hamilton.


Donald Trump's plans to make America great again are going to include a lot of whining.


The Obama administration's motto might as well be 'Strength Through Moral Equivalence.'


Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES When does this nightmare end? Donald Trump has become such a cancer that he’s actually managed to turn a solid Republican demographic into one that will overwhelmingly favor Hillary Clinton if he is the nominee. The women vote is always talked about. For the most part, women favor Democrats. When digging deeper, the numbers sort out differently showing single | Read More »


Darryl Glenn gave a well-received speech at the Colorado GOP convention that just might get him the Senate nomination.


www.SimpleFlatTax.com Learn more about Ted Cruz: www.tedcruz.org Follow Ted: twitter.com/tedcruz Like Ted: fb.com/tedcruzpage Ted’s Instagram: instragram.com...


Missouri finally certified their election results today (Tuesday), after a very close election which Trump beat Cruz by just 0.2 percent. When the election was over on March 15, we all knew that Tr…


WASHINGTON -- As Republicans head toward what could be a stalemated convention, they might recall how the party healed itself in 1952 in what was known as the


Muhammad Ghani Usman (pictured), linked to the Mumbai attacks that killed 164 people, and suspected Algerian Isis fighter Adel Haddadi were detained at a refugee centre near Salzburg, Austria.


Once upon a time, free-trade agreements were about just that: free trade. You abolish your tariffs and import restrictions, I'll abolish mine. Trade increases, countries specialize in what they're ...


MSNBC’s "Morning Joe" panel on Monday was stunned by President Barack Obama’s remarks about the FBI’s investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server during an interview this weekend. In response to a question from Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace about whether...