
Recapping the liberal media's infatuation and uneasiness with Ted Cruz's "New York values" comment, Fox News Sunday panelist and Washington Post columnist George Will highlighted how Cruz's slogan has had nothing to do with 9/11 but instead how the city's liberal base has recently honored Soviet spies and elected a mayor who used to work for the Sandinistas.


Their overwhelming support for the Democratic Party hasn't just cost Republicans—it's also cost the African American community.


Brent Bozell says conservatives should ask of Donald Trump one question: "Does he walk with us?"


Donald Trump has jumped to the top of the national polls for the Republican Party's presidential nomination.


A Republican primary is going on here in New York, and a Democratic one too — but I’m concerned with the Republican primary. Especially this business of “New York values.” In January, Ted Cruz knocked Donald Trump for having “New York values.” This gibe is supposed to be haunting Cruz now, and I suppose it is — but lemme ’splain.
Back in 1999, Trump gave an interview to Meet the Press. Tim Russert. He was actually there, Trump was. They didn’t allow him to phone in his interviews at that point.
In due course, Russert asked Trump his views on some “social issues.” What about gay marriage? Trump answered locally. I mean, he went quickly to geography: “I live in New York City” (where “there’s a tremendous movement on”).
He was then asked about gays in the military. “Hey, I lived in New York City and Manhattan all my life, okay? So, you know, my views are a little bit different than if I lived in Iowa, perhaps.”
Trump could have named any of the other 49 states. But he named Iowa — the very state in which he and Cruz were competing for votes, when Cruz knocked him for “New York values.”
You think the Cruz campaign used the Meet the Press interview? In Iowa? Well, of course they did! Who wouldn’t have?
Russert asked Trump about partial-birth abortion — not abortion in general, but partial-birth abortion, specifically: clear-cut, no-bones-about-it infanticide.
Trump said, “Well, look, I’m very pro-choice, and, again, it may be a little bit of a New York background, because there is some different attitude in different parts of the country, and, you know, I was raised in New York, and grew up and work and everything else in New York City.”
Okay, let me talk about some New York pols. The governor is Andrew Cuomo, Mario’s son. He has said, quite explicitly, that there’s no room in New York — not just in the city but in the entire state! — for pro-lifers, Second Amendment types, etc.
Trump gave him 84 grand.
Bill de Blasio is the mayor of the city, and Trump once had warm words for him. Remember, de Blasio is a man who’s so left-wing, he chose to spend his honeymoon in Cuba, the Castros’ island prison. He was in his mid-30s at the time.
You know why Trump praised him? I think he gave the answer when he remarked of de Blasio, “He actually said some very nice things about me at a recent cocktail party, I was told by somebody, and I thought that was very nice.”
Trump’s relationship with Hillary Clinton is pretty well-known. He has praised her to the skies. He has donated to her. Evidently, it was important to him that she attend his wedding, which she did.
Let me get very, very rhetorical here: Shouldn’t the GOP have a nominee who has not been an enthusiast for Hillary Clinton, and a donor to her? Shouldn’t Hillary have, like, an opponent?
Can you imagine the Democrats’ TV ads, showing Trump in full-throated praise of their nominee?
I grant you, “New York values” is awkward for Ted Cruz. In New York. But Cruz is talking to Republicans here — in the primary. And we know damn well what he meant. If Ted is the nominee, I would not count on his winning New York in the fall. And it is unlikely he’ll win the primary this month.
But, you know? I would not bet against him. Your money, maybe, but not mine. Guy finds a way to get his points across. And to get votes.


Iran’s foreign minister said Sunday the Islamic Republic’s missile program is “not open to negotiation” with the United States, directly spurning an overture from Secretary of State John Kerry.


President Barack Obama said the worst mistake of his presidency was a lack of planning for the aftermath of the 2011 toppling of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi.


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Libertarian and proud “capitalist pig” Jonathan Hoenig shut down Eric Bolling’s absurd plan to make Mexico pay for Trump’s wall on his show, “Cashin’ In” yesterday, and it was pretty funny. Watch b…


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There?s a narrative out there that John Kasich has one or more of a few possible ailments or character flaws. Is he too egotistical? Is he delusional? Is he political schizophrenic? Does he s…


Boston Globe creates fake front page nine days after April Fool's, because Donald Trump.


Handouts, revealed in tax filings from Soros's Open Society Foundations, were given to dozens of groups which weighed in on the crisis, and used them to bus protesters around the nation to Missouri.


Good luck doing the Scandinavian Flick in a 60-ton war machine.


Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) told FOX News today that it is likely Donald Trump will win all 95 delegates in the Empire State.


Paul Manafort charged the Ted Cruz campaign with using "Gestapo tactics" to pick up delegates. Chuck Todd confronts Manafort with threats from Roger Stone and asks what is "fair game" to win a delegate.
"You go to his county conventions and you see the Gestapo tactics," Manafort said on Sunday's broadcast of NBC's Meet the Press.
Manafort also elaborated on his increasing role in the Trump campaign.
"There's a transition. It's a natural transition. Trump was doing very well on a model that made sense. But now that the campaign has gotten to the end stages, a more traditional campaign has to take place," Manafort said.


Protest at Ohio State University in Bricker Hall


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In the topsy-turvy race for president, Ted Cruz has emerged as the clear GOP alternative to Donald Trump, but even if he’s won his Senate colleagues’ grudging respect, he isn’t...


West Hollywood Mayor Lindsey Horvath blasted Trump's rhetoric on Muslims, immigrants and women.


Bob Dole said that the Republican Party would suffer “cataclysmic” and “wholesale losses” if Ted Cruz were the Republican nominee, and that Donald J. Trump would fare better.


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Billionaire David Tepper is moving from New Jersey to Florida, and much to New Jersey's dismay, he is taking his tax burden with him.


Mere days after ripping the #NeverTrump movement and calling them "buffoons" for basically agreeing to "passively" help Hillary Clinton, Levin tonight said on