
Nate Silver on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Assuming Trump gets shut out in Colorado, he could win *every* delegate in New York and still project to just 1,199. https://t.co/onw531GsKx”
Donald Trump visited the National Sept. 11 Memorial and Museum in Lower Manhattan Saturday with his wife Melania.
Yet another lie by the Donald is being revealed to be about a million percent false. It comes from this tweet sent last night: The image is deleted because the original tweet has been deleted but h…
Who you vote for this year could make a big difference on how your taxes look in 2017.
In an opinion piece for Salon, radical feminist Camille Paglia tore into her own side over the issue of abortion, which she says has become "an ideological tool ruthlessly exploited by my own party" and about which, she admits, conservatives have the "high moral ground." 
Watch Ted Cruz speak at the Colorado GOP conevention here: We’ll post the entire speech as soon as it’s available!
Why true conservatives are having their best week in recent memory.
Azealia Banks plans to vote for Donald Trump because he is "evil like America is evil."
This video is another example of the Black Lives Matter movement acting as a predatory organization dedicated to suppressing free speech.
It was Christmas Eve 1926, the streets aglitter with snow and lights, when the man afraid of Santa Claus stumbled into the emergency room at New York C ...
Racism, exclusion and radicalization among Muslims in Belgium is actually more of a vicious cycle than you might think
Ted Cruz is dominating the intricate delegate selection process of the Colorado Republican Party, edging closer to a victory at the state's GOP convention Saturday where the last batch of the state's 37 delegates will be awarded.
Trump recently acquired a particularly active sect of Twitter "users."
Justice Sonia Sotomayor says the Supreme Court needs more diversity, amid the politically charged debate about filling a vacancy on the high court.
Trump has to cover up the fact he’s not uniting people behind his candidacy.
A campaign official asked for unlimited contributions to a super PAC.
A third of Republican voters who support Donald Trump could turn their backs on their party in November's presidential election if he is denied the nomination in a contested convention, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll.
The Republican Establishment isn’t even attempting to hide their disregard for Donald Trump and his millions of supporters – supporters who have undeniably expanded the base of the Republican Party itself. That same Establishment fears it could lose control of the primary selection outcome so therefore, is now stacking the deck against Mr. Trump to …
One of the biggest knocks against Donald Trump has been that the country cannot afford someone who requires on-the-job-training. It isn't just the monumental task of learning what it takes to be President. It's also the events that lead up to the election, including the nominating process. For this, Ted Cruz has demonstrated a profoundly higher understanding and it's showing in California.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

“Isn't it a shame that the person who will have by far the most delegates and many millions more votes than anyone else, me, still must fight”
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES If there is one (perhaps two) stupid thing that has risen above all else in this crazy primary season, it’s been the birther accusations leveled against both Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Since Cruz is still standing, he’s the one dealing with the nonsense. It was Donald Trump, despite his lame protestations, who started the birther nonsense about Ted | Read More »
The liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Arizona must continue to issue driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. Despite an executive order from then Gov. Jan Brewer barring the st…

Trump Kids Can't Vote for Dad

Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Ivanka and Eric Trump failed to register as Republicans by the October 2015 deadline.
Three veteran California Republican operatives, Rob Stutzman, Richard Temple and Ray McNally are working to keep Donald Trump from winning any of California's 172 Republican National Convention delegates:
Apparently Bill Clinton is a yuge Bernie Sanders supporter, because he has done more in the past few days to destroy her image among African-Americans than anyone else could. First he yelled at …