At its root is a serious claim that has largely gone unchallenged.
Team Trump is determined to “Make America Crawl Through The Sewer” by pushing the completely unsubstantiated claims through the National Enquirer on their Twitter accounts. Here’s…
Even Trump's most trusted advisors didn't expect him to fare this well. Almost a year ago, recruited for my public relations and public policy expertise, I sat in Trump Tower being told that the goal was to get The Donald to poll in double digits and come in second in delegate count. That was
A wealthy businessman with tea party ties confirmed Sunday that he is mounting a primary challenge to House Speaker Paul D. Ryan, saying that after donating to the Wisconsin Republican’s past campaigns he feels “betrayed” by the speaker on trade deals and immigration.
VIDEO: A video has surfaced online showing a San Francisco State University employee assaulting a white student for "cultural appropriation".
This is fantastic. Carly Fiorina ripped the media tonight for “dancing to Donald Trump’s tune” after they asked Ted Cruz about the National Enquirer tabloid smear against him. I w…
Dozens of protesters entered the Holiday Inn Express on Monday evening as part of an anti-Donald Trump protest.
Three years ago, on the eve of Obamacare’s implementation, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected that President Obama's centerpiece legislation would result in an average of 201 million people having private health insurance in any given month of 2016. Now that 2016 is here, the CBO says that just 177 million people, on average, will have private health insurance in any given month of this year—a shortfall of 24 million people. Indeed, based on the CBO's own numbers, it seems possible that Obamacare has actually reduced the number of people with private health insurance. In 2013, the CBO projected that, without Obamacare, 186 million people would be covered by private health insurance in 2016—160 million on employer-based plans, 26 million on individually purchased plans. The CBO now says that, with Obamacare, 177 million people will be covered by private health insurance in 2016—155 million on employer-based plans, 12 million on plans bought through Obamacare's government-run exchanges, and 9 million on other individually purchased plans (plus a rounding error of 1 million).
German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said he is planning a new law that will require refugees to learn German and integrate into society.
The enemy within that we refuse to confront.


Submitted 8 years ago by ActRight Community

Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet.
Well apparently there are some depths that Ann Coulter cannot plummet to in defending her candidate. And the one that got her goose was when Trump retweeted that attack on Heidi Cruz, comparing a t…
Ron Fournier pointed out tonight how Trump is really quite hypocritical in his threats to sue Ted Cruz over Louisiana delegates. Fournier argued that Trump has always bent the rules, whether it be …
Speaking to the leftist precept of relative truth, Donald Trump surrogate Omarosa Maginault said she would "speak [her] truth," when challenged on a speculative comment she made about Senator Ted Cruz's daughters being distressed about their father’s supposedly unethical presidential campaign.  
RUSH: Who do liberals consider to be their greatest threat? It's us, conservatives. Republicans in some cases. It's not Islam. It's not terrorism. They think they can deal with that. Obama can make deals with Iran. He can make deals with the Ayatollah Khamenei. He can make deals with Hamas. He can make deals with Hezbollah.
The Department of Justice has broken into the phone used by a San Bernardino terrorist without the help of Apple. The FBI says it 'no longer requires the assistance from Apple.'
Is America really no better than ISIS? Who has the moral high ground? And is it that Liberals so often defend an ideology that flies in the face everything t...
Milo Yiannopoulos has triggered Glenn Beck into a Facebook meltdown over Donald Trump.
A comedian was charged with firing a fake gun while filming a movie without a state gun permit.
Glenn Beck weighed in on the Ted Cruz sex scandal on his Monday radio show. Beck said he’ll drop Ted ...
Michelle Obama has created this mythology about her privileged upbringing in which the forces of racism and sexism conspired to hold her back. It’s all bullshit, but somehow slightly more truthful …
CAIR's Islamic terrorism apologist and taqqiya spokesman gets OWNED by the champion of truth Colonel Allen West