The U.S. Justice Department announced Monday it has successfully accessed data stored on the iPhone that belonged to the San Bernardino gunman without Apple's help, ending the court case against the tech company.
Donald Trump's ego wrote a check that his campaign can't cash again; this time, Louisiana delegate lawsuits.
Twenty-seven years ago, Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini called for the death of a British author, giving new fame to Salman Rushdie and infamy to the term “fatwa.”
An alleged gunman was taken into custody after shots were fired Monday afternoon at the tourist-heavy U.S. Capitol Visitor Center – an incident that sent the Capitol complex and the White House into lockdown.
Donald Trump is "losing support from people that like to go with winners and like to cut deals."
A convicted sex offender was the architect of Charlotte, NC's bathroom law
Despite the Donald assuring everyone that he loves women more than anyone, and that they’ll vote for him in droves, the polls say exactly the opposite, and it’s a YUGE problem for him. …
The New York Post reports that key members of Donald Trump's New York state organization were shocked by the Donald's attack on Ted Cruz’s wife:
The first person charged with the Islamic State (IS) Brussels terror attacks is a migrant rights activists and freelance journalist.
After Ted Cruz outright won election day voting in Louisiana, he went on the win the state?s five unbound delegates. Trump barely won Louisiana?s popular vote, due to early voting frenz…
Strong and healthy personal relationships are the root source of all power and privilege. So happy childhoods must go, thanks to privilege theory.
Regulators and other bureaucrats form a fourth branch of government with elements of the other three, but little public influence.
Clash Daily This video is going viral in Europe, but the #NeverTrump folks who refuse to listen to common sense will hate it. If you still support Obama bringing in thousands of Syrian refugees to our borders after watching this, then you will be to blame when something tragic occurs on our homeland: Please share this dire warning with everyone you know.  
Muslims in Europe are not assimilating, and the cost is high.
Donald Trump joined Milwaukee radio host Charlie Sykes this morning, and in a wide-ranging interview, stood by his contention that the NATO alliance is “obsolete” and “extremely expensive for the United States” and that traditional allies actually ripped off U.S. taxpayers. “We are getting ripped off by every other country in NATO,” Trump said this morning. “They pay almost nothing.” The NATO Alliance spent $924 billion in 2014; in the most recent budget deal, the U.S. military budget is slated at $610 billion. There’s a fair argument that European NATO allies need to spend more on defense. They set up a goal of getting each country to spend 2 percent of their gross domestic product on defense, and so far, only five of the 28 members meet that threshold — the U.S., Britain, Estonia, Poland and Greece. But the hyperbolic portrayal of our closest allies as “ripping us off” and their collective $300 billion per year on defense spending as “almost nothing” is typical ill-informed, insulting Trumpism. The world’s third-largest defense budget is . . . the United Kingdom, at $66 billion. France is fifth at $52 billion. Germany ninth $43 billion. Italy, Canada, and Turkey rank 13th, 14th, and 15th. And these are countries with much smaller populations and economies than the United States. Overall, non-U.S. NATO countries make up nine of the 25 largest defense budgets on Earth.
In an interview with Howard Kurtz, the Krauthammer lays out what makes Donald Trump different from Cruz and would make him such a dangerous President. Watch below: The Cabbage-Smasher says that the…
The NOAA has proven with their own data that there actually has been no Global Warming for..not just 2 decades...but for the last 6 decades!!
Whether California lawmakers’ plan to set a $15 an hour minimum wage will provide an economic boost or blow to the nation’s most populous state is dividing experts.
Following official warnings, organizers in Brussels have postponed a planned solidarity rally. European nations have boosted security since the Brussels bombings, with Germany and Belgium arresting several suspects.
Brutal takedown of Donald Trump by Charlie Sykes of RightWisconsin @columbiabugle for more
Cruz was once a director at the Federal Trade Commission. He had a remarkable record of convincing Democrats to vote for conservative principles.
The founder of the fledgling Islamic Association of SA warns a lack of tolerance could spark violence.