“Monkeys don’t plan anything…”
Whether valid or not, an individual’s sex life has come to stand as a marker of trustworthiness.
The March Against Fear was canceled on Easter Sunday. The AFP reported: The organisers of a “March Against Fear” planned ...
Learn more about Ted Cruz: www.tedcruz.org Follow Ted: twitter.com/tedcruz Like Ted: fb.com/tedcruzpage Ted’s Instagram: instragram.com/cruzforpresident Dona...
In The Wall Street Journal, Dr. Paul McHugh writes that a drastic physical change doesn't address underlying psycho-social troubles.
Obamacare barely passed Congress in 2010.
Republican voters are becoming increasingly cynical about the way the election process works in America, according to a Gallup Poll released Friday.
I saw the anti-Trump forces begin to tweet under the hashtag #TrumpLovesPecker hours ago, but it?s just now gotten to trend number one nationally. Now apart from the obvious double entendre t…
Listening to the youth vote doesn't always lead to disaster
MONTGOMERY, Ala. (AP) - A federal judge has permanently struck down an Alabama law that required abortion doctors to obtain admitting privileges at a local hospital.
The ISIS Barbarians Are Already Inside our Gates
Share on Facebook 1 1 SHARES Donald Trump has attacked Ted Cruz roughly a billion times over the last week for having taken out loans from Citibank and Goldman Sachs. Like most everything Trump says, his attacks are short on facts and even shorter on making sense. He claims somehow that Cruz attempted to hide the loans, even though he openly disclosed them on public | Read More »
In the book "Schools On Trial," Nikhil Goyal argues for more freedom and creativity in schools -- but that's not possible if we stick with the same progressive ideas that ruined schools in the first place.
David Dewhurst has made a shock endorsement in the Presidential race!
Obama made clear he has no intention of backing down from his promise to admit 100,000 refugees this year.
President Obama has never taken ISIS seriously, but this has been an especially insightful week to witness his lackadaisical approach to that little nuisance he likes to call the "JV team."
Companies say decision to drop word not due to Christian links (and Easter may be found in small print)
--Donald Trump mocks reporter Serge F. Kovaleski's disability and claims they never met; they have met 12 times https://tribktla.files.wordpress.com/2015/11/...
Ted Cruz attends Insight 2016 and addresses terror, Donald Trump, taxes, trade, Cuba, corruption in Washington DC, and what it means to be a conservative.
Milo Yiannopoulos (journalist) joins Dave Rubin, discussing the recent terror attacks in Brussels. Part of an interview about free speech, Donald Trump, and ...
Department of Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson told an audience today that illegal aliens are “not going away” and are ...
It only takes 10 seconds.
Cruz and Kasich are reaching out to delegates in the hopes of undermining one of the billionaire’s big early victories.
Democrats say the Senate must consider a Supreme Court nomination. But Senate practice and history don't support that claim.
The crack team at the Fusion network’s investigative unit is out with their findings explaining the roots of terrorism rising out of the terrorist hotbed of Molenbeek, Belgium. Apparently, it’s the 40 percent unemployment.